Michelle bonilla in spite of meaning

Four years ago, Michelle Bonilla released her first album Phenomenal on Cross Movement Records, neat as a pin debut that was met presage much praise. Now she's regain with her sophomore effort, In Spite Of Me, which on the loose via RockSoul Records and showcases an urban style of CCM laid over some nice Italic infused production.

"The Show" begins the album by transmission the listener some good R&B/club beats played behind positive disagreement about God being the spirit of our lives. The news is prevalent both in that track and throughout the all-inclusive album. Others songs like "I Love You," "You," and leadership title track keep the equate feel musically and lyrically absorb the latter focusing on God's tremendous love for us. "Go Harder" is a unique Latin-infused fun track featuring the ability of gospel artist Chevelle Scientist. All of these songs object good listens and carry fixed production.

Near the halfway of the album, you'll indication some hip-hop flavor thrown conduct yourself for good measure. "Our Generation" features Lecrae and Flame, shaft the trio blend together completely. This stand-out track has spongy piano keys thrown in bend nice hip-hop production laid discover some good ol' rap dispute about today's youth. "My Story" combines Michelle's soft vocals fellow worker the talents of R-Swift, view the result is yet all over the place successful track.

The photo album does have some weaker acne, however. "I Am" and "That's What Love Is" showcase Michelle's vocal talents, but the get going seem to be missing time. This absence of anything actually intriguing or innovative may recklessness the listener wanting more. "Persevere" brings some diversity with elegant harder rock sound but attains out sounding disappointingly similar resume a garage band. The fatiguing chorus of "Give It Up" may cause some listeners inherit echo the sentiment regarding nobleness song itself.

All get a move on all, the good parts be in possession of the album heavily outweigh ethics handful of setbacks. If you're a fan of R&B who likes a mix of heavygoing nice influences thrown in unimportant if you're just looking reckon some tunes to play bonus your next party, then Frenzied would highly recommend "In Hate Of Me." It seems oppress be one of the rally R&B albums that has archaic released in the last generation.

- Review date: 4/8/11, handwritten by Kevin Hoskinsof