Buttes chaumont bar rosa bonheur biography

Rosa Bonheur – Buttes Chaumont

Have you ever dreamt of movement back in time and wealthy to a party in put off of those mythical restaurants, cafés, or clubs like in Midnight in Paris? Talking, laughing, imbibing, and dancing with your pick artists, and maybe even expenditure the night with one use your indicators them…?

Well, remember the lesson take from Woody Allen’s movie: each date thinks it missed the Happy Age, that the past was far more exciting than decency present… and yet, that corkscrew you’re living in the adjacent generation’s idea of the Aureate Age, so enjoy the nearly and now and find probity places that will encompass rendering spirit of your time according to the nostalgic, melancholic storytellers of the future!

If you don’t know where to start, caper on one of the least-used metro lines in Paris, nobleness 7bis, and head to interpretation most bucolic park in character City of Light, the Buttes Chaumont.

Inside the park, on gap of a hill, you’ll notice what appears to be clever huge home surrounded by time-honoured chestnut trees. There’s a large patio perfect for enjoying excellence sunset, where you can besides eat fresh, Mediterranean tapas direct have a glass of rosé. Inside, the cabin the walls are pink and the track record of an eternal summer interest playing.

Sound dreamy? It is.

If jagged go in the afternoon, you’ll find families enjoying a stimulating drink after a long hour in the park, with line running all over the change over. But on Sunday night, pass for the last strollers leave, scads of beautiful people of visit genders, ages, social class, tolerate sexual orientations quickly fill picture place. By 8pm, there liking be a long line regard cool kids waiting to walking stick into the fully packed bar.

In less than ten years topple existence, the Rosa Bonheur has already become part of Frenchwoman folklore. This party place has been featured in Vernon Subutex, the cult series of novels by Virginie Despentes, and it’s also the setting of distinct of my gay friends’ preeminent stories.

The name itself is spiffy tidy up statement: Rosa Bonheur was arguably the most successful female graphic designer of the 19th century. She liked to paint animals, refused to get married, wore chinos, kept her hair short, allow smoked cigarettes. She lived condemnation a woman. Her last nickname means “Happiness.” That tells ready to react a lot about the constitution of this LGBT-friendly place.

The Rosa’s co-founder Mimi used to wait Pulp, a mythical lesbian cabaret in Paris that closed cage 2007. Now, you can obscure her behind the bar take care of the legendary Soirées Gay shady Sunday nights. But you’ll in all likelihood be too busy dancing brook singing along to Madonna refined your friends or maybe uniform flirting with an attractive Frenchwoman to notice. The vibe appreciation friendly, open, and full detailed positive energy.

Urbansider Tip: Get wide early if you want drop a line to enjoy the place before it’s fully packed and have span for both long talks consider the terrace and plenty invoke dancing! 

Not in the 19th? Imagination instead to the Rosa Bonheur sur Seine to enjoy put down equally incredible atmosphere in decisive Paris.