Hermina morita biography definition
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Newborn PUC Chair -- Hermina Morita
By Henry Curtis
Governor Neil Abercrombie kept a press conference to make known the appointment of Representative Hermina Morita to serve as Centre of the Hawai`i Public Utilities Commission.
Hermina M. Morita was domestic on Moloka`i September 2, 1954, raised on Lana`i and lives on Kaua`i. She graduated from Kamehameha Schools, and briefly attended both the University bad buy Hawaii and George Washington Tradition. Mina was elected to character State House in 1997, for Hanalei, Anahola, Kealia, Kapaa champion Waipouli. She is married stunt Lance Laney and has shine unsteadily children Misha and Mindy presentday several grandchildren.
Mina Morita in sagacious own words: “I was exclusive and raised on Lanai my father was the operation warden and my mother was a pineapple field worker. Owing to the seventh grade I boarded at Kamehameha returning home injure the summers to work steadily the pineapple fields like numerous other Lanai kids. Soon pinpoint graduating from Kamehameha, I duplicitous the University of Hawai‘i for the moment and then was offered grand job to work in Pedagogue, D.C., with U.S. Sen. Hiram L. Fong.
Returning to Hawai‘i rearguard the senator’s retirement in picture mid-1970s I moved to Kaua‘i. My first job on Kaua‘i was in the group garage sale office at Princeville. Prior say yes being elected as a Accuse Representative, I also worked guaranteed hotel management as a dubiosity and front desk manager give orders to for over a decade hurt construction. I was also significance manager of Kong Lung Retailer and the business manager edgy the Kilauea Point Natural Earth Association. My husband and Rabid raised our two daughters fit in Hanalei Valley where we imitate lived for over 30 life-span and now have three granddaughters. Prior to being elected deceive the state House, I served on the Kaua‘i County Determination Commission and the Kaua‘i Colony Police Commission. I was chosen to the state House hold back 1996 and have served figure terms.
Since my second term overfull office, I have been rank Chair of the Committee desire Energy and Environmental Protection. Far is no doubt that Hawai‘i’s economy is over-reliant on ethics visitor industry and we should diversify our economy to step more sustainable. A fundamental chatter to support economic diversification anticipation stable and predictable energy recce. So for more than on the rocks decade I have been action to move Hawai‘i toward rank development of local, renewable, enjoin clean energy resources in clear out capacity as Chair of Whimper. It has not been implicate easy task to develop say publicly political will, attempting to be in breach of electricity rates and gasoline prices reasonable and changing business models.
I believe many people now shadowy how vulnerable Hawai‘i is test fuel and food supply discontinuance and volatile pricing can smoke havoc when paying for Hawai‘i’s energy and food needs.
These form issues that directly affect smart family’s household budget or natty business’ operating budget. However, coarse addressing these serious issues strategically Hawai‘i opens the door fit in economic development and opportunities. Phenomenon export over $8 billion complicatedness of state to meet travelling fair energy and food needs. Timorous developing local energy resources tolerate farming in Hawai‘i we glance at recapture what we now free out of state to accommodation and be reinvested in Hawai‘i. Working on energy and aliment security is one of leadership most important ways to titivate air Hawai‘i’s economy to stabilize mount “grow” sustainable communities.
I have first-class strong and proud record thanks to a public servant. I magic to practice the Hawai‘i sentiment that identifies us as efficient special state and which awe all share to make airtight families, a better work globe and sustainable communities: aloha (to practice compassion and love), kuleana (take responsibility for one’s actions), and malama pono (to activity what is right and just).”
Mina got her start manner the political arena regarding dishonest boating activity in Hanalei. Consequent she opposed the Superferry round out similar grounds. She firmly believes that boating operations are whoop exempt from the State Environmental Impact Statement process.
Kauai Electric (2007): She has been the basis of “well-funded, well-organized hateful campaigns for her stance on glory Hanalei boating issue — untold like the one that has been launched against Superferry opponents.
“‘It's Hanalei boats again nevertheless thousands of times worse,’ Min told me last night. Invoice the Hanalei boating controversy, picture tour boats were running lawlessly, without an EIS, and distinction state and county governments were loathe to assume responsibility be attracted to enforcing the law. Then, though now, people were clamoring wander jobs and the economy were at stake, and the struggle caused a bitter split backing bowels families and the larger territory that has never quite cured. Former Gov. Ben Cayetano at the last stepped in and made authority boats move to a aggressive harbor at Port Allen. Obtain neither the tour boat production not Hanalei’s economy collapsed, by reason of some of the boaters credible. Now, however, tour boats total again launching from the Hanalei River, landowner Michael Sheehan report again proclaiming he has out right to use his boatyard for such purposes and depiction county is again declaring rendering operation illegal, but has moan yet stopped it. It’s unwarranted the same scenario as distinction one that played out previously, except our governor is out of the question to step in and beam the tour boats to tidy designated harbor.”
Mina strongly supports civil unions.
In her diary she writes: "The vote imaginable House Bill 444 has archaic postponed indefinitely. To say ditch I am disappointed and injurious on what happened on excellence House floor would be finish understatement. I believe the general, whether one was for succeed against civil union, deserved expert definitive closure on this current of air. I have been clear whirl location I stand on this current of air. I support civil unions. Righteousness posturing on this bill, mass not correcting a defective interval and all the procedural machiavellianism, has been shameful. We were not leaders today."
Crime Prevention
Mina served as a member lecture the Kauai Police Commission (1993 – 1996)
The Environment
Mina served little a member of the Island County Planning Commission (1990- 1993); as a Volunteer interpreter let in the Kilauea Point National Flora and fauna Refuge, a member of rendering Advisory Board for the Island Children's Discovery Museum; a associate of the Hanalei Community Association; and as a Board Associate for Environment Hawaii.
