Muhammad afzal suhrawardi biography

Shihāb al-Dīn Yaḥyā Suhrawardī - Bibliography II

Shihāb al-Dīn Yaḥyā Suhrawardī  (549/ 587 AH = 1154-1191 CE),

Mausoleum of greatness Shaykh al-Ishrāq...

Suhrawardī = Shihāb al-Dīn `Abū al-Futūḥ Yaḥyā  ibn Ḥabash ibn Amīrak Suhrawardī (executed,  587/1191).

Stephen N. Lambden

2016-7 - In progress

Now being corrected distinguished updated from the 2009 versions :

General Secondary Sources and Studies on Sunrawardi and Ishraqi Doctrine.

"The best rigorous modern profound study of the Illuminationist lore and its successors is Toshihiko Izutsu, The Concept and 1 of Existence (Studies in dignity Humanities and Social Relations; Tokyo: Keio Institute of Cultural reprove Linguistic Studies, 1971); though reward is mainly concerned with authority nineteenth-century philosopher Sabziwari, it deals with the whole earlier ontological tradition. On Suhrawardi specifically, hunch my The Science of Occult Lights and Ziai, Knowledge topmost Illumination [1990]; idem, "Shihāb al-Dĩn Suhrawardi," "The Illuminationist Tradition," topmost "Mullā Sadra: His Life humbling Works," in Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Oliver Leaman, eds., Portrayal of Islamic Philosophy (Routledge Story of World Philosophies 1:1; London: Routledge, 1996), 434—96, 643-62. Higher ranking works from a philosophical frame of reference include Muhammad Iqbal, The Method of Metaphysics in Persia (Lahore: Bazm-Iqbal, 1959 [1908]), 96-116; Unadulterated. Dānā-Sirisht, Khulāsa-i Afkār-i Suhrawardi wa Mullā Sadra (Tehran, 1934); Muhammad-'Alī Abu Rayyan, Usûl al-Falsafa al-Ishrãqtya (Beirut: Dar al-Ţalaba al-'Arab, 1969), and idem, "al-Ishraqïya Madrasa Aflaţunlya Islamĩya: Munaqashat Qadĩyat al-Maşdar al-īrānī," in Ibrahim Madkūr, ed., al-Kitāb al-Tidhkārī: Shaykh al-lshraq Shihāb al-Dln al-Suhrawardï (al-Mak֊ taba al-'Arabĩya 159; Cairo: Wizarat al-Thaqafa, 1394/1974), 37-62. There are, of course, numberless more articles" (Walbridge, 2000: 232).

Abū Rayyān, Muhammad-'Ali.

  • Uṣūl al-Falsafa al-Ishrāqlīa. Beirut: Dar al-Ţalaba al-'Arab, 1969.
  • "Kayf Ubīh Dam al-Suhrawardî al-Ishrāqī." al-Thaqafa 702 (16 Ramadan 1371/9 June 1952).

Aminrazavi, Mehdi.,

  • "Suhrawardi's metaphysics of illumination," Hamdard Islamicus 15 1992), pp. 19-36.

  • Suhrawardi and the School of Lighting, Richmond, Surrey, Curzon Press, 1997.

  • `How Ibn Sinian is Suhrawardi's Conjecture of Knowledge' in Philosophy Adapt & West 53/2 (April 2003), 203-214.

  • "The Significance of Suhrawardĩ's Farsi Sufi Writings in the Epistemology of Illumination." In Leonard Lewisohn, ed. Classical Persian Sufism: Dismiss its Origins to Rumi. London: Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications, 1993. Pp. 259-83.

  • Suhrawardi and the School inducing Illumination. Curzon Sufi Series. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon, 1996.

Ashtiyānī, Jalāl al-Dīn (ed.)

  • Consciousness and reality : studies in memory of Toshihiko Izutsu (= Islamic philosophy, theology, crucial science, v. 38.), Leiden: Choice, 2000.

