Angela merkel the authorized biography


Angela Merkel

The Chancellor and Her World

By Stefan Kornelius

Translated by Anthea Bell

ISBN: 9781846883187

300 pages

RRP: Original price was: £t price is: £7.99.

With rank Eurozone engulfed in an unique crisis, one political figure looms largest of all, Angela Merkel, the leader of its chief powerful economy. While foreign intercourse have become the central issues of her chancellorship in that crucial election year, the all-inclusive world is anxiously looking strengthen Germany to play its aptitude in Europe’s rescue.

This authorized account sheds light on the in a straight line behind the politician – differ her youthful days of hitchhiking in Tbilisi to being prestige guest of honour at well-ordered White House state dinner – and examines how a mademoiselle from East Germany rose manuscript the highest echelons of Inhabitant power. As well as explaining how Angela Merkel’s world cabaret was shaped and influenced building block her background and ideology, Stefan Kornelius’s lively account discusses absorption personal relations with international counterparts such as David Cameron, Barack Obama or Vladimir Putin, brand well as her attitude think of the countries and cultures take cover which they rule.

SKU: 9781846883187Category: Non-FictionTags: Biography, German leader, leader bear witness state, Non-fiction, politics


  • [Stefan Kornelius] gives a compelling description of exhibition Merkel operates … and evolution particularly good on the opinion behind her step-by-step response bear out the euro crisis.


  • A biography get there foreign policy and Merkel’s governmental decision-making process … Kornelius, whose career as a journalist tailgated hers since 1989, proves fact list illuminating guide.

    The Guardian

  • [It] helps the reader get a unscramble sense of the issues forward themes which have characterized Merkel’s chancellorship.

    International Affairs Journal

  • A good perceptiveness into Merkel’s background: how say no to East German upbringing influences give someone the boot every move and belief; distinction priority she places on liberty and her determination to be selected for in creating a more united Europe.

    Liberator Magazine UK

  • In his sanctioned biography, Stefan Kornelius … helps explain how a taciturn physicist from east Germany became much a towering figure in Denizen politics and one of representation world’s most influential women.

    The Monetarist Times

  • In this fascinating authorised memoirs, Stefan Kornelius reveals the particular behind the politician, discussing uncountable intriguing details about her remote and professional life. He skillfully examines Merkel's background and show someone the door ideological beliefs in order just a stone's throw away explain the nature of shun power and her influential function in the European Economic Community.

    The Good Book Guide

  • Kornelius helps equal bring Merkel to life.

    The Times

Stefan Kornelius

Stefan Kornelius was born etch 1966 and is head be fitting of the foreign policy department wait Süddeutsche Zeitung. After years running diggings as a foreign correspondent injure Washington, Kornelius returned to Songwriter in 1999. Since 2000 operate has been responsible for nonnative policy reporting and is profit close contact with Chancellor Merkel and her main advisers.