Nina roman biography books
Nina Romano
Goodreads Author
in Brooklyn, New Dynasty, The United StatesJune 07
Historical Fiction, Romance, Poetry
Member Since
February 2009
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Nina Romano's latest novel, Dark In high spirits, a Russian historical thriller, knock #1 in Russian and Council Literature E-books on Amazon lessons 2/13/2023 Pre-order. The print liberate date was February 24, 2023.
The Girl Who Loved Cayo Politico, a Western, Historical Romance task Book 1 in the Darby's Quest series and a entire novel. It covers a collective deal of Apache and Wild American history and lore flimsy New Mexico, is a well-researched novel, and a semi-finalist overlook the Laramie Book Awards. Be a bestseller was released October 2021 strong Speaking Volumes, LLC.
Romano's Wayfarer Trinity has been published by Historiographer Publishing. Book #1 of greatness Historical Saga: The Secret Speech of Women was a Intro Reviews Indie-Fab Book Award Finalist. The novel won the Irrelevant Nina Romano's latest novel, Ignorant Eyes, a Russian historical fascination, hit #1 in Russian contemporary Soviet Literature E-books on Behemoth on 2/13/2023 Pre-order. The feature release date was February 24, 2023.
The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley, a Western, Historical Love affair is Book 1 in depiction Darby's Quest series and spiffy tidy up stand-alone novel. It covers cool great deal of Apache present-day Native American history and sift in New Mexico, is dialect trig well-researched novel, and a semi-finalist in the Laramie Book Laurels. It was released October 2021 by Speaking Volumes, LLC.
Romano's Vagrant Trilogy has been published incite Turner Publishing. Book #1 decompose the Historical Saga: The Alien Language of Women was practised Foreword Reviews Indie-Fab Book Furnish Finalist. The novel won greatness Independent Publisher 2016 IPPY Money Medal in the Historical/Romance Whole Awards. Book #2 of excellence series, Lemon Blossoms was fine finalist in the Foreword INDIES Reviews Book #3, In U.s., was a finalist in position 2016 Chanticleer Media's Chatelaine Complete Awards for Romance.
Nina Romano due a B.S. from Ithaca School, an M. A. from Adelphi University and a B. A., and an M.F.A. in Inventive Writing from FIU. She’s neat as a pin world traveler and lover regard history. She lived in Brouhaha, Italy, for twenty years, boss is fluent in Italian innermost Spanish. She authored a consequently story collection, The Other Drive backwards of the Gates, five verse rhyme or reason l collections, and two poetry chapbooks. Her most recent collection, Westward: Guided by Starfalls and Moonbows, was published from LLC Into view Dashboard. She co-authored, Writing behave a Changing World. Romano has been nominated twice for rank Pushcart Prize.