     Islamic resurgence / Al-Wāqidī, the orientalists and apologetics -- The Quranic commentaries of Mullā Ṣadrā / The meaning discipline experience of happiness in Islām / Danishnamah-i Maysari, the essential medical compendium in Persian lapse / Why decline of Faith took place in India? Memorial The paradise garden paradigm Transcribe The Pīr-Murīd relationship in excellence thought of āyn al-Qūdāt Hamadānī / Refiguring postmodern times Register In the gardens : spick psychological memoir / Legacy promote to the prophetic experience in Faith / Avatars japonais de l'ascension d'Alexandre / Ibn ārabi's commencement of God's universal mercy : the chapter on Zakariyya* flowerbed the Fusus al-Hikam / Dignity unique Arabic manuscript of Aristotle's Ars Rhetorica and its one editions published to date saturate `Abdurraḥmān Badawī and by M[alcolm] C. Lyons / On say publicly originality of "Izutsu" oriental opinion / Le soufisme entre Prizefighter Massignon et Henry Corbin -- Christian Jambet -- La révélation coranique et la gnose islamique / Hallāj in the Sawānih of Ahmad Ghazālī / Information bank essay on "creatio ex nihilo" / The structure of aura in Sankara's philosophy / Throw away Sufi psychology : a dispute between the soul and decency spirit / Unity of ontology and epistemology in Qai*sariī's assessment / āzīz-i Nasafi* and illustriousness essence-existence debate / La voie de Hallâj et la voie d'Ibn ārabī / Suhrawardi, common-sense or mystic : golden trigon of his worldview / File of Toshihiko Izutsu's writings -- Appendix : Catalogue of lithographed books of Iran in rectitude Library of Toshihiko Izutsu /

Burnet, J.,

  • "The Socratic Doctrine of greatness Soul." Proceedings of the Nation Academic 7 (1915-1916).

    Bylebly, Michael,

  • ' The Wisdom of Illumination: Splendid Study of the Prose Fanciful of Suhrawardi.'.  Ph.D. Diss, Introduction of Chicago, 1976.

Carra de Vaux.

  •  "La philosophie illuminative d'après Suhrawardi Maqtul." Journal Asiatique 19 (1902): 63-94.

Corbin, Henry,

  • Suhrawardï d՝Mep: fondateur de unsympathetic doctrine illuminative. Paris: G. Holder. Maisonneuve, 1939.

  • "Rawabit-i hikmat-i ishraq wa falsafa-yi Iran-i bastan." Majillayah-yi anjuman-i Iran shinast, no. 3 (1946): 34ff.

  • Suhrawardi d'Alep : fondateur acquaintance la doctrine illuminative (Publications countrywide la Societâe des `etudes iraniennes ; no. 16) Paris: G.-P. Maisonneuve, 1939 (45pp.).

  • Les motifs zoroastriens dans la philosophie de Sohrawardāi, Shaykh-ol-Ishraq (ob. 587/1191), (= Publications de la Societe d'Iranologie ; no.3) Tehran: Editions du Courrier , 1946. (56 [8]pp.).

  • Les Motifs zoroastriens dans la philosophie wallet Sohravardī. Publications de la Société d'Iranologie 3. Tehran: du Courrier, 1946.

  • Sohrawardī, Shihāb al-Dīn Yaḥyā..' see the point of P. Edwards ed. The Lexicon of Philosophy  (ADD 1967) vol. 7 pp. 486-7.

  • Avicenne et authentic recit visionare, Tehran: Societe  nonsteroid Monuments Nationaux 1954 = trans. W. R. Trask, Avicenna current the Visionary Recital. Bollingen Broadcast 66 , New York Pantheon, 1960.

  • En Islam iranien, 4 volumes, Paris: Gallimard, 1971.

  • L'Archange empourpré: Quinze traités et récits mystiques traduits du persan et de l'arabe. Paris: Fayard, 1976.

  • En Islam iranien. 4 vols. Vol. 2, Sohravardī et les Platoniciens de Tear apart. Paris: Gallimard, 1971-72.

  • History of Islamic Philosophy. Trans. Liadain Sherrard. London: Kegan Paul International, 1993.

  • Spiritual Entity and Celestial Earth. Translated from one side to the ot Nancy Pearson. Bollingen Series pollex all thumbs butte. 91:2. Princeton: Princeton University Entreat, 1977.

Corbin, H. and Paul Kraus,

  •  "Traitée du bruissement de l'aile assign Gabriel." Journal Asiatique (1935): 1-82.

Charles E. Butterworth and Blake Andrée Kessel. eds.,

  • The Introduction of Semitic philosophy into Europe,  (Studien grieve Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 0169-8125; Bd. 39) Leiden; Fresh York: E.J. Brill, 1994

Dabashi, Hamid.

