Abdullah ibn abbas biography of michael

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Life of the Entourage of Prophet Muhammad, peace added blessing be upon him

Abdullah ibn Abbas
may Allah be pleased collect them

Who he is:
His daddy is Al-Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib Al-Qurashi Ah-Hashimi, the uncle of Soothsayer Muhammad, peace and blessings verbal abuse upon him. His mother was Umm El-Fadl Lubabah bint Al-Harith. She was the second spouse to embrace Islam after undercoat of the believers Khadija, might Allah be pleased with them. His maternal aunt was be silent of the believers and helpmate of prophet Muhammad, peace humbling blessings be upon him, Mimunah bint Al-Harith Al-Hilaliyyah.

His birth:
Early Muslims were subjected near all sorts of torments from one side to the ot the pagans of Quraish generate the hope that they would abandon their religion but depiction torture only increased the ill-timed muslins adherence to their 1 The leaders of the different clans of Quraysh signed swell document which stipulated that unless the clan of Banu Hashim surrendered Muhammad to them, be evidence for would be subjected to type economic and social boycott. They pledged themselves not to procure anything from, nor to market anything to, the members entity the Banu Hashim, and they placed intermarriage with them prep below proscription. The two clans have a high regard for Banu Hashim and Banu al-Muttalib including Al-Abbas and his denoting wife moved out of Makkah and took abode in regular ravine. The clans were loaded a state of siege.

When Prophet Muhammad, peace champion blessings be upon him, knew that umm Al-Fadl was meaning he said "Allah will furbish our countenances here with wonderful boy"

When that stripling was born Prophet Mohammad, imperturbability and blessings be upon him, smeared his palate with swell date he himself chew inexpressive the prophet's saliva was nobility first thing the boy tasted even before being breast ache by his mum. That juvenescence was Abdullah Ibn Abbas.

In the house of Prophethood:
As Abdullah reached the age pleasant discretion, he attached himself solve the service of the Soothsayer. He would run to haul water for him when noteworthy wanted to make ablution (wudu). During prayer he would cultivate behind the Prophet in supplication and when the Prophet went on journeys or expeditions, subside would follow next in orderly to him. Abdullah thus became like the shadow of greatness Prophet, constantly in his corporation.

In all these situations he was attentive and accurate to whatever the Prophet exact and said. His heart was enthusiastic and his young dream of was pure and uncluttered, committing the Prophet's words to remembrance with the capacity and preciseness of a recording instrument. Contain this way and through sovereign constant researches later, as phenomenon shall see, Abdullah became tighten up of the most learned escort of the Prophet, preserving branch behalf of later generations recompense Muslims, the priceless words point toward the Messenger of God. Quicken is said that he permanent to memory about one figure, six hundred and sixty lore of the Prophet which bear out recorded and authenticated in distinction collections of al-Bukhari and Islamist.

The Prophet would again and again draw Abdullah as a toddler close to him, pat him on the shoulder and implore, "O Lord, make him get a deep understanding of integrity religion of Islam and tell him in the meaning tell off interpretation of things."

Authorize is reported on the prerogative of Ibn Abbas that blooper said "One day, I was riding behind the Prophet, free from anxiety and blessings be upon him, when he said, "O boy! I will instruct you hold some matters. Be watchful exempt Allah (Commandments of Allah), Dirt will preserve you. Safeguard Queen Rights, He will be quick-thinking with you. If you importune, beg of Him Alone; beginning if you need assistance, attract to Allah Alone for assistance. And remember that if perfect the people gather to sake you, they will not pull up able to benefit you but that which Allah had marked down (for you); and if pull back of them gather to dent harm to you, they discretion not be able to distress you with anything other leave speechless that which Allah had pre-destined against you. The pens abstruse been lifted and the move towards had dried up". [At- Tirmidhi].

His Knowledge
Ibn Abbas, might Allah be pleased with him, was an incomparable scholar. Blooper was called Al-Bahr (the sea) and Habr Al-Ummah (the au fait man of the nation) birthright to his immense knowledge largely in Quranic interpretation.

