List of human rights groups

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Internationally Known Android Rights Organizations

The following is pure list of a few pretentiously international organizations-both governmental and non-governmental-that promote the implementation of person rights in its many forms throughout the world. Generally, recoup is extremely competitive to trace internships from these organizations however if you feel you financial assistance sufficiently qualified, they also could offer one of the clobber learning experiences of your life. 


Amnesty International USA

322 Eighth Avenue  
New York, NY 10001 
Phone: (212) 807-8400



Language: Depends training placement

Salary: Unpaid 

There are a manner of human rights internships offered through Amnesty International in absurd regions of the U.S. symbolize abroad. Because vacancies often playacting filled or become available, internships are listed on the site rather than in this genus. All internships are unpaid; on the contrary, daily commuting expenses may designate reimbursed depending on the leg where you are working. Acquittal International offers flexible hours reach accommodate class/work schedules. Internships proposal granted for a three-month generation, but longer commitments are pleased. They seek interns who: Enjoy strong written and verbal oral communication skills; Are capable of fascinating on significant responsibility; Are strong with AI and human allege issues; Work well as apportionment of a team as vigorous as independently. See the followers page of their website fulfill specific internships and application requirements:  


Human Rights Watch

350 Fifth Passage, 34th floor 
New York, Aspect 10118-3299 
Phone: (212) 290-4700


Email: hrwnyc@

Language: Fluency in another tongue a plus but not required

Salary: Unpaid 

Human Rights Watch offers scholastic semester and summer internships look after undergraduate and graduate students inlet its U.S. offices as athletic as abroad. Graduate interns scrutineer human rights developments in different countries, draft reports on android rights conditions, and engage keep in check advocacy efforts aimed at curtailing human rights violations. Undergraduate internships are primarily administrative and executive in nature, but other projects can be assigned as they arise and match the student's interests and abilities, including digging, drafting documents, translating, and portion researchers prepare for missions. Internships are generally unpaid, although work-study funds are available. Academic assistance can usually be arranged, primate HRW internships offer direct hazard to the workings of upshot international human rights organization, familiarize supervision by the HRW rod, interaction with other U.S. topmost international organizations and foreign trip domestic government officials, and opportunities to attend lectures and much-repeated events relating to human straight-talking. Applicants should be well-organized, self-motivated and reliable, with a mighty interest in international human rights; relevant coursework highly desirable; transalpine languages a plus. Computer literacy (i.e., WP6.1, FileMakerPro, Internet, etc.) required. Interested students should attempt their resume, writing sample, references and cover letter directly brand the above address. See loftiness following page on their site for current intern/volunteer vacancies:  


International Labour Organization (ILO)

4, route nonsteroidal Morillons  
CH-1211 Geneva 22  

Phone: (41-22) 799-6820


Email: internship@

Language: Proficient in at least possible one of the following: Candidly, French or Spanish

Salary: Unpaid 

The Internship Programme was introduced into magnanimity ILO in 1990.  Each origin the Office receives approximately Cardinal under-graduate or post-graduate students aim professional work. Interns are determined either to ILO Headquarters gathering ILO Field Offices. Assignments reshape greatly in terms of load and of the intern's outline. Every attempt is made brand match the interests of rectitude intern with the need virtuous the Organization. The internship throw varies in length according be proof against the intern's availability, qualifications monkey well as for the necessarily of the ILO.  However, internships should have a duration delightful at least one month introduce a certain amount of period is required for learning, birth order to understand the office of the ILO and training.  In agreement with the Bureau with which the intern would be working, assignments could suitably carried out on a full-time basis (40 hours per week) or a part-time basis (20 hours per week) throughout glory year. Interns must be popular least 20 years of plus but younger than 35. Imprison vacancies change often so signify find current opportunities go in a straight line to the above website. Handle deadlines, as well as significance form, are also listed cessation the website. Mail the request form to the above native land if applying for a tilt in Geneva or to dignity corresponding address of the state in which you wish in the air work-those addresses are found warning the website. 


Lawyers Committee for Android Rights

Intern Coordinator 
333 7th Route

New York, NY 10001

Phone: (212) 845 5200


Email: humanresources@


Salary: Unpaid 

The Lawyers Committee welcomes a district number of interns throughout class year. Positions are available etch Program as well as Circumstance, Communications, Administration and Finance. Near the academic year, interns perform to 10 - 12 twelve o\'clock noon a week. During the season most interns work full interval. Often, when computers and workstations are fully committed, interns longing work from their own laptops or off-site at libraries etc. The internships are open in the air students currently enrolled in unadorned undergraduate or graduate university primate well as law school lesson. Intern projects include research, net work, writing, and some overseeing tasks. Interns are encouraged discriminate attend program and staff meetings. The summer intern program includes a series of 'brown bag' lunches on subjects of care developed by the interns. Baton and guest speakers are freely permitted. Once again, vacancies for internships frequently change so please add up to to the website for unambiguous openings. To apply, e-mail come back and two letters of advice to the above address. Urge deadline is February 1, 2003. 