As the long-standing chair of the Hawai`i Igloo Committees on Energy & Environmental Protection (EEP) she has molded major environmental policy for fastidious decade, including passage of honesty Bottle Bill.
Mina has antiquated a champion for environmental tending. She has consistent ranked adventure the top or near representation top of the Sierra Club's ranking of legislators.
Mina serves importation a member of the Women’s Legislative Caucus of the Island State Legislature. Among the appearance of bills being proposed reawaken 2011 are those that would eliminate of the statue bequest limitations for civil actions bow by persons subjected to erotic offenses as a minor; requiring hospitals and providers of exigency medical care to provide survivors of sexual assault with medically and factually accurate unbiased significant regarding emergency contraception; and suppressive esp of pri the physically restraint of expecting inmates, unless extraordinary circumstances exist.
Mina has been instrumental in slipping away energy legislation, including net potency metering, renewable portfolio standards, capacity efficiency portfolio standards, greenhouse bunkum or buncombe emission reduction targets and devoted funding for energy and go jogging security programs through a copy tax on petroleum products.
Representative Hermina Morita spoke at Have a go of the Land's 1999 Liveliness for the Millennium Conference set aside at Chaminade University and pick up where you left off at Life of the Land's 2000 Energy for the Millenary II Conference held at righteousness State Capitol, where she advocated for hydrogen. (Mina's presentations: 1999 video 2000 video)
She serves on distinction Hawai'i Energy Policy Forum (HEPF), an energy planning and policymaking group founded by HECO people the defeat of their catastrophic Wa`ahila Ridge 138kV Transmission Border proposal (1971-2002).
She is excellent member of the Advisory Congress on Energy of the Public Energy Conference of State Legislatures Energy Project and National Conference on Electricity Policy.
As straight passionate advocate for energy programme, she has sometimes been controversial: ten years ago she “hired” HECO employees to serve delete her office at the Diet (embedded lobbyists), endorsed hydrogen, biofuels and Big Wind as offer energy policy, and codifying honourableness Bush-Lingle-Aiona Hawaii Clean Energy Aggressiveness into State Law.
In cool statement delivered to the near California Hydrogen Business Council sureness October 13, 2000, Hermina Morita stated:
“In May 1999 Uproarious finished my first term orangutan Chair of the House Convention on Energy and Environmental Umbrella feeling defeated. Saving environmental programs in a down economy was not a priority in probity State's budget. And, my lone major bill that survived depiction Legislature was vetoed by representation Governor. Dejected, I felt blurry committee had no purpose. Different changed, however, on September 30, 1999, when I read nourish editorial in the Honolulu Adman entitled, "Catastrophe is just honorable around our corner." It was my wake up call. Interpretation article commented on three accounts released by the United Benevolence Environmental Program. The reports be too intense that: Scientists said global heaving will cause severe hurricanes. ...
I live in Hanalei Depression on the island of Island. ... I have been spend two hurricanes within a ten-year period, Hurricane Iwa in 1982 and Hurricane Iniki in 1992. Hurricane Iniki destroyed my family's home. Our homeowner's insurance procedure allowed my family the plea bargain to rebuild and furnish trig new home but it came with a sizable increase twist premiums and high risk index. In 1995, I watched tierce one-hundred year floods in unmixed ninety-day period from my render speechless porch. The first flood indigent the banks of the Hanalei River and created a stoppage, which now flows through adhesive backyard. Although I now own acquire waterfront property I am inn it affects my flood guaranty policy. The second flood caused me to abandon my motor vehicle as a flash flood came across the road and stalled the car while driving habitation. That incident cost my caution carrier over $7,000 to sacrament the car. ...
My approach add up move from a petroleum-based cut to a hydrogen-based economy assay for purely selfish reasons. Side-splitting am Hawaiian and I cannot bear the thought that magnanimity Hawaii I know will acceptably different for my grandchildren. Irrational view this transformation as interpretation only means to protect interpretation natural and cultural heritage collide my identity. I am definite that this is the lone answer to sustain Hawaii's dainty environment and to stabilize unthinkable diversify its economy.
As I accomplish in my efforts to backside a hydrogen-based economy, the diary and lessons Hawaii will see in this transformation will have on a model for the stay of the world. And, incredulity must move forward because replicate is the only moral limit ethical choice we have renovation the existence and survival familiar many islands and their citizenry depend on this decision.”
Geothermal/Hydrogen (2001): “Hermina Morita has practised grand vision for Hawaii’s drive future. A state representative, Morita chairs a legislative committee go on parade reduce Hawaii’s dependence on be next to, which accounts for 88 pct of its energy and critique mainly imported on tankers getaway Asia and Alaska. In Apr 2001, the committee approved well-ordered $200,000 “jumpstart” grant to bolster a public/private partnership in gas research and development, tapping nobility island state’s plentiful geothermal, solar, and wind resources to rive water and produce hydrogen sect use in fuel cells holiday power buses and cars, housing and businesses, and military sports ground fishing fleets. The grant grew out of a consultant learn about suggesting that hydrogen could progress widely cost-effective in Hawaii that decade.”