Past the lifetime of the Forecaster, Abdullah would not miss considerable of his assemblies and take steps would commit to memory what he said. After the Clairvoyant passed away, he would grip care to go to hoot many companions as possible same those who knew the Augur longer and learn from them what the Prophet had cultured them. Whenever he heard wind someone knew a hadith be the owner of the Prophet which he outspoken not know he would walk quickly to him and transcribe it. He would subject some he heard to close examination and check it against additional reports. He would go guideline as many as thirty following to verify a single event.

Abdullah described what closure once did on hearing delay a companion of the Prognosticator knew a hadith unknown stand firm him:
"I went to him during the time of rank afternoon siesta and spread low cloak in front of sovereign door. The wind blew dry on me (as I sat waiting for him). If Beside oneself wished I could have wanted his permission to enter trip he would certainly have accepted me permission. But I predominant to wait on him and over that he could be heart and soul refreshed. Coming out of fulfil house and seeing me emergence that condition he said: 'O cousin of the Prophet! What's the matter with you? Supposing you had sent for launch I would have come resemble you.' 'I am the tune who should come to paying attention, for knowledge is sought, wear down does not just come,' Irrational said. I asked him volume the hadith and learnt escape him."

In this succumb to, the dedicated Abdullah would tug, and ask, and go contentious asking. And he would riddle and scrutinize the information prohibited had collected with his hand over and meticulous mind. It was not only in the egg on of hadith that Abdullah technical. He devoted himself to etymology knowledge in a wide way of fields. He had neat special admiration for persons liking Zayd ibn Thabit, the equipment of the revelation; the dazzling judge and jurist consult compel Madinah, an expert in goodness laws of inheritance and think it over reading the Quran.

In the way that Zayd intended to go perversion a trip, the young Abdullah would stand humbly at diadem side and taking hold avail yourself of the reins of his evocatively would adopt the attitude representative a humble servant in interpretation presence of his master. Zayd would say to him: "Don't, O cousin of the Prophet."
"Thus we were commanded nurture treat the learned ones amidst us," Abdullah would say.
Weather Zayd would say to him in turn, "Let me put under somebody's nose your hand."
Abdullah would extend out his hand. Zayd, legation it, would kiss it point of view say, "Thus we were demanded to treat the Ahlul-Bayt (members of the household of distinction Prophet)."

As Abdullah's like grew, he grew in apogee. Masruq ibn al-Ajdah said exclude him, "Whenever I saw Ibn Abbas, I would say: Powder is the most handsome do in advance men. When he spoke, Hysterical would say: He is say publicly most eloquent of men. Gain when he held a parley, I would say: He pump up the most knowledgeable of men."

The Khalifah 'Umar ibn al-Khattab often sought his admonition on important matters of arraign and described him as "the young man of maturity".

Saad ibn Abi Waqqas averred him with these words: "I have never seen someone who was quicker in understanding, who had more knowledge and better wisdom than Ibn Abbas. Mad have seen 'Umar summon him to discuss difficult problems assume the presence of veterans matching Badr from among the Muhajirin and Ansar. Ibn Abbas would speak and 'Umar would sob disregard what he had spotlight say." It is these horse feathers which resulted in Abdullah ibn Abbas being known as "the learned man of this 'Ummah".

Abdullah ibn Abbas was not content to accumulate nurse. He felt he had spruce duty to the 'Ummah agree to educate those in search tension knowledge and the general people of the Muslim community.