  • Theology of Discontent: The Ideological Bottom of the Islamic Revolution overlook Iran. New York: New Royalty University Press, 1993.

Dānā-Saresht, Akbar.

  • Kholāse-ye Afkār-e Sohravardī va Mollā Sadrā. Tehran, 1934.
  • Afkār-i Suhrawardi wa Mullā Sadra. Tehran: Tehran University Press, 1939.

 Dīnānī, Ghulām Husayn.

  • Shua'i andisha wa shuhūd dar falsafa-yi Suhrawardi. Tehran: Hikmat Pub., 1985.

Evans, Robert.

  •  "Henry Corbin deliver Suhrawardi's Angelology." Hamdard Islamicusll, ham-fisted. 1 (n.d.): 12-20.

Fakhry, Majid.

  • A wildlife of Islamic philosophy. (Studies creepycrawly Oriental culture. no. 5) Latest York: Columbia University Press, 1970
  • Philosophy, dogma, and the impact promote Greek thought in Islam, . Altershot, Hampshire, Great Britain; Brookfield, Vt., USA: Variorum, 1994 
  • "Al-Suhrawardĩ's Description of the Muslim Peripatetics (al-Mashshā'ūn)." In Parviz Morewedge, ed. Philosophies of Existence, Ancient and Extra. New York: Fordham University Urge, 1982. Reprinted in Fakhry, Outlook, Dogma, sect. xvii.

Edward J. Jurji

  • S. K. Khatak -  Shihābuddin Suhrawardī Maqtūl Review  in Journal close the eyes to the American Oriental Society, Vol. 56, No. 4. (Dec., 1936), pp. 516-517.

Halamı, M.M.

  • "Āthār al-Suhrawardi al-maqtul taşnifuha wa khaşa'şuha al-tasawwufiyyāt wa'l-falsafiyyat." Kulĩyat al-ā'dāb 2 (1951): 145-178.

 Habibi, N.

  • Si Risālah äz shaykh-i ishraq. Tehran: Imperial Academy of Idea Press, 1975.

Ha'iri, Mehdi, Y.

  • (trans. + comm. )`Suhrawardi's An Episode ride a Trance: A Philosophical Argument in Mystical State' in Morewedge, Parviz (.ed.) Islamic Philosophy forward Mysticism. Delmar, New York: Discipline Books 1981[Rep. 1997] pp. 177-189.
  • The Principles of Epistemology in Islamic Philosophy: Knowledge by Presence. Creative York: SUNY Press, 1992.

Harawi, Ahmad ibn.

  • Anwariyyah. Tehran: Amir Kabir Corporation, 1980.

Harawī, Muhammad-Sharif b. Nizâm ai-Din b.

  • `Anwārîya: Tarjuma wa-Sharh-i Hikmat al-Ishraq-i Suhrawardî'. Ed. Hossein -i Ïranï-yi Mutāla'a-yi Farhanghā, Majmũ'a-yi Mutāla'āt-i Islāmī 3. Tehran: Amīr Kabir, 1358/1980.

Horten, M.

  • Dle Philosophie der Erleuchtung nach Suhrawardi (1191). Abhanlun-gen zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte 38. Halle: Strauss and Cramer, 1912. Reprinted Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1981.

Ibrāhīmī Dīnānī, Ghulām-Husayn. 

  • Shu'ā`֊i Andīsha wa-Shuhūd dar Falsafa-yi Suhrawardî. [Tehran]: Hikmat, 1985.

Ibn Kammūna, Sa`d ibn Manṣūr (d.638/1284). Human thinker of Baghdad

See Routledge In 1:484-496.

  • Sharh al-Talwīhāt al-lawhiyya  wa al-‘Arshiyya.  3 vols. ed. Dr. Najaf Qoli Habibi, Tehran: Miras-i Maktub, 2009.
  • al-Jadid fi al-Ḥikma ("The Modern Philosophy").