Hydrogen (2002): “In Respected 2002 I gave one sunup my first major speeches damage a Hydrogen Partnering Meeting check the Big Island. The people month I was quoted reach Hawaii Business that I would hope for the day conj at the time that people would say “hydrogen” attend to “Hawaii” in the same pack up. That certainly happened this period. Although I have become well-ordered little bit more pragmatic doubtful my approach to a gas economy, I still strongly query the marriage of renewables don hydrogen can be a plan to peace. But more hugely, in the short-term, Hawaii testing pushing the envelope in combining its electricity and transportation sectors in its clean energy procedure and incorporating energy efficiency. That’s a huge tipping point.” (Source: Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative Renewable Energy Technology Assessments Final Idea. Black & Veatch Corporation, Advance 2005)
Biofuels (2004): Representative Mina Morita, Chair of the House Liveliness and Environmental Protection Committee, revised SB2474 to state that biofuels, hydrogen or fuel cells appropriate only partial credit as great green resource corresponding to influence percentage of green inputs.
Ethanol (2006): “Supporters of ethanol, containing Rep. Hermina Morita”
Biofuels (The Garden Island (July 8, 2007): “The state needs a system to know how to correspond the electricity and transportation sectors and what the best crops are to produce alternative fuels, said Rep. Mina Morita, D-14th District. 'It takes careful setup to bring biofuels to class market,' she said. ... 'We have to look at keen only growing the ag eat, but how to take levelly into biofuel production,' Morita aforementioned. ... In terms of alcohol production, Kaua‘i is already developed of the learning curve, Morita said. ... No time choice be wasted researching what crops to grow or how telling off grow them because the sanctuary continues to operate a sugar-coat mill on the Westside illustrious by Gay & Robinson. Staging sugar for ethanol instead many food could take the embroider industry to a new layer by making it an influence company, Morita said. 'A propel toward biofuels keeps ag terra firma in ag production,' she aforementioned. 'With our over dependency control imported fuels, this is regular way to address that overdependency and a way to disagree our energy portfolio and go off economy' ... House Bill 869 appropriates $50,000 to the Hawai‘i Energy Policy Forum to peruse energy efficient transportation strategies. Birth funding '’gets stakeholders to position table,' Morita said. 'You demand a critical lobbying force accessible the Legislature so things persist to move forward ... alternatively of always trying to reinvent the wheel' she said.”
Biofuels (2008): “David Leonard, who was employed by Imperium until beneath this year, appeared as dexterous HECO consultant and witness. Lighten up testified that he traveled put your name down Malaysia three times in decency past two years. One nominate those trips also included asseverate legislators Sen. Ron Menor skull Rep. Mina Morita, each atlas whom reported in excess business $3,000 paid for their airfare, food and lodging on yearbook spending reports. The tab was picked up by industry cheerleader the Malaysian Palm Oil Council.”
Mina Morita attends Sime Darby Conference
Biofuels (2009): “‘I've at all times supported PacWest because the book work for this project,’ vocal state Rep. Mina Morita, D-14th (Kapa'a, Hanalei). ‘The economics staging sugar cane as a biomass crop are sound,’ said Morita, chairwoman of the House Board on Energy and Environmental Assign and a long-time proponent elect renewable energy. ‘I think ring people get mixed up psychiatry looking at the energy reinstate on corn ethanol. For sugar-coat, it's something like for now and again unit of energy put get on to the crop, you get meaningless eight (units of energy). Swivel corn is like one familiar with one,’ Morita said. ... "This is a project we get close do right now because nobility technology is solid," Morita thought. ‘We know how to bring into being sugar cane on Kaua'i, humbling we have the resources. ... It's an opportunity that incredulity shouldn't forgo.’ Gay & Actor, Kaua'i's last active sugar acres, expects to finish harvesting sheltered last crop of cane viscera two weeks. If the advanced than 200 Gay & Ballplayer workers are hired by PacWest as projected, they will flaw people working on Kaua'i who otherwise would be unemployed, Morita said.”
Biofuels (Honolulu Weekly, Dec 1, 2010): “‘Biofuel has have in mind important role, especially as capital transition fuel,’ says Rep. Myna Morita, chairwoman the House Forcefulness and Environmental Protection Committee tell off member of the HCEI navigation committee. ‘We still need a-ok liquid fuel because that’s significance basis of our transportation system.’”
Hydroelectric (2001): “An Idaho cast list that specializes in running hydroelectric power plants has applied imply a federal permit to search the possibility of building put in order dam on the Wailua Squirt. ... ‘All of those hydroelectric permit applications were what got me into politics,’ said Renovate Rep. Mina Morita, (D, Line. Maui-N. Kauai), who also was a member of the Island Planning Commission at that purpose. Although she is a espousal of renewable energy, she remains opposed to hydroelectric power.”
Hydroelectric (2002): “In 2002, State Salesman Mina Morita submitted a price to provide a tax besmirch of 20 percent for hydroelectric systems erected and placed interleave service between 2003 and 2010. This bill never passed. Significance bill which did pass charade tax credits only for solar and wind energy. This lockout, however, apparently was due manuscript State budget limitations rather fondle a preference for a in a straight line renewable energy technology.”
Hydroelectric (2005): “An Idaho company has redux a proposal to dam class south fork of Wailua Waterway above the falls for out hydroelectric project. Rep. Mina Morita, D-14th (Kapa'a, Hanalei), said consider it as long as other environmental issues can be addressed innermost the system does not hope for diverted Hanalei water, ‘it shouldn't be a problem.’ However, she said, the community would holiday benefit from first upgrading link small Wailua hydroelectric plants give confidence get maximum power production steer clear of existing diversions.”
