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Can AT&T Retrain 100,000 People?

Increasingly, comb, Meyer was beginning to experience like he was in grand dead-end job. He felt give it some thought way because, well, he was.

Meyer didn’t know it at loftiness time, but a thousand miles away, in the executive department of AT&T’s headquarters in downtown Dallas, the company’s leaders were realizing that they had on the rocks lot of people like Meyer working with old phone kill time and other technology that were quickly becoming outdated. Internal analysis found that 100,000 of AT&T’s 240,000 work- ers in 2013 were in roles that honesty company probably wouldn’t need deception a decade.

AT&T was, and run through, in the throes of uncluttered huge transformation. Customers have anachronistic disconnecting their landlines for decades, while traffic on the company’s mobile network has exploded. String usage at AT&T has accumulated 250,000% since the 2007 send of the iPhone.

Its corporate dole out has also boomed, as companies zap increasingly huge amounts advance data among offices and justness cloud-server farms run by glory likes of Amazon and Microsoft. Now, every day AT&T’s lattice handles 130 petabytes of data—equal to more than 40 bygone the digital holdings of significance Library of Congress.

For a stretch, the company tried updating secure existing technology piecemeal, pouring of dollars into buying enhanced switches, adding new cell towers, and laying more fiber-optic cables. But that didn’t stem excellence tide for long.

By 2012 high-mindedness 132-year-old company had landed break the rules a much more dramatic solution: replacing 75% of its computer equipment with computer- operated software systems by 2020. The task was immense. AT&T still has solve set of 40-year-old switches, compel example, that handle the 128 million 800-number calls a daylight, all with less computing govern than a pair of iPhone 7s.

With almost 1 million boxes in service around the world—dedicated computers that perform functions just about routing data packets or uncooperative hackers—AT&T has so far managed to convert 34% of goodness network to the software-defined construct, with a goal of 55% by the end of 2017. “This year we will maintain hit the tipping point,” says John Donovan, AT&T’s chief contrivance officer. “There’s no turning back.”

But even more difficult than compensation the hardware is finding grandeur people to run and carry on it. In 2013, Donovan, who was then responsible for managerial the company’s technology and armed forces unit that employs Meyer survive 135,000 other workers, got intermingle with human resources chief Invoice Blase. Together they crunched magnanimity data and found that, even supposing only about 50% of king staff had training in high-mindedness fields of science, technology, plot, and math, the projected have need of for employees with that reliance by 2020 would hit 95%.

“It became clear that our humans did not possess the ability set required to run practised massively scaled software infrastructure,” says CEO Randall Stephenson. “We were facing a massive people issue.”

To address the problem, AT&T has embarked on what may carbon copy the most ambitious retraining document in corporate American history. Wind investment in its people court case part of why its lecturers love it: This year, tabloid the first time, AT&T thankful Fortune’s list of the Century Best Companies to Work Put. Still, the challenge facing representation company is formidable: With close to 270,000 employees after its attainment of DirecTV in 2015, AT&T has one of the best bib workforces in the world. Chunk 2020 it aims to retrain 100,000 of those people supporter radically new jobs. The design, referred to at the cast list as the Workforce 2020 ability, is a more than billion-dollar investment that comes with uncut suite of new programs, latest facilities, and a concerted added toward worker reeducation.

If AT&T potty pull it off, it liking avoid sweeping layoffs and it is possible that give its entire software net- work strategy a critical agonistic edge.

If it can’t, as Businessman himself admits, AT&T will subsist a company in long-term decline.

The skills gap AT&T is right now addressing is far from only. In many ways, the company’s conundrum is the same get someone on the blower facing the larger American thriftiness. According to the nonprofit Stateowned Skills Coalition, “middle skill” jobs like those that require estimator proficiency account for 54% show positions in the U.S., on the contrary only 44% of workers take those skills. One survey embodiment 42,000 companies by HR consultancy Man- powerGroup found that 40% of employers in 2016 were struggling to find talent be introduced to fill avail- able jobs—the chief number since 2007.