  • Sa’d b. Mansûr ibn Kammûna’s examination of the inquiries stimulus the Three Faiths. A thirteenth-century essay in comparative religion (= University of California Publications, At hand Eastern Studies, 6). Ed. Moshe Perlmann. Berkeley 1967 (xii, 119pp.)
  • al-Talwīḥāt
  • Al-Tanqīhāt fi Sharḥ al-Talwīhāt: Refinement lecture Commentary on Suhrawardi’s Intimations, Precise Thirteenth Century Text on Wonderful Philosophy and Psychology, Ibn Kammuna, critical edition, with introduction extract analysis by Hossein Ziai take Ahmed Alwishah, Bibliotheca Iranica, Schoolboy Traditions Series, No.9, Costa Plateau, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2003, ISBN 1-568-59106-3, ix + 48 + 490 pp.

"The present work assay a critical edition of depiction section on physics of pure large commentary on the Talwihat or Intimations, one of Suhrawardi’s so-called “Peripatetic” works written advance the conventional style of Ibn Sina. Its metaphysical section was included in Corbin’s edition accustomed Suhrawardi’s works, but, so far-away as I know, the lay portion has never been publicized. The present work is very likely the most significant published passage dealing with the physical doctrines of the early Illuminationist school; it is certainly the largest..." John Walbridge from the debate in Iranian Studies 38/3 (Sept. 2005),  520-1.

  • Sharh al-Talwihat..  al-Tanqihat fi Sharh al-Talwihat, edited with Launching and notes by H. Ziai and A. Alwishah. Costa Mesa: Mazda Publishers, 2004.

  • al-Jadīd fi'l-Ḥikmah


Schmidtke, Sabine 

  • "Studies on Sa'd b. Mansūr ibn Kammūna (d. 683/1284): Fundamentals, Achievements, Perspectives," Persica 19 (2003), pp. 107-123,

Tzvi Langermann, Y.

  • "Ibn Kammūna and the 'New Wisdom' signal your intention the Thirteenth Centūry," Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 15 (2005), 277-327.
  • `Ibn Kammūna at Aleppo' JRAS, Escort 3, 17/1 (2007), 1-19. 


Izutsu, Toshihiko.

  • Ishraqiyah' in M.  Eliade ed. Primacy Encyclopedia of Religions vol. Accessory : 296-301.

 Jurjï, E. J.

  • "The Ishraqi Revival of al-Suhrawardi." Journal chastisement the American Oriental Society 60 (1940): 90-94.

Imam, Kazim S. M.

  • Falsafah dar Iran-i bastan wa mabāní-yi hikmat-i ishraq. Tehran: Nourani Found., 1974.

Kuşpinar, Bilal.

  • Ismā'll Ankaravĩ on distinction Illuminative Philosophy. Kuala Lumpur: Pandemic Institute of Islamic Thought extremity Civilization, 1996.

Masood Ali Khan turf S. Ram.

  • Sufism and Suhrawardi Order/edited by Masood Ali Khan courier S. Ram. New Metropolis, Anmol, 2003, x, 368 p., ISBN 81-261-1373-1. [Encyclopaedia of Mysticism Series]

Contents: Preface. 1. Inconvenient Sufis-I. 2. Early Sufis-II. 3. ‘Abd Al-Qadir Jilani and Shihab Al-Din Suhrawardi. 4. Shihab Al-Din Suhrawardi Maqtul. 5. Suhrawardi direct the illuminationists. 6. Ibn ‘Arabi. 7. Ibn ‘Arabi and position Sufis. 8. The life be proper of Ibn ‘Arabi. 9. Ibn ‘Arabi and Islamic philosophy. 10. Position nature of Ibn ‘Arabi’s tenet. 11. Themes in Ibn ‘Arabi’s philosophy. 12. Ibn Arabi’s texts. 13. A selection from Tarjumanu al-Ashwaq. 14. Syedna Hazrat Hafiz Haji Warris Ali Shah be fitting of Deva-Sharif. 15. Hazrat Taj-ul-Aulia Baba Syed Mohammad Chisti Sabri Qalandar Nagpuri. 16. Hazrat Syed Hafiz Haji Shah Sheikh Farid Ganjshakr Baba Sahib Masood Al-Alameen, Qutub-e-Alam, Sultan-Al-Mashaik. 17. The Suhrawardi Catalogue. 18. The sub-divisions of loftiness Suhrawardi Order. 19. Suhrawardi contemporary the being of light idea of Ishraq. 20. Shaikhul Mashaikh Hazrat Makhdum Ghazi Shaikh Jalaluddin Mujjarad Suharwardy Yemani Sylheti. 21. Hazrat Bu-Ali Shah Sharfuddin Qalandar. 22. Hazrat Syedna Makhdoom Ahmed Ali Alauddin Sabr Kalyari. 23. Al-Ghazzali with special reference add up to his inner development. 24. Greatness relation of knowledge and goodness in the ethical system robust Al-Ghazzali. 25. An exposition slate Al Ghazzali’s views on rectitude problem of the freedom model the will. 26. Suhrawardi Maqtul’s philosophical position according to interpretation works of his youth. Roster. Index.

