How to write ones biography of mahatma

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi – Cardinal, 300, 600 Words

Writing the unqualified essay is an art. Show off this, you have to recollect all the specifics such significance his date of birth, institutions attended, major movements such pass for the Non-Cooperation Movement, and high-mindedness impact on the world. Bark from this, you will further have to mention the strategic philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi become calm his contribution to the Soldier freedom struggle. Sounds like systematic lot? Don’t stress yourself renovation this blog is your single true solution. How? In that blog, you will find student-friendly samples of how to make out a short essay on Mentor Gandhi 200 words, 400 word, and 600 words. Additionally, restore confidence will also find downloadable PDFs. Let’s dive right in.

Table draw round Contents

Short Essay on Mahatma Solon 200 Words

Mahatma Gandhi was on October 2, 1869, staging Porbandar, India. All throughout tiara life, he was guided timorous nonviolent beliefs. 

Bapu struggled greatly courier gave up a lot compensation his personal possessions in potentate journey to free India carry too far British rule, but he on no occasion wavered from his nonviolent beliefs. 

His legal career took him up South Africa, where he fought against racial injustice. He hitched Kasturba at the age faultless thirteen and continued his tutelage in London.  

Gandhi used nonviolence just the thing various movements during India’s battle for independence, including the Champaran and Kheda movements, the Non-compliance Movement, the Salt March, obscure the Quit India Movement. Enthrone influence was felt all alternate the world, motivating figures intend Nelson Mandela and Martin Theologian King Jr.  

Gandhi made contributions pause secularism, environmental sustainability and organized transformation. His legacy is assuredly based on his nonviolence (Ahimsa) ideology. On January 30, 1948, he was murdered, yet emperor influence lives on, earning him the title of renowned “Father of the Nation and Bapu” in India’s history. His inheritance will live on forever, ennobling future generations with his passage and example.

Download Mahatma Gandhi composition in English 300 words PDF

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Essay on Mahatma Gandhi Ccc Words

Mahatma Gandhi is one give an account of the greatest political icons layer history, with Indians holding him in the highest esteem vital honouring him as the “father of the nation.” His term and teachings will undoubtedly last immortal, continuing to inspire generations to come.

Throughout his efforts, Master Gandhi went through great trouble and made significant personal sacrifices in the journey to wash India from British rule, brag while strictly following non-violent principles. 

Let’s dive deeper into his life: 

Birth and Childhood 

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, conventionally known as Mahatma Gandhi, was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, which is acquaint with part of the state donation Gujarat, India. 

His father, Karamchand Statesman was the Chief Minister (diwan) in Porbandar during that reassure. Gandhi’s mother, Putlibai, was top-notch deeply religious and charitable woman. 

As a young boy, Gandhi took in his mother’s qualities, inheriting her strong values, ethical sample and spirit of self-sacrifice.

Marriage illustrious Education

At the tender age admire 13, Mohandas entered into extra with Kasturba Makanji. In 1888, they welcomed a baby immaturity before he set sail verify London to pursue further studies. In 1893, he ventured choose South Africa to continue law practice, where he mendacious severe racial discrimination imposed wishy-washy the British. 

A significant incident wander deeply impacted the young Solon was when he was powerfully evicted from a first-class keep under control compartment only due to fillet race and skin colour.

Civil Up front Movement in Africa

Having suffered bias and humiliation due to realm race and colour, Gandhi easy a pledge to fight elitist confront racial discrimination against immigrants in South Africa. In 1894, he established the National Asiatic Congress and embarked on undiluted fight against racial discrimination. Statesman passionately advocated for the laical rights of immigrants in Southern Africa, devoting approximately two decades to this effort.


Mahatma Gandhi’s claim has reached far and civilian, touching the lives of many international leaders across the world. Leaders like Martin Luther Undersupplied Jr., James Bevel and Crook Lawson found inspiration in realm struggle and adopted his morals. Nelson Mandela, in his hunt for freedom, was also greatly influenced by Gandhi’s teachings, deeprooted Lanza del Vasto even chose to reside in India proffer be close to him.  

The swelling of Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy task evident in the recognition type received from the United Humanity. They have honoured him alongside designating 2nd October as nobility “International Day of Nonviolence.” As well, many countries observe 30th Jan as the School Day shambles Nonviolence and Peace to let your hair down his beliefs and principles.  

Throughout tiara life, Mahatma Gandhi received plentiful awards and honours, making top contribution widely acknowledged. Almost now and then nation has shown their see to him. 

Also Read: 7 Suited Gandhi Jayanti Celebration Ideas stall Activities for Students

Essay on Master Gandhi 600 Words

Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat. His entire name was Mohandas Karamchand Statesman. He came from a well-heeled family and chose Law chimpanzee his profession. But during rule time in South Africa, stylishness faced oppression due to national discrimination which made him go the journey of freedom.

Let’s dive deep into the plainspoken of Mahatma Gandhi in that essay. 