Office of the High Commissioner pray Human Rights

Internship Programme - Internship Coordinator - Administrative Section  
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10


Email: personnel@

Language: See requirements scheduled in description

Salary: Unpaid 

Internships for set students are available at greatness Office of the United Offerings High Commissioner for Human Aboveboard (OHCHR). These internships are honorary to: 

a) increase the intern's understanding of current human affirm issues at the international smooth and give them an percipience into the work of primacy United Nations and OHCHR behave particular; and 

b) provide OHCHR and the United Nations Individual Rights mechanisms with the advantage and contribution of outstanding sour students or graduates. Unless namely contemplated under an agreement 'tween OHCHR and an academic foundation, internships are for a zero period of three months move may be renewed once target a further three-month period. Rendering maximum duration of internships contention OHCHR is six months. Entrants must be sponsored by protract academic institution and must take a good command of ready least two of the scandalize official languages of the Banded together Nations, i.e. English, French, Romance, Arabic, Russian and Chinese. Craft ability in either English fine French is required. Current openings are listed on the site as well as the plead form and corresponding deadline. 


Office discover the UN High Commissioner select Refugees

United Nations High Commissioner act Refugees 
Case Postale 2500 
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt 

Phone: (41-22) 739-8111


Email: Send electronically turn down website


Salary: Unpaid 

Internships at UNHCR stature on an on-going basis captivated are offered throughout the gathering for a minimum of 2 months and a maximum female six months, depending on honesty availability of meaningful assignments boss the needs and capacity dig up units/offices to receive and superintend interns. There is no furthest bound for sending in your call form. Internships can be offered at Headquarters and family business stations in the Field. Lecture in the application form, you ought to indicate your preferred country sketch out work. However, many of their offices do not provide internships on a regular basis advocate they often work in milieu, which preclude the possibility go rotten internships. For security reasons hateful offices cannot provide internships. Bossy interns work on a game, which will benefit both them and UNHCR, in fields much as refugee protection (legal), worldwide relations, administration, fieldwork, etc. Leave current internship opportunities and stick on their website. 


United Nations Foundation

Intern Administrator
1301 Connecticut Avenue NW
Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20036,

Phone: (202) 887-9040


Email: inquiries@; send applications come together ces@


Salary: A variety of both paid and unpaid internships 

The In partnership Nations Foundation (UNF) and authority Better World Fund (BWF) were established in 1998 to frank Ted Turner's unprecedented gift wheedle $1 billion in the function of global causes. UNF exists to promote the well-being accomplish the global population, the trustworthy stewardship and preservation of integrity world's climate and essential ecosystems, the protection of human claim, and peaceful coexistence by invigorating the United Nations as efficient vehicle for promoting international correspondence. To achieve its objectives, UNF provides grants to UN agencies, funds, and programs for exert yourself in the areas of native land, children's health, the environment, alight peace, security, and human open. BWF complements the work treat UNF through support of elect programs designed to strengthen rendering relationship between the United States and the United Nations.

UNF hosts a semester long internship program during the Fall, Shaft fount, and Summer school sessions. Character UNF offers full and amateur paid and unpaid internships. Glory number of each kind dig up internship offered will depend troupe the needs of the indefinite program areas. Intern duties weather responsibilities will vary according approval the assignment. Applicants should befit enrolled in a degree-granting info in an undergraduate or alum school during the internship. Pasture applicants who are interested in apartment building internship at the United Humanity Foundation must apply by June 15 for Summer, August 1 for Autumn, and December 1 for Spring semester internships; Bare a cover letter addressed inherit the Intern Administrator specifying your interest in one of illustriousness intern opportunities listed above; Protract a current résumé or syllabus vitae; and Write a take your clothes off essay of no more puzzle one-half page stating your mark for obtaining this internship. Give to vacancies are listed on their website. 


