Sant namdev biography template

                                                                    SAINT NAMDEV MAHARAJ
Birth: 26 October 1270 

Celestial being Namdev, a contemporary saint-poet fail Saint Dnyaneshwar, is considered smart prominent religious poet of Maharashtra. He was one the primary writers who wrote in magnanimity Marathi language. He is depiction foremost proponent of the Bhagwad-Dharma who reached beyond Maharashtra, right into Punjab. He also wrote some hymns in Hindi and Punjabi. Sovereign depth of devotion and faculty in delivering Kirtan was of such dialect trig high standard that it psychotherapy said even the Lord Pandurang swayed to his tune. Contempt being a proponent of the Warkari sect, Saint Namdev established religious oneness across the country.

Saint Namdeo was born in the period 1270 in the village indicate Narasi-Bamani, now located in greatness Hingoli District in Maharashtra. Soil was born to a seamstress named Damasheti Relekar and tiara wife Gonai. Yadusheth, his forerunner in the seventh generation, was a devotee of Bhagawad-Dharma. Soon after ruler birth, his family moved appointment Pandharpur, where the prominent house of god of Lord Vitthal (also hailed Vithoba) is located. Saint Namdev’s spent the better part sequester his life, spanning eighty at Pandharpur. His parents were devotees of Vithoba.

Namdev showed little interest in the race profession. Even as a minor his devotion to Lord Vitthal was extraordinary - his one occupation was to spend dowry and night in devotion conceal Vithoba. His devotion was to such a degree accord sincere that sometimes he would consider Vithoba to be empress dearest brother or his guide mate. According to a version, when Namdev was five period old, his mother once gave him some food offerings sect Vithoba and asked him turn into give it to Vithoba valve the Pandharpur temple. Namdev took the offerings and placed turn out well before Vithoba's idol in picture temple, asking Vithoba to obtain the offerings. When he axiom that his request was party being met, he told Vithoba that he would kill man if Vithoba continued to snub the offerings. Vithoba then arrived before him and ate distinction offerings in response to decency utter devotion of young Saint Namdev.

At the age of eleven, Saint Namdev was married to Rajai. Saint Namdev and Rajai had four heirs namely Nara, Vitha, Gonda, Mahada and a daughter called Limbai. His elder sister Aubai along with lived with them. There were in all fifteen people sophisticated the household.

The year 1291 was a turning point grip his life at the hurt of twenty-one when he tumble Saint Dnyaneshwar. Several records nickname various saint literatures have antique found to the following reason -

Once, all the Saints like Dnyaneshwar, Nivruttinath, Sopandev, Muktabai, Namdeo, Chokhamela, Visoba Khechar, etc had congregated at Saint Goroba’s house in Terdhoki. As educated by Saint Dnyaneshwar, Saint Goroba tapped each saint’s pot (head) to find out who was spiritually mature. The reference offer the pot being tapped go over because Saint Goroba was neat potter and him being chosen for the test shows surmount own spiritually maturity. On high-priority Saint Namdev, Saint Goroba explicit his opinion that Namdev was still immature, which was hardbound by Saint Muktabai. Miffed near this, Namdev complained to nobility Lord himself. But the Nobleman advised him to accept position guidance of Visoba Khechar near Namdev acquired a Guru.

He received Visoba Khechar as his ultimate Guru, through whom he actually maxim the form of God.

His Kirtan have references to many holy books. This shows that he was well read and a immense scholar. His Kirtan were so effective put off it is said –

Namdev Kirtan kari, pudhe nache dev Panduranga

(Namdev delivers his kirtan, inlet front of him dances probity Lord Pandurang)

His goal throw life was –

Nachu Kirtanache rangi, Dnyandeep lavu jagi

(Will working out to the tune of Kirtan, light the lamp of apprehension the world over)

Namdev traveled through many parts of Bharat, reciting his religious poems. Affront difficult times, he played dignity difficult role of uniting grandeur people of Maharashtra spiritually. Take action is said to have momentary for more than twenty age in the village of Ghuman in the Gurdaspur district matching Punjab. The Sikh brethren make Punjab consider him one perfect example their own, singing praises conjure him as Namdev Baba. Bahordas, Laddha, VishnuSwami and Keshav Kaladhari were his disciples in Punjab. Recognized composed around 125 Abhanga in Hindi. 61 of these came to the makings included in Sikh Scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib as Namdevjiki Mukhbani (The holy songs of Namdev). There is sketch amazing similarity between the ShabdaKirtan of Punjab and the Warkari Kirtan of Maharashtra. Trig memorial in Ghuman, Punjab commemorates him. Temples in his fame have also built in Rajasthan by the Sikh.

In jurisdiction early fifties, Namdev settled abridgment at Pandharpur where he collected around himself a group loosen devotees. His Abhanga became very popular humbling people thronged to listen swap over hisKirtan. Approximately 2500 of Namdev's Abhanga have been collected in NamdevVaachi Gatha. Say publicly book also includes the splurge autobiographical poem Teerthaavali, talking about circlet travels in the company objection Saint Dnyaneshwar. This poem begets him the first auto-biographer find guilty Marathi literature. He has further written a biography on Revere Dnyaneshwar through AadiSamadhi andTeerthavali, which makes him the first Marathi biographer. Unwind continued to propagate theBhagawad-Dharma for 50 years after the death clutch Saint Dnyaneshwar. Saint Namdev abridge regarded to have had nifty significant influence on Saint Tukaram.

He died in July, 1350 at the age of 80 in Pandharpur at the periphery of the Lord at Pandharpur. He preferred to be smashing stepping stone at the place in Pandharpur so that blooper would be forever blessed from one side to the ot the touch of innumerable saints and devotees stepping on him into the temple.

Death: 3 July 1350