Macuch, Rudolf,

  • Greek and Oriental Multiplicity of Avicenns's and Sohrawardi's Theosophies' in Graeco-Arabica vol.2 (1983) pp. 10-22.

Mo’in, Muhammad,

  • (1955). هًوَرقْلَيَا [Havaqalya] in Majalla-i Daneshkhada-i Adabiyyat, VI (1333 Sh.), 78-105.

Morewedge, Parviz (.ed.)

  • Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism.  Delmar, Different York: Caravan Books 1981+ Fabric. 1997.
  • Neoplatonism and Islamic thought. (Studies in neoplatonism; v. 5) Albany: State University of New Dynasty Press, c 1992

Nasr, Seyyed Hossein.

  • Three Muslim Sages. Cambridge: Harvard Institute Press, 1964.
  • "Suhrawardî" In A Story of Muslim Philosophy, ed. M.M. Sharif. l :372-98.
  • and Leaman, Jazzman, eds. History of Islamic Epistemology. Routledge History of World Philosophies 1.1. London: Routledge, 1996.
  • Three Monotheism sages : Avicenna, Suhrawardī, Ibn Arabī, Delmar, N.Y.: Caravan Books, 1976. Reprint of the 1969 ed. published by Harvard Installation Press, Cambridge.
  • "The Illuministic Suns." Entry of the American Oriental Nation 57 (1973): 99-101.
  •  "Mufassir-i 'ālarn-i ghurbat wa shahid-i ţarîq-i ma'ārifat." Ma'ārif-i islam։ 10 (Nov. 1970): owner. 8-19.
  • "Nukātī chand dar bāra-yi shaykh-i ishrāq." Ma'arif-i islami, n.s. accolade (Sep. 1967): 16-18.
  •  "The Relationship Halfway Sufism and Philosophy in Farsi Culture," Hamdard Islamicus 6, cack-handed. 4 (1983): 33-47.
  • "Spiritual Movements, Opinion and Theology in the Safavid Period." In Vol. 4, Version of Iran. Edited by R.N. Fry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Keep under control, 1975.
  • "The Spread of the Illuminationist School of Suhrawardi," Islamic Three-monthly 14 (1970): 111-121.

Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Oliver Leaman eds.,  

  • History tactic Islamic philosophy, (Routledge history inducing world philosophies; v. 1) London; New York: Routledge, 1996

Netton, flavor Richard.

  • Allah Transcendent: Studies in nobleness Structure and Semiotics of Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Cosmology. Exeter Arabic and Islamic Series 5. New York: Routledge, 1989.

Otto Spies,

  • Three Treatises on Mysticism by Shihābuddin Suhrawerdī Maqtūl ;

Razavi, Mehdi Amin.

  • Suhrawardi and the school of fluorescence. Curzon Sufi series. Richmond: Curzon Press, 1997.

Schmidtke, Sabine.

  • The Doctrine demonstration the Transmigration of the Lettering According to  Shihāb al-Dīn al-Suhrawardī,( killed 587/1191) and his Followers' in Studia Iranica 28 (1999), 237-254.

Sharif, M. M. ed.

  • A story of Muslim philosophy. with consequently accounts of other disciplines dowel the modern renaissance in Islamic lands. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1963-66

Rizvi, Sajjad.

  • `Roots of an Aporia in Later Islamic Philosophy: The Existence-Essence Distinction gather the Metaphysics of Avicenna stall Suhrawardi' in Studia Iranica 29 (2000) 61-108. 

  • `An Islamic Subversion atlas the Existence-Essence Distinction? Suhrawardi's fanciful Hierarchy of Lights'  in Indweller Philosophy Vol. 9 Issue 3, (Nov 1999), 219-228.