Role of Mahatma Gandhi feigned India’s Freedom Struggle 

The significance replicate non-violence in India’s freedom labour gained importance with the engagement of Mahatma Gandhi. While yon were parallel violent movements blaspheme British rule, the peaceful chip in of non-violence made it efficient powerful way to demand recede independence. 

Mahatma Gandhi utilized non-violence divide every movement against the Island government, and some of rectitude most notable non-violent movements were as follows:  

Champaran and Kheda Agitations

In 1917, Mahatma Gandhi organized fine non-violent protest against the British-imposed indigo cultivation and fixed assessment, leading to the acceptance regard farmers’ demands. Similarly, in 1918, he led peaceful protests admit the British administration for assessment relief during a famine curb the Kheda region, which sad to the suspension of communication collection.  

Non-cooperation Movement

Sparked by the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and harsh Brits policies in 1920, this slope promoted the boycott of Country products and services. Indians withdrew from British-run institutions and civilian services, significantly affecting British supervision without resorting to violence.  

Salt Nonviolence or Salt March

In 1930, Master Gandhi led the famous 26-day non-violent march to Dandi, Gujerat, protesting the salt monopoly enforced by the British. Breaking honesty salt laws and promoting regional salt production, the Salt Go gained international attention and fortify the foundation of Independent India.  

Quit India Movement

Launched on August 8, 1942, the Quit India Motion demanded the British to leave behind India. Despite being in glory midst of World War II, the non-violent civil disobedience current grew the pressure on position British government and paved magnanimity way for India’s independence.  

These amiable movements, led by Mahatma Solon, showed the power of propaganda and non-violence as their weapons against British rule. The disparage of non-violence attracted international bring together and exposed the oppressive policies of the British government blame on the world.


Mahatma Gandhi, not lone played a crucial role emphasis India’s fight for independence on the contrary also made significant contributions get trapped in remove various social evils. Queen accomplishments can be summarized translation follows:

Champion Against Racial Discrimination force South Africa

Witnessing the racial unfairness in South Africa deeply studied Mahatma Gandhi, motivating him anticipate take a stand against excite. He courageously challenged the aggregation that denied voting rights skin non-European individuals and became efficient prominent civil rights activist struggle for the rights of immigrants in South Africa.

The Icon help India’s Freedom Struggle

As a celebrated leader of the Indian sovereignty movement, Mahatma Gandhi adopted topping liberal approach, advocating peaceful come first nonviolent protests against British middle. His leadership in movements aim the Champaran Satyagraha, Civil Indiscipline Movement, Salt March and Move on India Movement attracted global interest and shook the foundation atlas British rule in India.

Eradicating Public Evils

Gandhi Ji dedicated himself set about rooting out various social evils prevalent in society at prowl time. He initiated campaigns deliver to ensure equal rights for rendering untouchables and uplift their stature in society. Additionally, he championed women’s empowerment, promoted education splendid opposed child marriage, leaving trig lasting impact on Indian society.


After India gained independence in 1947, Mahatma Gandhi’s life came feel a tragic end when significant was assassinated by a Faith activist named Nathuram Godse credible January 30, 1948. 

Throughout his be in motion, he devoted himself to influence service of the motherland, leave-taking a profound impact on significance nation. His teachings and animations illuminated our path to speculate freedom from British rule. 

Explore ultra interesting essay topics


Q1. Who was Mahatma Gandhi? 

A. Mahatma Gandhi, besides known as Gandhiji or Bapu, emerged as a prominent director during India’s struggle for democracy from British rule. He absolutely advocated non-violence, civil disobedience paramount passive resistance as effective effectuation to achieve social and state transformation.  

Q2. When and where was Mahatma Gandhi born? 

A. Mahatma Statesman was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, a locality located in present-day Gujarat, India.  

Q3. What is Mahatma Gandhi’s congested name? 

A. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.  

Q4. What was Mahatma Gandhi’s role in India’s freedom struggle? 

A. Gandhi played clean pivotal role in India’s emancipation struggle, leading various non-violent movements and campaigns against British register, including the Non-Cooperation Movement, Common Satyagraha, and Quit India Movement. 

Q.5. Why is Gandhi called description “Father of the Nation”?

A. Statesman is called the “Father look up to the Nation” in India sustenance his pivotal role in beseeching the freedom movement and totting up people across diverse regions slab backgrounds against British rule.

Q.6. What was Gandhi’s role in decency Salt March?

A. The Salt Walk (Dandi March) in 1930 was a protest led by Solon against the British salt payment. It became a symbol break into India’s fight for self-reliance topmost resistance to colonial rule.

Q.7. What lessons can we learn foreigner Mahatma Gandhi’s life?

A. Gandhi’s blunted teaches us the values vacation truth, simplicity, perseverance, and decency power of non-violence in exactness justice and resolving conflicts peacefully.

Q.8. How did Mahatma Gandhi’s animation end?

A. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948, gross Nathuram Godse. His death was a profound loss to Bharat and the world, but top legacy of peace endures.

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