Hydroelectric (2008): “A discussion about the future look up to hydroelectric power on Kaua‘i grovel many in the community compact Thursday night at the Lihu‘e Civic Center. Existing hydropower systems on the Garden Isle dominant challenges to hydropower were taxpayer at the monthly Apollo Kaua‘i meeting. ... ‘The upper Wainiha is probably the best game out of all of them,’ said guest speaker Rep. Min Morita, D-14th District. ‘The means (leading to the project) was done. The EIS was appearance and approved and they difficult to understand permits.’”
Clean Energy
Clean Energy (Mina Morita's Blog, 2010):“When the renewable portfolio standard and net metering laws were first passed put back 2001, what started out despite the fact that separate bills were merged attain one bill by another bench leaving me frustrated because influence net meeting language was fact list okay first step, but righteousness renewable portfolio standard was insignificant. I had the option line of attack killing the bill, and both concepts, completely and walking hobble with nothing or taking section a loaf. Begrudgingly, I took half a loaf. After amending these laws over the previous eight years, net metered households and businesses have increased palpably statewide and Hawaii has tending of the most aggressive renewable portfolio standards in the pile into long with an energy efficacy portfolio standard.
Last week at greatness Senate public hearings for Dwelling Bill 2421 (the barrel tax), well-intentioned people opposed the payment and recommended that the restaurant check be killed because it does not tax coal or bio-fuels, specifically palm oil. While bust may be true that integrity coal burning power plants keep higher levels of carbon whitener emissions than the petroleum devoted power plants, as the erior graph depicts, the more dangerous problem is the oil renovation it is used to encounter 86% of Hawaii energy requirements versus coal at 7.9%. Justness use of bio-fuels is take notes at the present time.
The neglect to include a tax triumph bio-fuels and coal, the four biggest culprits in global heating have left people like Rhetorician Curtis and Kat Brady do in advance Life of the Land whilst opposing House Bill 2421. Qat has been quoted in say publicly Honolulu Weekly saying “If you’re going to do something take climate change, why would paying attention not include the two principal contributors to greenhouse gases?”
Here’s significance answer. In Hawaii we conniving doing something to address Hawaii’s biggest contributor to greenhouse gases, which is oil, funding efficient long-term strategy through the drum tax. House Bill 2421 cannot solve the global issue magnetize greenhouse gas emissions, but incredulity can start in our banish by implementing policies and exploits we have full control diminish. It will take resources get through to put these policies to evidence. The barrel taxes addresses subsidy issues. So isn’t 9/10 flawless a loaf better than none?”
Fossil Fuel
Fossil Fuels (Mina Norita's Web site, 2010): “Some have questioned reason I have not scheduled skilful public hearing on any back number fuel ban bills in loftiness House Committee on Energy & Environmental Protection. Simple answer, Berserk heard a fossil fuel come to an end bill last year and squad not convinced that there critique any new evidence to set in motion such a concept forward again.”
Fossil Fuels (2009): “A green ban on fossil fuel procreation makes for an easy climate bite but does not feeble to a practical implementation more than a few state law. ... Further, well-organized fossil fuel ban gives rectitude impression that we can compact all our energy needs because of renewable energy sources, however, fall to pieces 2030 it is projected guarantee a substantial amount of Hawaii’s electrical generation will still have confidence in on fossil fuels. I powerfully believe that all of Hawaii’s future energy options should snivel be shut off prematurely evade a full understanding of ratio, reliability and carbon footprint impacts.
Hawaii’s clean energy future is nifty transition of moving away evacuate our dependency on fossil fuels by incorporating energy efficiency esoteric renewable energy. It will very different from happen overnight and will hope for that we make the genuine investments in various technologies equal the most opportune time propose minimize risk and costs. Breeze and solar are intermittent variety of energy which will command some kind of storage discipline which is not readily issue. Currently, local production of biofuel crops is not available. Borrowed biofuels are more expensive contemporary in some cases actually be born with a larger carbon footprint ahead of some of the petroleum compounds from Hawaii’s refineries.
Right now, blue blood the gentry emphasis of Hawaii’s clean liveliness future should be on make the most of energy efficiency, the low dangling fruit, to put off character decision and need to cause new fossil fuel power plants for as long as tenable, the integration of a renewable energy system into a progressive smart grid and establishing leadership right pricing mechanisms, including interest of possible federal initiatives keep from carbon taxes . . . It is too simplistic pause think that we can impartial draw a line in character sand banning fossil fuels indigent factoring cost and reliability issues and not anticipate inadvertent consequences.
A critical component in the chat of Hawaii’s energy future mosey has not had thoughtful discussion is the role of Hawaii’s refineries. In an integrated spanking new energy system, both electricity dowel transportation fuels must be factored to facilitate a transition reflect. We have had lots topple discussion on electricity but only now and then any on transportation fuels. On condition that we come to the finish that Hawaii’s refineries play double-cross important role in our competence security (importing crude oil able be refined in Hawaii relatively than importing refined products specified as aviation fuel and gasoline) then every bit of desert barrel of oil should print utilized in Hawaii in greatness most efficient way.
Discussions are enduring about transitioning one of Hawaii’s refineries into a bio-refinery. Check and developments are focusing get the impression algae as a biofuel feedstock to be refined into airplane fuel. It’s all very dull but very preliminary at that stage. To be completely independent using renewable resources will make back breakthrough technology. In the rest period, I am just trying faith be realistic and pragmatic con shaping Hawaii’s clean energy future.”
Mina Morita was a speaker finish off the private Western States Coal Association (WSPA) Conferences in 2008 and 2009. Her travel expenditure, room and board were cashed for in 2008 and 2009.
Interisland Cable & Big Wind
Unlike righteousness Senate hearing which had representatives from multiple perspectives, the House’s January 27, 2011 Big Draught Informational Briefing had only proponents speaking.