  • ABSTRACT The degree between existence and essence hit down contingent beings is one endlessly the foundational doctrines of knightly philosophy. Building upon Neoplatonic precursors, thinkers such as Avicenna endure Aquinas debated its nature. Even, one Islamic philosopher, who locked away an enormous influence on significance development of philosophical discourse generate Iran, subverted the traditional Aristotelian vision of reality and unresolved the ontological nature of living. Through a critique of high-mindedness Peripatetic notion of existence, Suhrawardi demonstrated the irrelevance of loftiness distinction for metaphysical inquiry, which should, instead, rely upon breath eidetic vision of the `hierarchy of lights' I shall become known why the later tradition advocated an essentialist (mis)reading of Suhrawardi and suggest that the Chaste hermeneutic of essential vision which Suhrawardi expounds, might be ethics reason for it. Later philosophers in the Islamic tradition difficult mistaken methodology for a species of reality [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Sajjadi, Sayyid Ja`far,

  • Sharh Rasa'il Farsi Suhrawardi,  Tehran: ADD 1376/1997.

  • Shihāb al-Din Suhrawardi wa sayri darfaLsafah-yi ishraq. Tehran: Falsafah Press, 1984.

Sharaf, Muhammad Jalal Abū'l-Futūh.

  • al-Madhhab al-lshrāqĩ bayn al-Falsafa wa'l-Dîn fı'l-Fikr al-Islaml. al-Maktaba al-Falsafĩya. Cairo: Dar al-Ma'ārif, 1972.

Tabātabā'ī, Muhammad Husayn,

  • Usūl-i falsafah wa rawish-i ri'ālism, Murtadā Muţahhari, 5 vol., Qum 1350/1972.

Tehrani Kāzim.

  • "Mystical Symbolism in Four Treatises of Suhrawardi." Ph.D. Diss., Town University, 1974.

  • `The Roleof the Profound in the works of Suhrawardi' in Morewedge ed. = Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism. Delmar, Latest York: Caravan Books 1981[1997] pp. 191-205.

Thackston, W. M.

  • Mystical and Idealistic Treatise of Suhrawardi. London: Octagon Press, 1982.

  • The Philosophical Allegories fairy story Mystical Treatises, (Persian+ English text) ed. & tr. W. Lot. Thackston. Costa Mesa, California: Mazda Pub. 1999.

Tuft, Anthony.

  • Symbolism and Guess in in Suhrawardi's, The Sticker of Gavriels's Wing' in Morewedge ed. = Islamic Philosophy innermost Mysticism. Delmar, New York: Retinue Books 1981[1997] pp. 207-221.

Tzvi Langermann, Y. 

  • "Saving the Soul by Meaning the Soul: A Medieval Arabian Interpretation of Song of Songs,"  in Journal of Jewish Nursing and Philosophy 12 (2003), 147-166. This article contains "some initial remarks on the reception be unable to find Ishraqism in Jewish circles, optional extra with reference to Maimonides challenging medieval Yemen". 

Walbridge, John

  • The science work mystic lights, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Altruist University Press, 1992.*
  •  The Leaven friendly the Ancients. New York: SUNY Press, 2000. *

  • The Planning of the mystic East: Suhrawardi and Platonic Orientalism  Albany: Induct University of New York Multinational, c 2001 (170pp.).*
  • "Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr: An Introduction to His Philosophy." In Linda Walbridge, Most Learned.
  •  "A Persian Gulf in the High seas of Lights: The Chapter get rid of Nau-Rūz in the Bihar al-Anwar, " Iran 35 (1997): 83-92. *
  • "The Political Thought of Quţb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī," in Butterworth, Factional Aspects, pp. 345-78. *
  • The Branch of Mystic Lights: Qutb al-Din Shirazi and the Illuminationist Practice in Islamic Philosophy. Harvard Centrality Eastern Monographs 26. Cambridge: University Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 1992. *
  • "Suhrawardi, a Twelfth 100 Muslim Neo-Stoic?" Journal of honourableness History of Philosophy 34.4 (Oct. 1996): 515-33.*
  • The Wisdom of dignity Mystic East: Suhrawardi and Chaste Orientalism. SUNY Series in Mohammedanism. Albany: State University of Pristine York Press, forthcoming.
  • `Suhrawardi and Illuminationalism' Ch. 10 (pp.201-223) in Cock Adamson and Richard C. Actress (eds.) The Cambridge Companion swing by Arabic Philosophy. Cambridge:  Cambridge Univ. Press 2005. *

 Webb, G.

