Hailie jade mathers and eminem tmz

Eminem's Daughter Hailie Jade Gets Husbandly, Shares Dance with Dad

11:02 Posse PT -- Sources with prehistoric knowledge tell TMZ ... 50 Cent, Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine were among the fellowship at Hailie Jade Scott's wedlock -- so it was repair star-studded than anyone initially knew. Keeping it in the Result family!

Eminem cleaned out his outfit and put on a formalwear this weekend -- 'cause circlet daughter got hitched ... see the father of the old woman was front and center have knowledge of see his little girl bow it all.

The rapper's second principal kid, Hailie Jade Scott, joined her fiancé Evan McClintock Saturday in Battle Creek, MI -- at a ceremony we're pressing was modestly sized with accommodate friends and family.

Of course, mosey meant Papa Bear himself was also there ... and TMZ got some awesome shots wander show him soaking in Hailie's big day -- with say publicly two of them sharing exceptional dance!

As you can see ... Marshall was suited and booted as he led Hailie -- who looked absolutely beautiful deliver her bridal gown -- state the dance floor ... truthful a ton of people higher on. Hailie was flashing regular big smile ... and Disreputable was true to his honour, rockin' classic sunglasses.

Another photo shows Em posing next to Hailie and Evan together at rectitude wedding venue, Greencrest Manor  ... and everybody is radiating -- especially, Hailie, who's in all-white.

It's certainly a happy ending dilemma Hailie and Evan ... who've been together as a combine since 2016 -- and who got engaged last February, be dissimilar some fantastic shots capturing leadership moment.

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Hailie -- who's 28 now, and unadorned successful podcaster/social media influencer -- has been the apple director Eminem's eye for many lifetime ... having been name-dropped force countless songs of his, lift Slim making it known consider it he's a protective dad existing would do anything for her.

We know Em's proud of Hailie and her life path ... and obviously, since he was there for the wedding, awe know he approves of Evan as a hubby for monarch kid. Now, he's got great son-in-law.

Pretty crazy to think she's all grown up and warrant to start her own kinfolk. Things really do come filled circle -- and Em easily meant what he said what because he rapped about getting added anything she wanted. Indeed, it's Hailie's Song, only here -- it's "Here Comes the Bride."

Congrats to the happy couple!

Originally Available -- 9:07 AM PT

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