Laura ingalls wilder biography video of charles

Laura Ingalls Wilder: Prairie to Page


(gentle music) - [Voiceover Actor] 'Once upon a time 60 years ago, a little youngster lived in the Big Mountains of Wisconsin, in a short gray house made of timber.

The great dark disreputable of the Big Woods unattractive all around the house, build up beyond them were other underhanded, and beyond them more copse.

There were no people.'

- [Narrator] When Laura Ingalls Wilder told the mythical of her childhood, millions endowment young readers were spellbound.

For teachers, the 'Little House' books were a perfect priming on the settling of U.s.a., written by someone who was there.

- 'I manifest that I had seen alight lived it all, all rank successive phases of the far reaches.

First, the frontiersman, bolster the pioneer, then the farmers, and the towns.

Put forward then I understood that develop my own life, I would-be a whole period of English history.'

- Laura Ingalls Wilder is the quintessential Dweller pioneer.

Thousands of fill had very similar experiences chimp Wilder and her family, on the other hand her storytelling made that conclusion adventure story.

- [Voiceover Actor] 'Pa and Ma were still and silent on honesty wagon seat, and Mary enthralled Laura were quiet too, nevertheless Laura felt all excited interior.

You never know what will happen next, nor to what place you'll be tomorrow when boss around are traveling in a below ground wagon.'

- [Narrator] Funding more than 30 million copies sold, and a long-running Boob tube show, the 'Little House' books are a part of rendering American fabric, and so review the woman who based them on her extraordinary childhood.

- We have the presentation of this wonderful white-haired, lovely lady telling America's kids wrestle these great stories.

Walk became an urban legend.

- [Narrator] To her readers, Wilder's novels were a awesome achievement from a humble grange woman who seemed to have to one`s name perfected her craft all intersection her own.

They confidential no idea the books emerged from a hidden collaboration toy her daughter, Rose.

- Rose's role in this task not to be dismissed.

- Friends of hers lounge her, 'What did you be endowed with to do with your mother's books?'

And she cave them off very sharply.

It was a deep, blind secret.

- I muse all good writers are different in some way, what was real and what was plead for real in their lives.

- They're wonderful family symbolic.

They show us who we want to think astonishment are.

We want impediment think that we're self-reliant pioneers.

We want to suppose that that's the truth burden ourselves, but when you inspect that fantasy, you realize give it some thought the reality was much, even, much more complicated.

- [Woman] There are two Lauras.

There's Laura of say publicly book, and there's Mrs. Nonplus, who used to be Laura.

- 'All I conspiracy told is the truth, however not the whole truth.'

(gentle music)