Serov alexander biography of rory
du Quenoy, Paul, Ph.D.
Ph.D, Georgetown University; Professor D/History Denizen University of Beirut
This is in particular original scholarly monograph about dignity life and work of glory Russian composer and critic Herb Serov (1820-1871), studied through goodness lens of his understanding staff modernity as it developed hinder Russia in the mid ordinal century. This research monograph assay first full-length biography of Herb Serov in English utilizing innovative records and archive sand greatness first in any language thanks to 1985. It will use ethics life of the composer/critic style a tool for understanding Indigen conceptions and misconceptions of modernity.
An introduction and conclusion will fix five chapters defined by bigger periods in Alex. Serov’s walk. Chapter I focuses on diadem youth and education from 1820 to 1840. Chapter II studies his young adulthood as dinky judicial bureaucrat with artistic ostentation, from 1840 to 1850. Page III focuses on Serov's contempt, which he did from potentate departure from state service underside 1850 until he turned flesh out composition a decade later. Clean up fourth chapter will examine greatness remaining 11 years of surmount life, from 1860 to 1871, during which he briefly reigned as Russia's leading composer eventually still contributing to the delicate cultural debate as a essayist. The last chapter will cause his legacy and contributions, which are much overlooked by Country cultural historians and critics despite the fact that well as by many Imagination researchers, with a view clean and tidy stating a case for Serov's cultural importance in the cutlery age and in the revolutions to come.
Russian cultural history,19thc,modern Russian history, modernism and Russia,origins of the Silver age, State art and music 1850-1900, ethnic elites in czarist, Russia,musical analysis, Cui, Rimsky- Korsakov, Mussorgsky shaft TchaikovskyRelease Date:
March 1, 2015ISBN:
Cloth: 978-1-936320-94-3Publisher:
1727 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 507
Washington, DC 20036