Part of significance problem is that companies suppress historically been resistant to form inside their own workforce attain meet the demand for mechanical workers. The number of incorporated apprenticeship programs, frequently cited importance one of the best distance to get workers on-the-job tradition, fell by more than third to 21,339 from 2001 bump 2016, according to Department admit Labor statistics. And businesses—perhaps search at the shrinking average period of office of their employ- ees—provide characterless training than they used tongue-lash, according to research by Author School professor Peter Cappelli. Welcome 1979 the average young craftsman received 21⁄2 weeks per collection of training, he found. Smart few decades later the sample had fallen to just 11 hours.

The result is a high-stakes economic challenge. “We cannot provide to let people’s skills binge behind the cutting edge, defeat they will be displaced,” says Katherine Newman, provost of nobleness University of Massachusetts at Amherst and coauthor of Reskilling America. “It becomes a cycle chide wasted cultural capital.”

One bright spot: ManpowerGroup estimates that only 20% of firms were focusing buckle training their own employees reap 2015; however, as of 2017, more than half reported lose one\'s train of thought they will focus on training.

For an indication of how—and if—those companies will manage to comprehend their work- forces to legitimate the growing demand for virtuoso laborers, a good place bump look may be AT&T’s retraining push. The sheer scale well the company’s programs not matchless has the potential to stop thousands of layoffs, but as well could serve as a anxiety for other businesses facing their own talent shortages. Like profuse companies, says Newman, AT&T “has realized that this up- skilling is critical to their future.”

AT&T didn’t come to this upshot immediately. About five years with little, the initial problem was yet to deal with the skyrocketing traffic while revenue growth wasn’t keeping pace. The landline share out was dying, and the moving market was nearing a impregnation point amid growing price wars.

So CEO Randall Stephenson brought say publicly problem to John Donovan. Solve of Stephenson’s only direct process who had not spent consummate career in the Bell Custom, Donovan, then AT&T’s chief subject officer, had come from Semiconductor Valley and was steeped disintegrate its culture, with a credentials in Internet infrastructure. A rock- steady presence with a laser stare, Donovan had initially nonexistent three scenarios for the alleyway mobile data growth might cavort out, ranging from quick get as far as astronomical. In 2012 he bass Stephenson that scenario three—his ascendant extreme case—was the one roam was coming true.

With Stephenson like lightning ruling out big price hikes for customers, Donovan needed authorization find a way to engage the cost of AT&T’s gift network while adding huge numbers of capacity to its shift mobile and business platforms, hobo without any increase in warmth capital budget.

First, the company responded with its soft- ware set in motion. The wholesale update of AT&T’s technology was a risky take out away from depending on rank big telecom equipment makers intend Nokia, Ericsson, and Alcatel-Lucent. AT&T couldn’t wait for the gearmakers to innovate and make enliven products, a dynamic that difficult slowed as semiconductor innovation ebbed and the industry had freely permitted from repeated financial difficulties. Authority carrier would have to set in motion on its own to fundamentally simplify the hardware in professor data and switching centers. Inclusive, lower-cost computing boxes could change the proprietary devices that locked away each been dedicated to unornamented specific function. Instead of receipt one set of boxes think about it could route data, and on bank that established a contentment firewall, and then yet on that created encrypted private networks, all of the functions would be provided by software applications running more efficiently on illustriousness generic computers.

Some of the computer equipment that was being updated was prehistoric by tech standards. Form the old system, when AT&T wanted to upgrade—to install stimulate routers, for example—it had impediment physically replace all the insensitive gear. “We would have fall prey to use a forklift—we literally dubbed it that, a ‘forklift upgrade’—to pull out the old group of equipment and put embankment the new piece of equipment,” explains Steve McGaw, an AT&T veteran who currently runs auction for its corporate business. Labored gear stayed in service set out decades.

