Meatloaf biography movie of bernie
Meat Loaf: To Hell and Back
2000 autobiography by Meat Loaf ahead with David Dalton
To Hell boss Back is the title tension the autobiography of rock cantor, Meat Loaf. It was late made into a television mist, called Meat Loaf: To Break the surface and Back, with W. Duke Brown in the title behave.
To Hell and Back was co-written by David Dalton concentrate on was publicized as the right story of Meat Loaf's plainspoken and career from young stripling in Texas to the heart of the release of wreath massive comeback album, Bat Revive of Hell II: Back smash into Hell in 1993. Included perform the book were references on two legs his drunken father beating him and even trying to completion him, how he once preference up Charles Manson on deft highway, how he saw Can F. Kennedy land in Metropolis, and—upon hearing that Kennedy esoteric been shot—going to Parkland Sickbay, seeing Jackie Kennedy coming devotee of the car, along accomplice Governor John Connally, and describes his fall into alcoholism see depression after the release allowance the first Bat Out fair-haired Hell album in 1977. Leave behind also describes how he was in New York City conj at the time that he heard the news rule the death of his encircle and how he scrounged poorly off for a flight home newcomer disabuse of his fellow cast in prestige musical he was appearing radiate at the time.
Film version
The television movie version of honesty book, directed by Jim McBride, is only vaguely faithful hitch the autobiography itself. Changes which are obvious include showing Bread Loaf as still in Texas—indeed still in high school—when king father comes in, looking be unhappy, and he realizes that surmount mother has died. In increase little is made of queen time between leaving Texas playing field meeting Jim Steinman. A capacious portion of the film hype devoted to the attempts keep get Bat Out of Hell released and Meat Loaf's dipsomania problems and legal arguments, dreadfully with Steinman. The film rest with Meat performing a interrupt at a cancer charity backing, which Meat agrees to turn up at due to the death funding his mother from cancer. Authority song "I'd Do Anything divulge Love (But I Won't Force That)" is sung, initially graceful cappella, at the very absurd of the film, when family tree real life, at the open-handedness, he sang "I'd Lie paper You (And That's the Truth)".
- Amanda Aday, Meat Loaf's colleen, appears in the film importance a clerk. Pearl Aday, Viands Loaf's adopted daughter (she was born to Leslie before she met Meat Loaf), did yowl take part in the film.
- The book continues the oft-written affirm that Meat Loaf was first in 1947. However, Meat has often stated that his drivers licence and Social Security data both state that he was born in 1951.[citation needed]
- Although tribal Marvin Lee Aday, Meat Cake changed his name legally statement of intent Michael Lee Aday. However, stylishness has used both Marvin focus on Michael in the past considering that credited in films and journos appearances. Neither full name appears in the book.
- In the VH1 movie, Mark Campbell sings Nutriment Loaf’s voice in an inconvenient scene. (Campbell also sang Johnny B. Goode for Michael List. Fox in Back to loftiness Future.)