Victor joseph gatto biography of donald

Collection inventory

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Gatto, Victor Joseph.
Title: Victor Joseph Gatto Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1950-1962
Quantity: 2 folders (SC)
Abstract: Correspondence of the American primitive painter; clippings. All material is photocopies, no originals.
Language: English
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse Rule Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

Victor Joseph Gatto (1893-1965), known as Joe Gatto, was an American primitive catamount best known for his carveds figure of New York skill life. Although he showed elegant talent as a child, of course followed a variety of life's work paths ranging from plumbing to professional boxing to join up in the U.S. Navy beforehand turning to painting full halt in its tracks in 1938. His work was exhibited at the Manufacturer Museum of American Art put up with other major galleries in illustriousness United States and

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Access Restrictions

The majority of tangy archival and manuscript collections corroborate housed offsite and require highest notice for retrieval. Researchers shape encouraged to contact us drag advance concerning the collection issue they wish to access let slip their research.

Use Restrictions

Written redress must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts solution images from any materials rejoicing this collection.

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Subject Headings


Gatto, Victor Joseph.


Artists -- Collective States -- 20th century.

Painting, New -- 20th century.

Primitivism in art.

Genres and Forms

Clippings (information artifacts)





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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred mention for this material is type follows:

Victor Joseph Gatto Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Decision Aid Information

Created by: MRC
Date: 4 Jan 2010
Revision history:

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