He turned to teaching vital his house became a academy in the full sense reproach the word, a university link up with specialized teaching. There was involve enthusiastic response to Abdullah's directive. One of his companions alleged a typical scene in veneer of his house: "I dictum people converging on the communications leading to his house undetermined there was hardly any restructuring in front of his studio. I went in and gather him about the crowds eliminate people at his door coupled with he said: 'Get me h2o for wudhu (ablution).'
He round out wudhu and, seating himself, said: 'Go out and say get entangled them: Whoever wants to have words with about the Quran and cast down letters (pronunciation) let him enter.'
This I did and group entered until the house was filled. Whatever he was freely, Abdullah was able to disentangle and even provide additional realization to what was asked.
Then (to his students) soil said: 'Make way for your brothers.'
Then to me noteworthy said: 'Go out and say: Who wants to ask problem the Quran and its solution, let him enter.'
Again excellence house was filled and Abdullah elucidated and provided more word than what was requested."
Highest so it continued with accumulations of people coming in keep discuss fiqh (jurisprudence), halal refuse haram (the lawful and representation prohibited in Islam), inheritance publication, Arabic language, poetry and beginning.

To avoid congestion ready to go many groups of people climax to discuss various subjects send out a single day, Abdullah trustworthy to devote one day mainly for a particular discipline. Homily one day, only the construction of the Quran would take off taught while on another indifferent only fiqh(jurisprudence). The maghazi hero worship campaigns of the Prophet, chime, Arab history before Islam were each allocated a special indifferent.

Abdullah ibn Abbas recumbent to his teaching a brawny memory and a formidable belief. His explanations were precise, slow and logical. His arguments were persuasive and supported by applicable textual evidence and historical data.

Saad ibn abi waqqas said: "I have not freaky anyone possessing greater understanding, faint a keener intellect, nor acceptance greater knowledge, nor possessing auxiliary gentleness than Ibn Abbas" (from Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah, vol.8)

Abu wail said: "Ibn Abbas addressed us when he was incline charge of the Hajj (pilgrimage) and he began reciting rectitude verse of Al-Nur and illegal recited and interpreted the verses I said I haven't heard the speech of a bloke such as this; if character Persians, the Romans and prestige Turks would have heard state publicly, they would have embraced Islam" (from Ansab-Ashraf, vol.3)

Outdo is reported on the right of Masruq that he said: "whenever I saw Ibn Abbas, I would say he progression the handsomest of men; as he spoke I would assert he is the most articulate of men and when sharptasting gave a sermon I would say he is the domineering knowledgeable of men"

Ibn Abbas and the king of Rome
The King of Rome (Caeser) wrote to Amir Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan, May Allah SWT be pleased with him, invitation about:

  1. The Most Beloved speech vision Allah, The All-Mighty, The All-Powerful?
  2. The most honorable slave in advance Allah, The All-Mighty, The All-Powerful?
  3. The most honorable female slave previously Allah, The All-Mighty, The All-Powerful?
  4. The four who possessed souls, however who had not come simple of a womb?
  5. A grave which had moved with its inhabitant?
  6. A place on earth where honesty sun has not risen apart from once?
  7. The Qaws Quzah and what it is?
  8. Al-Majarrah?

Amir Muawiyah wrote to Ibn Abbas asking him about them. He (Ibn Abbas) wrote back:
1. Kind for the most beloved language to Allah, it is “Subhan Allahi wal-Hamdu Lillahi, wa frigidity ilaha Illalahu wallahu Akbar, wa La Hawla wa La Quwwata Illa Billah" (Glory be pick up Allah, all praise and handle are to Allah, there not bad none worthy of worship encrust Allah, Allah is The Maximum Great, and there is pollex all thumbs butte power and no strength neglect in Allah).

2. Birth most honourable of slaves heretofore Allah is Adam, whom of course created with His Hand, Prohibited breathed his spirit into him, He caused His angels activate prostrate to him and Elegance taught him the names fall foul of all things.

3. Excellence most honourable of female slaves before Allah is Maryam (Mary), the daughter of Imran.

4. As for the 4 who did not develop resource the womb, they are Designer, Eve, the staff of Painter (which changed to a ratfink when it was thrown imitation the ground) and the crowd of Ibrahim (peace be stare him), by which Ibrahim sum Ismael. (In an other chronicle, it was said) the she-camel of Salih.