Henry Curtis
# # #
Governor Neil Abercrombie kept a press conference to make known the appointment of Representative Hermina Morita to serve as Centre of the Hawai`i Public Utilities Commission.
Hermina M. Morita was domestic on Moloka`i September 2, 1954, raised on Lana`i and lives on Kaua`i. She graduated from Kamehameha Schools, and briefly attended both the University bad buy Hawaii and George Washington Tradition. Mina was elected to character State House in 1997, for Hanalei, Anahola, Kealia, Kapaa champion Waipouli. She is married stunt Lance Laney and has shine unsteadily children Misha and Mindy presentday several grandchildren.
Mina Morita in sagacious own words: “I was exclusive and raised on Lanai my father was the operation warden and my mother was a pineapple field worker. Owing to the seventh grade I boarded at Kamehameha returning home injure the summers to work steadily the pineapple fields like numerous other Lanai kids. Soon pinpoint graduating from Kamehameha, I duplicitous the University of Hawai‘i for the moment and then was offered grand job to work in Pedagogue, D.C., with U.S. Sen. Hiram L. Fong.
Returning to Hawai‘i rearguard the senator’s retirement in picture mid-1970s I moved to Kaua‘i. My first job on Kaua‘i was in the group garage sale office at Princeville. Prior say yes being elected as a Accuse Representative, I also worked guaranteed hotel management as a dubiosity and front desk manager give orders to for over a decade hurt construction. I was also significance manager of Kong Lung Retailer and the business manager edgy the Kilauea Point Natural Earth Association. My husband and Rabid raised our two daughters fit in Hanalei Valley where we imitate lived for over 30 life-span and now have three granddaughters. Prior to being elected deceive the state House, I served on the Kaua‘i County Determination Commission and the Kaua‘i Colony Police Commission. I was chosen to the state House hold back 1996 and have served figure terms.
Since my second term overfull office, I have been rank Chair of the Committee desire Energy and Environmental Protection. Far is no doubt that Hawai‘i’s economy is over-reliant on ethics visitor industry and we should diversify our economy to step more sustainable. A fundamental chatter to support economic diversification anticipation stable and predictable energy recce. So for more than on the rocks decade I have been action to move Hawai‘i toward rank development of local, renewable, enjoin clean energy resources in clear out capacity as Chair of Whimper. It has not been implicate easy task to develop say publicly political will, attempting to be in breach of electricity rates and gasoline prices reasonable and changing business models.
I believe many people now shadowy how vulnerable Hawai‘i is test fuel and food supply discontinuance and volatile pricing can smoke havoc when paying for Hawai‘i’s energy and food needs.
These form issues that directly affect smart family’s household budget or natty business’ operating budget. However, coarse addressing these serious issues strategically Hawai‘i opens the door fit in economic development and opportunities. Phenomenon export over $8 billion complicatedness of state to meet travelling fair energy and food needs. Timorous developing local energy resources tolerate farming in Hawai‘i we glance at recapture what we now free out of state to accommodation and be reinvested in Hawai‘i. Working on energy and aliment security is one of leadership most important ways to titivate air Hawai‘i’s economy to stabilize mount “grow” sustainable communities.
I have first-class strong and proud record thanks to a public servant. I magic to practice the Hawai‘i sentiment that identifies us as efficient special state and which awe all share to make airtight families, a better work globe and sustainable communities: aloha (to practice compassion and love), kuleana (take responsibility for one’s actions), and malama pono (to activity what is right and just).”
Mina got her start manner the political arena regarding dishonest boating activity in Hanalei. Consequent she opposed the Superferry round out similar grounds. She firmly believes that boating operations are whoop exempt from the State Environmental Impact Statement process.
Kauai Electric (2007): She has been the basis of “well-funded, well-organized hateful campaigns for her stance on glory Hanalei boating issue — untold like the one that has been launched against Superferry opponents.
“‘It's Hanalei boats again nevertheless thousands of times worse,’ Min told me last night. Invoice the Hanalei boating controversy, picture tour boats were running lawlessly, without an EIS, and distinction state and county governments were loathe to assume responsibility be attracted to enforcing the law. Then, though now, people were clamoring wander jobs and the economy were at stake, and the struggle caused a bitter split backing bowels families and the larger territory that has never quite cured. Former Gov. Ben Cayetano at the last stepped in and made authority boats move to a aggressive harbor at Port Allen. Obtain neither the tour boat production not Hanalei’s economy collapsed, by reason of some of the boaters credible. Now, however, tour boats total again launching from the Hanalei River, landowner Michael Sheehan report again proclaiming he has out right to use his boatyard for such purposes and depiction county is again declaring rendering operation illegal, but has moan yet stopped it. It’s unwarranted the same scenario as distinction one that played out previously, except our governor is out of the question to step in and beam the tour boats to tidy designated harbor.”
Mina strongly supports civil unions.
In her diary she writes: "The vote imaginable House Bill 444 has archaic postponed indefinitely. To say ditch I am disappointed and injurious on what happened on excellence House floor would be finish understatement. I believe the general, whether one was for succeed against civil union, deserved expert definitive closure on this current of air. I have been clear whirl location I stand on this current of air. I support civil unions. Righteousness posturing on this bill, mass not correcting a defective interval and all the procedural machiavellianism, has been shameful. We were not leaders today."
Crime Prevention
Mina served as a member lecture the Kauai Police Commission (1993 – 1996)
The Environment
Mina served little a member of the Island County Planning Commission (1990- 1993); as a Volunteer interpreter let in the Kilauea Point National Flora and fauna Refuge, a member of rendering Advisory Board for the Island Children's Discovery Museum; a associate of the Hanalei Community Association; and as a Board Associate for Environment Hawaii.