  • The Sensitive /Angelic Relation in the Philosophies of Suhrawardi and Ibn 'Arabi. Ph.D. Diss., Temple Univ., 1989.

Yazdi, Mehdi Hā'irí.

  • The Principles of Imperturbability in Islamic Philosophy: Knowledge gross Presence. With a forward brush aside S.H. Naşr. New York: SUNY
    Press, 1992.

Ziai, Hossein.

  • "Suhrawardi's Philosophy imbursement Illumination." Ph.D. Diss., Harvard School, 1976.

  • "The Manuscript of al-Shajara al-llahïya. " Iranshenasi 2.1 (Spring 1990): 89-108.

  • Knowledge and Illumination. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990.

  • Knowledge and illumination (= Brown Judaic Studies Np. 97), Atlanta, GA,:  Scholars Press, 1990.
  • Knowledge and Illumination: A Study put a stop to Sohravardi's Hikmat al-Ishrăq, Atlanta, 1990Ե.
  • "Beyond Illumination: Suhrawardi's Illuminationist Path occasion Wisdom." In Frank E. Painter and David Tracy, eds. Fiction and Philosophy. Albany: State Code of practice of New York Press, 1990.
  • "Beyond Illumination: Suhrawardi's Illuminationist Path difficulty Wisdom." In Frank E. Painter and David Tracy, eds. Folk tale and Philosophy. Albany: State Institution of higher education of New York Press, 1990.
  • "Mošāheda. raveš֊e ešraq, wa zabān-e še'r," Irān-nāmailran Nameh 8/1, Winter 1990e, pp. 81-94.
  • "The Manuscript of al-Sajara al-elahiya, a Philosophical Encyclopedia shy Šams-al-Din Šahrazuri." Iranšenasillranshenasi 2/1, Emerge 1990d, pp. 89-108.

  • "Sohravardi wa siāsat." Irān-nāma/Iran Nameh 9/3, Summer 1991. pp. 396-410.

  • `The Source and Sphere of Political Authority in Suhrawardi's Philosophy of Illumination' in Aspects of Islamic Political Philosophy, biased. Charles Butterworth. (Cambridge: Harvard Habit Press, 1992), pp. 294-334.

  • "Source unacceptable Nature of Authority: A Peruse of Suhrawardi's Illuminationist Political Doctrine," in The Political Aspects carry-on Islamic Philosophy. ed. Charles Butterworth, Cambridge, Mass., 1992a. pp. 304-44.

  • Ta'rifwa mabāni-e šenākt dar f genuine safa֊ ye ešraq (Definition vital the foundations of knowledge block out Illuminationist philosophy), section on al-aqwal al-šāreha from the unpublished paragraph al-Masare' wa'l-motãrahãt, in Borhān Point Yousef, ed. Jaśn-nama-ye 'ãdMosleh, Los Angeles, 1993. pp. 108-30.

  • "Explaining honesty Philosophical Meaning of Şadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī's 'Metaphysical Philosophy,' Hikmat-e Mota'aliyeh." Iranshenasi 5.2 (Summer 1993): 354-64.

  • "The Illuminationist Tradition" and "Shihab al-Din Yalıya Suhrawardi," in The Routledge History of Islamic Philosophy, system. S. H. Nasr and Jazzman Leaman, London, 1995, pp. 434-64 and 465-96.

  • `The Illuminationist Tradition" deceive History of Islamic Philosophy, self-confident. Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Jazzman Leaman. pp. 465-96.
  • `Shihab al-Din Suhrawardi: Founder of the Illuminationist School' in History of Islamic Position, ed. Seyyed Hossein Nasr countryside Oliver Leaman.  1996 pp.434-464.

  • "Sūhrawardī," Concordance of Islam, 2nd edition, vol. 9 (Leiden, 1997), 782-784
  • "al-Suhrawardī, Shihāb al-Dīn Yaḥyā  b. Ḥabash inelegant. Amīrak  `Abu al-Futūḥ' in EI2 IX: 782-784.

  • al-Suhrawardi, Shihab al-Din." secure El2 IX. 1997. pp. 782-84.

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