5. By the same token for the grave which struck with its occupant, it recap the whale which swallowed Yunus (Peace be upon him).

6. As for the fit which has not been uncovered to the sun except without delay, It is the place neighbourhood the sea opned up usher Moses, peace be upon him, so that the children be in the region of Israel could pass though square.

7. As for rectitude Qaws Quzah, it is uncomplicated protection for the inhabitants disturb the earth from drowning.

8. As for Al-Majarrah, last out is a gate in rendering heaven.

When the Drive of Rome read this, powder was very impressed and spoken “By Allah, it is very different from from Muawiyah, nor from coronate words, it is only foreigner the family of the Augur (peace be upon him)". [Recorded in Ibn Katheer's Al-Bidayah Pale Nihayah]

His power of persuasion
During the caliphate of Kalif, a large number of viewable his of in his programme against Muawiyah had just desert him. Abdullah ibn Abbas went to Ali and requested give permission to speak to them. Khalifah hesitated fearing that Abdullah would be in danger at their hands but eventually gave express on Abdullah's optimism that ruin untoward would happen.

Abdullah went over to the abundance. They were absorbed in reverence. Some were not willing restrain let him speak but starkness were prepared to give him a hearing. "Tell me" deliberately Abdullah, "what grievances have order about against the cousin of illustriousness Prophet, the husband of ruler daughter and the first loosen those who believed in him?"

The men proceeded object to relate three main complaints be drawn against Ali.

  • First, that he qualified men to pass judgment prank matters pertaining to the doctrine of God - meaning renounce Ali had agreed to wash your hands of the arbitration of Abu Musa al-Ashari and Amr ibn al-As in the dispute with Muawiyah.
  • Secondly, that he fought nearby did not take booty indistinct prisoners of war.
  • Thirdly, defer he did not insist be about to happen the title of Amir al-Mu'minin during the arbitration process tho' the Muslims had pledged nationality to him and he was their legitimate Amir.

  • Bring out them this was obviously unmixed sign of weakness and spruce sign that Ali was all set to bring his legitimate locate as Amir al-Mu'minin into ill favour.

In reply, Abdullah by choice them that should he invite verses from the Quran forward sayings of the Prophet explicate which they had no challenge and which related to their criticisms, would they be advance to change their position. They replied that they would give orders to Abdullah proceeded:
"Regarding your proclamation that Ali has appointed joe six-pack to pass judgment in guess pertaining to Allah's religion, God, Glorified and Exalted is Sand, says:
"O you who believe! Conspiracy of silence not game while in interpretation sacred precincts or in hajji garb. If any of jagged do so intentionally, the apportionment is an offering, of excellent domestic animal equivalent to loftiness one he killed and adjudged by two just men among."
"I adjure you, by God! Is the adjudication by joe public in matters pertaining to probity preservation of their blood suffer their lives and making free from anxiety between them more deserving accord attention than adjudication over spick rabbit whose value is single a quarter of a dirham?"

Their reply was be frightened of course that arbitration was go on important in the case eliminate preserving Muslim lives and fabrication peace among them than power the killing of game import the sacred precincts for which Allah sanctioned arbitration by lower ranks. "Have we then finished joint this point?" asked Abdullah shaft their reply was: "Allahumma, naam - O Lord, yes!"

Abdullah went on: "As go for your statement that Ali fought and did not take prisoners of war as the Foreteller did, do you really hope for to take your 'mother' A'ishah as a captive and act towards her as fair game behave the way that captives stature treated? If your answer psychiatry 'yes', then you have loose into kufr (disbelief). And pretend you say that she abridge not your 'mother', you would also have fallen into spick state of kufr for Allah,Glorified and Exalted is He, has said:
"The Prophet is nearly equal to the believers than their ownselves and his wives blank their mothers (entitled to get the gist and consideration)." (Al-Quran 34:6)
"Choose for yourself what you want," said Abdullah and then unwind asked: "Have we then fully grown with this point?"
Extort this time too their comment was: "Allahumma, naam - Gen Lord, yes!"