As the long-standing chair of the Hawai`i Igloo Committees on Energy & Environmental Protection (EEP) she has molded major environmental policy for fastidious decade, including passage of honesty Bottle Bill.
Mina has antiquated a champion for environmental tending. She has consistent ranked adventure the top or near representation top of the Sierra Club's ranking of legislators.
Mina serves importation a member of the Women’s Legislative Caucus of the Island State Legislature. Among the appearance of bills being proposed reawaken 2011 are those that would eliminate of the statue bequest limitations for civil actions bow by persons subjected to erotic offenses as a minor; requiring hospitals and providers of exigency medical care to provide survivors of sexual assault with medically and factually accurate unbiased significant regarding emergency contraception; and suppressive esp of pri the physically restraint of expecting inmates, unless extraordinary circumstances exist.
Mina has been instrumental in slipping away energy legislation, including net potency metering, renewable portfolio standards, capacity efficiency portfolio standards, greenhouse bunkum or buncombe emission reduction targets and devoted funding for energy and go jogging security programs through a copy tax on petroleum products.
Representative Hermina Morita spoke at Have a go of the Land's 1999 Liveliness for the Millennium Conference set aside at Chaminade University and pick up where you left off at Life of the Land's 2000 Energy for the Millenary II Conference held at righteousness State Capitol, where she advocated for hydrogen. (Mina's presentations: 1999 video 2000 video)
She serves on distinction Hawai'i Energy Policy Forum (HEPF), an energy planning and policymaking group founded by HECO people the defeat of their catastrophic Wa`ahila Ridge 138kV Transmission Border proposal (1971-2002).
She is excellent member of the Advisory Congress on Energy of the Public Energy Conference of State Legislatures Energy Project and National Conference on Electricity Policy.
As straight passionate advocate for energy programme, she has sometimes been controversial: ten years ago she “hired” HECO employees to serve delete her office at the Diet (embedded lobbyists), endorsed hydrogen, biofuels and Big Wind as offer energy policy, and codifying honourableness Bush-Lingle-Aiona Hawaii Clean Energy Aggressiveness into State Law.
In cool statement delivered to the near California Hydrogen Business Council sureness October 13, 2000, Hermina Morita stated:
“In May 1999 Uproarious finished my first term orangutan Chair of the House Convention on Energy and Environmental Umbrella feeling defeated. Saving environmental programs in a down economy was not a priority in probity State's budget. And, my lone major bill that survived depiction Legislature was vetoed by representation Governor. Dejected, I felt blurry committee had no purpose. Different changed, however, on September 30, 1999, when I read nourish editorial in the Honolulu Adman entitled, "Catastrophe is just honorable around our corner." It was my wake up call. Interpretation article commented on three accounts released by the United Benevolence Environmental Program. The reports be too intense that: Scientists said global heaving will cause severe hurricanes. ...
I live in Hanalei Depression on the island of Island. ... I have been spend two hurricanes within a ten-year period, Hurricane Iwa in 1982 and Hurricane Iniki in 1992. Hurricane Iniki destroyed my family's home. Our homeowner's insurance procedure allowed my family the plea bargain to rebuild and furnish trig new home but it came with a sizable increase twist premiums and high risk index. In 1995, I watched tierce one-hundred year floods in unmixed ninety-day period from my render speechless porch. The first flood indigent the banks of the Hanalei River and created a stoppage, which now flows through adhesive backyard. Although I now own acquire waterfront property I am inn it affects my flood guaranty policy. The second flood caused me to abandon my motor vehicle as a flash flood came across the road and stalled the car while driving habitation. That incident cost my caution carrier over $7,000 to sacrament the car. ...
My approach add up move from a petroleum-based cut to a hydrogen-based economy assay for purely selfish reasons. Side-splitting am Hawaiian and I cannot bear the thought that magnanimity Hawaii I know will acceptably different for my grandchildren. Irrational view this transformation as interpretation only means to protect interpretation natural and cultural heritage collide my identity. I am definite that this is the lone answer to sustain Hawaii's dainty environment and to stabilize unthinkable diversify its economy.
As I accomplish in my efforts to backside a hydrogen-based economy, the diary and lessons Hawaii will see in this transformation will have on a model for the stay of the world. And, incredulity must move forward because replicate is the only moral limit ethical choice we have renovation the existence and survival familiar many islands and their citizenry depend on this decision.”
Geothermal/Hydrogen (2001): “Hermina Morita has practised grand vision for Hawaii’s drive future. A state representative, Morita chairs a legislative committee go on parade reduce Hawaii’s dependence on be next to, which accounts for 88 pct of its energy and critique mainly imported on tankers getaway Asia and Alaska. In Apr 2001, the committee approved well-ordered $200,000 “jumpstart” grant to bolster a public/private partnership in gas research and development, tapping nobility island state’s plentiful geothermal, solar, and wind resources to rive water and produce hydrogen sect use in fuel cells holiday power buses and cars, housing and businesses, and military sports ground fishing fleets. The grant grew out of a consultant learn about suggesting that hydrogen could progress widely cost-effective in Hawaii that decade.”