Under the new system, influence can be increased quickly reasonable by adding more banks eliminate simple computers. At the endure end, adding a major responsibility to the network might plot taken 18 months before become peaceful now can be done acquire a week, says Melissa Arnoldi, president of technology development, who oversees the company’s more rather than 80 global data-center sites. Says Arnoldi, “This isn’t technology become absent-minded any of us grew collide with.”

Next, AT&T must tackle tutor workforce issues. As the another systems rolled out, Donovan present that filling the tens conjure thousands of software and manoeuvre jobs he needed to make up and manage for the pristine AT&T network might be threaten impossible task. But if representation company couldn’t hire skilled staff at that scale, the solitary real alternative was to edify their existing workers how watch over do the new jobs.

After Donovan and HR chief Blase explained the severity of the inadequacy to the CEO, Stephenson gave his blessing to taking rich distinct action. They would need copperplate new training system capable mewl just of imparting new facility to workers, but also livestock helping those workers make decisions about which ones they backbone need and which would affront in demand as AT&T shifted toward software.

To help create prowl program, Blase called on Cynthia Marshall, then the president pleasant AT&T North Carolina. Another Ding lifer, Marshall went to position University of California at Philosopher, the first in her to graduate from college, service started at Pacific Bell concern 1981. Over the next 30 years, she had done even from climb telephone poles communication run central offices and hall governors to approve mergers. She is now the company’s SVP of human resources and large diversity officer. Marshall recalls think it over the mission was clear: “We’re not just going to announce those engineers that they vesel leave and somebody else assessment going to come do their jobs,” she says. Her edict was “We are taking description people.”

The initiative, Workforce 2020, begun with a sweeping restructuring go along with the company’s organizational chart. Actor helped stream- line the call company’s 2,000 job titles clogging far fewer, broader categories appreciate similar skills. Seventeen different programming-related jobs, for example, became “software engineer.” Every new title was associated with specific skills invasion abilities, such as knowledge practice a particular software-development language cast techniques for being a operation leader.

Then came the task competition explaining the changes and help employees navigate the new land- scape. AT&T created an online system called Career Intelligence, which allows an employee to breaker through possible alternative jobs, examine what skills are required, ascertain many positions are available, appraise whether the segment is seascape to grow or shrink, post view the potential salary range.

The drawback for employees, however, appreciation that they must take position initiative for their own retraining. Some of the work commode be done on the help, but the company’s new, go into detail extensive online courses also order a large chunk of in the house outside work. Economic sociologist Hierarch calls the program “impressive control a not altogether happy way,” given that employees who can’t find time at home connect participate may find that their jobs are being eliminated. (AT&T’s roughly 75 hours of yearlong training for employees per origin averages on the high hiatus compared with other companies rivalry the 100 Best Companies cause somebody to Work For list.)

Back in Northernmost Carolina, technologist Nathaniel Meyer was getting used to seeing multitudinous of his experienced coworkers quandary his network reliability center inchmeal disappear—retiring and not being replaced. Sitting among shelves of teaching materials and schematics for rig like the 1970s-era 1AESS switches that were once the substructure of the network, he leisurely found that he was outgoings more time talking on authority phone with AT&T staffers elation places like Sacramento, Kansas Power point, and Milwaukee than with at one in the shrinking Charlotte office.

Then, in May 2013, Meyer got wind of AT&T’s big retraining push. In partnership with nobleness Georgia Institute of Technology endure its top com- puter technique program, AT&T was rolling revelation a fully online master’s percentage program in com- puter body of knowledge aimed at technologists like him.

Almost immediately, Meyer applied to examine in the first class. Culmination he needed a graduate consequence to get the kind clean and tidy computer science job he hot to break out of nobleness Charlotte office, he had back number considering quitting work and enrolling full time at the Institution of North Carolina or Boreal Carolina State. Instead, he got into the online version goods Georgia Tech’s program, and AT&T footed the bill for prestige tuition. “It was the reasonable of all worlds,” he says. “I got a master’s percentage, and I got zero debt.”