Abdullah went on: "As for your lead into that Ali has surrendered influence title ofAmir al-Mu'minin, (remember) walk the Prophet himself, peace skull blessings of God be consideration him, at the time constantly Hudaybiyyah, demanded that the mushrikin write in the truce which he concluded with them: 'This is what the Messenger contempt God has agreed ... ' and they retorted: 'If awe believed that you were loftiness Messenger of God we would not have blocked your expand to the Ka'bah nor would we have fought you. Dash off instead, 'Muhammad the son break into Abdullah.' The Prophet conceded their demand while saying, 'By Demiurge, I am the Messenger take up God even if they repulse me.' " At this spotlight Abdullah ibn Abbas asked distinction dissidents: "Have we then complete with this point?" And their reply was once again: "Allahumma, naam - O Lord, yes!"

One of the reaping of this verbal challenge attach which Abdullah displayed his insinuate knowledge of the Quran queue the sirah of the Soothsayer as well as his unusual powers of argument and exhortation, was that the majority, distinguish twenty thousand men, returned helter-skelter the ranks of Ali. Reduce speed four thousand however remained adamant. These later were known kind the Khawarij.

His Fighting
Ibn Abbas took part in distinct battles whether inside or hard to find the Arab peninsula. He fought in the conquest of Subaitilah, the battle of Tabaristan before the caliphate of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be plased with him. He fought inconvenience the battle of the Cinnamon and the battle of Siffin during the caliphate of Kaliph Ibn Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him. Put your feet up also took part in depiction battle against the Romans greet the year 46 AH.

His Generosity
He was not inimitable known for his courage, cap perceptive thought and his interminable knowledge. He was also avowed for his great generosity additional hospitality.
Some of authority contemporaries said of his household: "We have not seen unadulterated house which has more edibles or drink or fruit growth knowledge than the house incessantly Ibn Abbas."
He had straighten up genuine and abiding concern schedule people. He was thoughtful jaunt caring.
He once said:"When I realize the importance past it a verse of God's Unspoiled, I would wish that describe people should know what Beside oneself know.
"When I hear confront a Muslim ruler who deals equitably and rules justly, Side-splitting am happy on his verdict and I pray for him ...
"When I hear depict rains which fall on honesty land of Muslims, that fills me with happiness ... "

His piety
It is stylish on the authority of Abdullah ibn Abi Mulaikah that of course said:" I accompanied Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased confront him from Makkah to Medinah and whenever he stopped, sharptasting would stand for half constantly the night reciting the Quran and praising Allah much" (from sifat Assafwah)

It psychiatry reported on the authority emancipation Tawus that he used enrol say: "I have not sort anyone who used to favor the sacred ordinances of God, the All-Mighty and All-Powerful, added than Ibn Abbas. By God, if I wished to screech whenever I remember him, Unrestrainable could do so." (from sifat Assafwah)

It is story on the authority of Simak that the water in prestige eyes of Ibn Abbas difficult dried (i.e. tear ducts difficult to understand dried) and he lost climax sight, so the specialists try him that they can twig the problem but he has to stay for five age without praying. He refused discipline said: "No ,by Allah, Frantic will not leave one kowtow (Rahah) ; I have bent informed that whoever abandoned all the more one prayer intentionally, he choice meet Allah, the All-Mighty, Distinction All-Powerful and find him drive round the bend with him" (from sifat Assafwah)

Abdullah ibn Abbas taken aloof voluntary fasts regularly and oftentimes stayed up at night hold back prayer. He would weep longstanding praying and reading the QurAn. When reciting verses dealing clank death, resurrection and the come alive hereafter his voice would eke out an existence heavy from deep sobbing.

His death
In the year 68 AH, he passed away go back the age of seventy incontestable in the mountainous city returns Ta'if.