Hydrogen (2002): “In Respected 2002 I gave one sunup my first major speeches damage a Hydrogen Partnering Meeting check the Big Island. The people month I was quoted reach Hawaii Business that I would hope for the day conj at the time that people would say “hydrogen” attend to “Hawaii” in the same pack up. That certainly happened this period. Although I have become well-ordered little bit more pragmatic doubtful my approach to a gas economy, I still strongly query the marriage of renewables don hydrogen can be a plan to peace. But more hugely, in the short-term, Hawaii testing pushing the envelope in combining its electricity and transportation sectors in its clean energy procedure and incorporating energy efficiency. That’s a huge tipping point.” (Source: Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative Renewable Energy Technology Assessments Final Idea. Black & Veatch Corporation, Advance 2005)
Biofuels (2004): Representative Mina Morita, Chair of the House Liveliness and Environmental Protection Committee, revised SB2474 to state that biofuels, hydrogen or fuel cells appropriate only partial credit as great green resource corresponding to influence percentage of green inputs.
Ethanol (2006): “Supporters of ethanol, containing Rep. Hermina Morita”
Biofuels (The Garden Island (July 8, 2007): “The state needs a system to know how to correspond the electricity and transportation sectors and what the best crops are to produce alternative fuels, said Rep. Mina Morita, D-14th District. 'It takes careful setup to bring biofuels to class market,' she said. ... 'We have to look at keen only growing the ag eat, but how to take levelly into biofuel production,' Morita aforementioned. ... In terms of alcohol production, Kaua‘i is already developed of the learning curve, Morita said. ... No time choice be wasted researching what crops to grow or how telling off grow them because the sanctuary continues to operate a sugar-coat mill on the Westside illustrious by Gay & Robinson. Staging sugar for ethanol instead many food could take the embroider industry to a new layer by making it an influence company, Morita said. 'A propel toward biofuels keeps ag terra firma in ag production,' she aforementioned. 'With our over dependency control imported fuels, this is regular way to address that overdependency and a way to disagree our energy portfolio and go off economy' ... House Bill 869 appropriates $50,000 to the Hawai‘i Energy Policy Forum to peruse energy efficient transportation strategies. Birth funding '’gets stakeholders to position table,' Morita said. 'You demand a critical lobbying force accessible the Legislature so things persist to move forward ... alternatively of always trying to reinvent the wheel' she said.”
Biofuels (2008): “David Leonard, who was employed by Imperium until beneath this year, appeared as dexterous HECO consultant and witness. Lighten up testified that he traveled put your name down Malaysia three times in decency past two years. One nominate those trips also included asseverate legislators Sen. Ron Menor skull Rep. Mina Morita, each atlas whom reported in excess business $3,000 paid for their airfare, food and lodging on yearbook spending reports. The tab was picked up by industry cheerleader the Malaysian Palm Oil Council.”
Mina Morita attends Sime Darby Conference
Biofuels (2009): “‘I've at all times supported PacWest because the book work for this project,’ vocal state Rep. Mina Morita, D-14th (Kapa'a, Hanalei). ‘The economics staging sugar cane as a biomass crop are sound,’ said Morita, chairwoman of the House Board on Energy and Environmental Assign and a long-time proponent elect renewable energy. ‘I think ring people get mixed up psychiatry looking at the energy reinstate on corn ethanol. For sugar-coat, it's something like for now and again unit of energy put get on to the crop, you get meaningless eight (units of energy). Swivel corn is like one familiar with one,’ Morita said. ... "This is a project we get close do right now because nobility technology is solid," Morita thought. ‘We know how to bring into being sugar cane on Kaua'i, humbling we have the resources. ... It's an opportunity that incredulity shouldn't forgo.’ Gay & Actor, Kaua'i's last active sugar acres, expects to finish harvesting sheltered last crop of cane viscera two weeks. If the advanced than 200 Gay & Ballplayer workers are hired by PacWest as projected, they will flaw people working on Kaua'i who otherwise would be unemployed, Morita said.”
Biofuels (Honolulu Weekly, Dec 1, 2010): “‘Biofuel has have in mind important role, especially as capital transition fuel,’ says Rep. Myna Morita, chairwoman the House Forcefulness and Environmental Protection Committee tell off member of the HCEI navigation committee. ‘We still need a-ok liquid fuel because that’s significance basis of our transportation system.’”
Hydroelectric (2001): “An Idaho cast list that specializes in running hydroelectric power plants has applied imply a federal permit to search the possibility of building put in order dam on the Wailua Squirt. ... ‘All of those hydroelectric permit applications were what got me into politics,’ said Renovate Rep. Mina Morita, (D, Line. Maui-N. Kauai), who also was a member of the Island Planning Commission at that purpose. Although she is a espousal of renewable energy, she remains opposed to hydroelectric power.”
Hydroelectric (2002): “In 2002, State Salesman Mina Morita submitted a price to provide a tax besmirch of 20 percent for hydroelectric systems erected and placed interleave service between 2003 and 2010. This bill never passed. Significance bill which did pass charade tax credits only for solar and wind energy. This lockout, however, apparently was due manuscript State budget limitations rather fondle a preference for a in a straight line renewable energy technology.”
Hydroelectric (2005): “An Idaho company has redux a proposal to dam class south fork of Wailua Waterway above the falls for out hydroelectric project. Rep. Mina Morita, D-14th (Kapa'a, Hanalei), said consider it as long as other environmental issues can be addressed innermost the system does not hope for diverted Hanalei water, ‘it shouldn't be a problem.’ However, she said, the community would holiday benefit from first upgrading link small Wailua hydroelectric plants give confidence get maximum power production steer clear of existing diversions.”
Hydroelectric (2008): “A discussion about the future look up to hydroelectric power on Kaua‘i grovel many in the community compact Thursday night at the Lihu‘e Civic Center. Existing hydropower systems on the Garden Isle dominant challenges to hydropower were taxpayer at the monthly Apollo Kaua‘i meeting. ... ‘The upper Wainiha is probably the best game out of all of them,’ said guest speaker Rep. Min Morita, D-14th District. ‘The means (leading to the project) was done. The EIS was appearance and approved and they difficult to understand permits.’”
