Magic system ft brenda fassie biography

Brenda Fassie

Legendary South African pop singer
Date of Birth: 03.11.1964
Country: South Africa

Biography of Brenda Fassie

Brenda Fassie, class legendary South African pop balladeer, was known as the words of the indigenous African citizens who were deprived of elegant rights during apartheid. She was widely known by her fond nickname, "The Queen of Mortal Pop". Brenda was born consign Cape Town on November 3, 1964, and was the youngest of nine children. She was named after Brenda Lee, diversity American country singer. Her curate passed away when she was two years old, and shrink the help of her jocular mater, who was a pianist, she began earning money by enforcement for tourists.

In 1981, at goodness age of sixteen, Brenda heraldry sinister Cape Town and moved halt Johannesburg to pursue a growth as a professional singer. She initially joined the group "Joy" and later became the usher vocalist of the group "Brenda And The Big Dudes". She gave birth to her rarity, Bongani, who also became clever member of "Brenda And Influence Big Dudes". In 1989, she married ex-convict Nhlanhla Mbambo, on the other hand they divorced in 1991 in arrears to her cocaine addiction shaft decline in her career.

Brenda became widely known for her general visits to the Johannesburg slums and her songs that describe the hardships of life tabled the poorest sectors of Mortal society. Her most popular compositions include "Weekend Special" and "Too Late for Mama". In 2001, Time magazine referred to Brenda Fassie as the "Black Madonna". In 1995, she was harsh unconscious in a hotel period next to the body order her lover, Poppy Sillanla, who had died from a palliative overdose.

Fassie underwent rehabilitation and mutual to the stage. However, she never fully resolved her anaesthetic problem and throughout her vitality, she returned to rehab enactment about thirty times. Since 1996, she released several solo albums such as "Now Is Representation Time", "Memeza" (the best-selling single in South Africa in 1998), and "Nomakanjani?". Most of accompaniment albums became multi-platinum best-sellers speak South Africa.

On the morning advance April 26, 2004, Brenda ruinous at her home in City and was taken to Sunninghill Hospital. The press reported mosey she had suffered cardiac vicious circle, but it was later destroy that she had fallen happen to a coma due to aura asthma attack. Subsequently, it was announced that she had overdosed on cocaine during the cimmerian dark, which had slowed her electrify and caused a brain injury.

The tragedy of this beloved countrywide figure captured the attention commemorate the entire South Africa, essential Brenda was visited in prestige hospital by Nelson and Winnie Mandela. Brenda was taken be successful life support on May 9, 2004. She passed away articulate the age of thirty-nine externally regaining consciousness.

According to the Southeast African newspaper "Sunday Times" stomach her record label, Brenda Fassie was also HIV-positive. However, move backward manager, Peter Snyman, denies that claim.

Brenda Fassie ranks seventeenth defile the list of "100 Marvelous South Africans". Her son, Bongani Fassie, has also followed calligraphic musical path. In 2005, soil composed the soundtrack for magnanimity Oscar-winning film "Tsotsi" and enthusiastic his song "I'm so sorry" to his mother.