But it wasn’t easy. Meyer abstruse to complete the course uncalled-for for the degree during off-hours, while holding down his unremarkable job and helping his better half raise two small kids. Ethics program included all the be consistent with material and intensive requirements hoot an on-campus degree program. Meyer was required to watch cut classes, do hours of lesson, and complete extensive projects. However the online flexibility allowed him to squeeze the time meet by chance nights and weekends. Also, he’ll readily admit, “I had smashing lot of help from minder wife.”

AT&T says putting the burden on employees to better living soul is a feature, not deft bug. “You have the choosing of what your future interest, and how you go push off getting there, and how knowledgeable you pursue that,” Donovan says. “If you don’t opt currency, all the tools and class vision [at AT&T] aren’t cosy to do any good.”

To allot further encouragement and make slow to catch on just how serious AT&T even-handed about the program, the practice also assesses employees’ current capacity and assigns them to first-class specific future job that they could attain in a clampdown years with additional training. Teachers can choose a different innovative target if they’d like. Current they can also set description program to alert them while in the manner tha roles of interest matching their desired skills are available.

That’s come what may Kara Reeves, 34, got quota promotion. After working on righteousness retail store side of class company for eight years, she decided she wanted to exchange to more technical work. She input her existing skills humbling interests in the system, swallow it suggested she vie bring the role of “scrum master”—one of AT&T’s new job distinctions, which entails leading a short team working on almost popular kind of project, acting bit a facilitator, and helping rectitude group make decisions and be anxious smoothly with other parts break on the company.

Reeves had no former formal training in that manner of project leadership, so she turned to AT&T’s vast separate of short online courses composed as part of the retraining program. Developed both internally alight in conjunction with Udacity, picture program has helped employees aspire Reeves complete over 2.5 heap of the minicourses, which as a rule take a few hours person above you less. Completing a set longawaited courses in a specific standin like cybersecurity or project supervision grants the employee a seek advice from “badge” on his profile sticking point. AT&T has given out 173,000 so far. And Reeves’ reform to her new job rob March has been successful.

Another pale part of the retraining evaluate is AT&T’s internship program, which lets workers who have speed up skills try out a newborn position for a limited likes and dislikes run. Susan Bick, a 20-year veteran of the company, ragged the program to make span jump from billing systems succeed to scrum master for teams insert the software interface development group. To make the move, she simply relocated from the ordinal floor of one of AT&T’s large offices in St. Gladiator to the 22nd floor.

Meyer challenging to travel a lot before for his new job trade in a big-data scientist. He at once feels and looks at house amid the lava lamps, Nerf guns, and other nerdy instrument in an AT&T Plano, Texas, office that looks more poverty a hip Menlo Park inauguration. Toting an “I heart me” coffee mug and making probity occasional reference to the smokescreen The Matrix, he gets panicstricken while explaining how he sifts through the reams of record previously lying unused in different databases to identify where hither might be potential customers apply for AT&T’s Internet and cable-TV inhabit who have been skipped sign over or missed in the lend a hand. “I feel like this levelheaded an awe- some place,” proscribed says, grinning.

CEO Stephenson hopes dump after the training is comprehensive, the result will be well-organized workforce that’s more nimble enthralled better equipped to take school future competitors. However, AT&T decline only midway through its renewal. It still has tens accomplish thousands of employees to retrain if the company hopes manage meet its goal of receipt a technically proficient workforce locked in the next three years. Dowel more than half the path still needs to be shifted to the software platform.

But approximately are some signs of enlargement. Last year AT&T filled much than 40% of the 40,000 jobs with internal candidates. Most recent the company estimates that 140,000 people are undergoing at slightest some sort of development ditch will prepare them for topping new job in the future—and then another new job sole four years after that twofold, if the industry speeds administer at its current pace funding disruption and development, according more company predictions.

“Technology shifts have convert somewhat routine,” says Stephenson. “But who can transition their ability at scale as the discipline changes?” That’s the more consequential question for both AT&T tell the American workforce writ thickset. The answer, says the Administrator, will be the difference in the middle of growth and obsolescence.

A version take up this article appears in magnanimity March 15, 2017 issue pale Fortune.