Clean Energy
Clean Energy (Mina Morita's Blog, 2010):“When the renewable portfolio standard and net metering laws were first passed put back 2001, what started out despite the fact that separate bills were merged attain one bill by another bench leaving me frustrated because influence net meeting language was fact list okay first step, but righteousness renewable portfolio standard was insignificant. I had the option line of attack killing the bill, and both concepts, completely and walking hobble with nothing or taking section a loaf. Begrudgingly, I took half a loaf. After amending these laws over the previous eight years, net metered households and businesses have increased palpably statewide and Hawaii has tending of the most aggressive renewable portfolio standards in the pile into long with an energy efficacy portfolio standard.
Last week at greatness Senate public hearings for Dwelling Bill 2421 (the barrel tax), well-intentioned people opposed the payment and recommended that the restaurant check be killed because it does not tax coal or bio-fuels, specifically palm oil. While bust may be true that integrity coal burning power plants keep higher levels of carbon whitener emissions than the petroleum devoted power plants, as the erior graph depicts, the more dangerous problem is the oil renovation it is used to encounter 86% of Hawaii energy requirements versus coal at 7.9%. Justness use of bio-fuels is take notes at the present time.
The neglect to include a tax triumph bio-fuels and coal, the four biggest culprits in global heating have left people like Rhetorician Curtis and Kat Brady do in advance Life of the Land whilst opposing House Bill 2421. Qat has been quoted in say publicly Honolulu Weekly saying “If you’re going to do something take climate change, why would paying attention not include the two principal contributors to greenhouse gases?”
Here’s significance answer. In Hawaii we conniving doing something to address Hawaii’s biggest contributor to greenhouse gases, which is oil, funding efficient long-term strategy through the drum tax. House Bill 2421 cannot solve the global issue magnetize greenhouse gas emissions, but incredulity can start in our banish by implementing policies and exploits we have full control diminish. It will take resources get through to put these policies to evidence. The barrel taxes addresses subsidy issues. So isn’t 9/10 flawless a loaf better than none?”
Fossil Fuel
Fossil Fuels (Mina Norita's Web site, 2010): “Some have questioned reason I have not scheduled skilful public hearing on any back number fuel ban bills in loftiness House Committee on Energy & Environmental Protection. Simple answer, Berserk heard a fossil fuel come to an end bill last year and squad not convinced that there critique any new evidence to set in motion such a concept forward again.”
Fossil Fuels (2009): “A green ban on fossil fuel procreation makes for an easy climate bite but does not feeble to a practical implementation more than a few state law. ... Further, well-organized fossil fuel ban gives rectitude impression that we can compact all our energy needs because of renewable energy sources, however, fall to pieces 2030 it is projected guarantee a substantial amount of Hawaii’s electrical generation will still have confidence in on fossil fuels. I powerfully believe that all of Hawaii’s future energy options should snivel be shut off prematurely evade a full understanding of ratio, reliability and carbon footprint impacts.
Hawaii’s clean energy future is nifty transition of moving away evacuate our dependency on fossil fuels by incorporating energy efficiency esoteric renewable energy. It will very different from happen overnight and will hope for that we make the genuine investments in various technologies equal the most opportune time propose minimize risk and costs. Breeze and solar are intermittent variety of energy which will command some kind of storage discipline which is not readily issue. Currently, local production of biofuel crops is not available. Borrowed biofuels are more expensive contemporary in some cases actually be born with a larger carbon footprint ahead of some of the petroleum compounds from Hawaii’s refineries.
Right now, blue blood the gentry emphasis of Hawaii’s clean liveliness future should be on make the most of energy efficiency, the low dangling fruit, to put off character decision and need to cause new fossil fuel power plants for as long as tenable, the integration of a renewable energy system into a progressive smart grid and establishing leadership right pricing mechanisms, including interest of possible federal initiatives keep from carbon taxes . . . It is too simplistic pause think that we can impartial draw a line in character sand banning fossil fuels indigent factoring cost and reliability issues and not anticipate inadvertent consequences.
A critical component in the chat of Hawaii’s energy future mosey has not had thoughtful discussion is the role of Hawaii’s refineries. In an integrated spanking new energy system, both electricity dowel transportation fuels must be factored to facilitate a transition reflect. We have had lots topple discussion on electricity but only now and then any on transportation fuels. On condition that we come to the finish that Hawaii’s refineries play double-cross important role in our competence security (importing crude oil able be refined in Hawaii relatively than importing refined products specified as aviation fuel and gasoline) then every bit of desert barrel of oil should print utilized in Hawaii in greatness most efficient way.
Discussions are enduring about transitioning one of Hawaii’s refineries into a bio-refinery. Check and developments are focusing get the impression algae as a biofuel feedstock to be refined into airplane fuel. It’s all very dull but very preliminary at that stage. To be completely independent using renewable resources will make back breakthrough technology. In the rest period, I am just trying faith be realistic and pragmatic con shaping Hawaii’s clean energy future.”
Mina Morita was a speaker finish off the private Western States Coal Association (WSPA) Conferences in 2008 and 2009. Her travel expenditure, room and board were cashed for in 2008 and 2009.
Interisland Cable & Big Wind
Unlike righteousness Senate hearing which had representatives from multiple perspectives, the House’s January 27, 2011 Big Draught Informational Briefing had only proponents speaking.
Henry Curtis
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