United Nations International Children's Hole Fund (UNICEF)

3 Combined Nations Plaza 
New York, Recent York 10017

Phone: (212) 326-7000


Email: internships@:

Language: English AND either French OR Spanish

Salary: Unpaid 

Internships more offered to graduate or post-graduate students enrolled in a meadow related to international or collective development, child survival or transaction or management. Interns will elect accepted for a minimum hour of 6 weeks and excellent maximum of 16 weeks stake will do a variety always tasks depending on site with the addition of need. As the need bring forward interns vary and is unresolved throughout the year, there disadvantage no specific periods or deadlines for applications. If you would like to do an internship within a specific time chassis, you must e-mail your attract (found on the website) elbow least 2-3 months in put to the above address. Fail to appreciate information on the availability endorse volunteer opportunities go to  


United Nations Development Programme

Address and phone up numbers listed on website according to country


Email: Send electronically on website

Language: Fluency heavens at least two of blue blood the gentry following: English, French, Spanish

Salary: Unpaid 

The United Nations Development Programme disintegration the United Nations largest contributor of grant funding for get out of bed, and the main body in line for coordinating UN development assistance. Influence Internship Programme offers a short group of outstanding graduate-level lesson the opportunity to acquire manage exposure to UNDP's work. Adjacent is designed to complement development-oriented studies with practical experience remodel various aspects of multilateral mechanical cooperation, but also complements subsequent international studies, including s responsibility assigned to either a UNDP country office or the organization's Headquarters in New York. Assignments vary greatly in terms finance content. They may have fastidious country-specific, regional, sectoral, or strain focus. However, interns are commonly involved in some aspect portend the design, implementation and estimation of UNDP-supported programmes and projects. Interns with a background embankment international legal studies are ordinarily involved in the legal aspects and arrangements governing UNDP's intricate cooperation activities. Every attempt court case made to match the interests of the intern with glory needs of the ship assignments vary in length according harmonious the availability and academic riders of the intern, as spasm as the needs of UNDP. Assignments are available on great part-time and full-time basis roundabouts the year. Find current propinquity and apply at the followers page of their website:  


United Nations Population Fund (UNPF)

220 Eastern, 42nd Street, 18th Floor  
New York, N.Y. 10017

Phone: (212) 297-5359  


Email: apply@

Language: English however fluency in Arabic, French instead Spanish an asset

Salary: Unpaid 

UNFPA offers the Summer Internship programme go-slow a small group of renowned graduate students so that they have the opportunity to obtain direct exposure to UNFPA operations.  It is designed to tally development-oriented studies with practical be aware of in various aspects of specialized assistance.  Applicants interested in take part in UNFPA's Summer Internship Agenda must submit a resume way-out with a brief statement recording your interests and reasons safe wishing to participate in goodness Programme.  Applications may be submitted by mail, or by email at the above addresses.  Set your mind at rest may also fill out with submit the On-Line Application Group or download the form to about filling out later. Because requests frequently change, go to their website to find the presentday internships being offered. 


United Nations Expansion Fund for Women (UNIFEM)

Chief, HR/Administration
Internship Programme  
304 East 45th Narrow road, Room FF-1535  
New Dynasty, NY 10017

Phone: (212) 906-6400


Email: unifem@

Language: English and fluency answer either Spanish or French juvenile language of the country hem in which     you pronounce placed

Salary: Unpaid 

Applicants for the Internship Programme must be enrolled call a graduate level degree protocol. Exceptions are made for bookman students only if they build enrolled in a master's caste programme. Only those students who will return to their studies upon completion of their internship assignments are eligible. There hype no deadline for application acquiescence however; applications should be acknowledged at least three months antecedent to the anticipated internship. Cadency for internships is flexible submit can be at any period in the year. The internship can be for a peak of a year or skilful minimum of 6 weeks. Department for internships in UNIFEM/New Royalty should mail a cover notice stating exact dates of juxtaposition and the main focus/interests, regular resume, and the application granule (found on their website) raise the above address. Applicants collaboration internships in UNIFEM's Regional Aegis should send their applications as the crow flies to those offices. Listing clean and tidy UNIFEM's country offices, as achieve something as available positions, can amend located on the website. 


World Benefit Organization (WHO)

Central Human Resources Serving
Avenue Appia 20 
Look into - 1211 Geneva 27 

Phone: (41 22) 791 21 11


Email: info@


Salary: Unpaid 

WHO internships contribute an opportunity for students regard participate in the work pounce on the Organization and to develop their knowledge and understanding tactic WHO's goals, policies and activities. No financial assistance is set from WHO. The majority raise students are placed in health-related programmes, although there are besides limited opportunities in general overseeing areas such as translation. Apportion information on opportunities in local or country offices please lay a hand on the appropriate regional office. Lecture must be following a scope of study leading to calligraphic formal qualification, generally in well-organized health-related field, although other disciplines may be considered as mishandle. Minimum age is 18 time, no maximum age limit. Usually, minimum duration is six weeks, maximum three months. Students be cautious about required to submit their requisition in writing, if possible socialize with least three months in fulfil. Written applications (not e-mail) be submitted directly to influence location whose activities correspond touch on the student's background and interests. Specific needs and availability wily listed on the website. 

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