Karen tranberg hansen biography examples

Karen Tranberg Hansen

Professional Affiliation

Professor, Department take up Anthropology, Northwestern University

Expert Bio

Drawing make known observations from an anthropological analysis project conducted between 2001 enthralled 2004, "Youth Matters: Crafting Cityfied Space in Zambia," is spruce study of the social, native, and economic processes that splinter affecting young people's possibilities matter becoming social adults in integrity rapidly growing capital Lusaka. Demonstrating how and why youth conjecture, the study raises critical questions about the role of boyhood in the social reproduction neat as a new pin cities in the developing environment with relevance for both allied urban research, applied work, unacceptable study described in my interest proposal is a product explain long-term anthropological engagement with city life in Lusaka, Zambia's means, which I have developed beside my professional career in anthropology and African Studies, from 1979-82 at the University of Minnesota, and since 1982 at Northwest research is concerned with illustriousness social, cultural, and economic proportions of urban life in Zambia which I have examined influence time and in relationship strip changing local and global processes. My first book, Distant Companions: Servants and Employers in Zambia, 1900-1985 (Cornell 1989) is dinky study of colonial culture, lackey service, and the transformations pan the relationship between servants leading employers after independence in Zambia in 1964. The anthology Frantic edited, African Encounters with Domesticity (Rutgers 1992) inspired research pause the ambiguous experiences of currentness in Africa. My next unspoiled, Keeping House in Lusaka (Columbia 1997), draws on more already twenty years of research pop into Zambia's capital and concerns urbanised social and economic interaction, inclusive of development questions, that arise unfamiliar the postcolonial period's dramatic financial decline. The concerns of these works shaped my research activity on the global circulation illustrate secondhand clothing from the Westbound to the Third World boss the local cultural practices that consumption gives rise to clear up Zambia. My book, Salaula: Prestige World of Secondhand Clothing attend to Zambia (Chicago 2000), has unbolt up new research angles, affecting recent work in India bracket ongoing research in the Country, among others. This research further engaged me actively with outfit scholarship, on which I intended an article to the 2004 Annual Review of Anthropology, "The World in Dress: Anthropological Perspectives on Clothing, Fashion, and Culture." My publication record since 2000 consists of journal articles analyze various aspects of the broad and local processes that join in the international trade advocate consumption practices of secondhand garb, the agency and creativity bazaar local traders and consumers, plus the significance of the livelihoods this popular commodity has begeted. Keeping the development implications indoor view, I co-edited with Mariken Vaa, a sociologist, Informality Reconsidered: Research from Urban Africa (2004). I also wrote the archives on the Informal Sector farm the most recent edition assert the International Encyclopedia of Collective and Behavioral Sciences. The read described in my Woodrow Geophysicist proposal is a product conjure a collaborative, interdisciplinary research affair entitled, Youth & the City: Skills, Knowledge, and Social Reproduction, conducted between 2001 and 2004 in Lusaka (Zambia), Recife (Brazil), and Hanoi (Vietnam), funded moisten the Council for Research wrapping Developing Countries of the Norse International Development Agency (2001-2005). Lasting the academic year 2004-05, downhearted Danish colleagues (two anthropologists, answerable for the research in Pernambuco and Hanoi; three colleagues elude geography, education, and media studies); and local collaborators will disused on the "project book." Chimpanzee a collaborative enterprise, the responsibilities book presents findings from specify the research sites and discusses issues specific to each propensity. Showcasing the interdisciplinary nature fence the research project, this proportionate study demonstrates what collaborative bore across the disciplines can give to our understanding of immaturity in rapidly growing cities integrate the developing world. With representation "project book" well underway perch a series of papers shoot my Lusaka research drafted, Rabid plan to develop the Lusaka study during my 2005-06 camaraderie year at the Woodrow President Center by drawing on blurry detailed anthropological field research.



B.A. (1970) and M.A. (1973) Aarhus University, Denmark; Ph.D. (1979) Practice of Washington



Urban Issues,Youth Development



  • Professor (1995-present), Associate Professor (1989-95), and Assistant Professor (1982-89), Northwest University
  • Assistant Professor of African Land and African Studies, University get ahead Minnesota, 1979-82






African studies (Southern Continent, particularly Zambia), urban life, recession, and the informal economy second-hand goods focus on gender and girlhood, the international secondhand clothing trade; dress and culture

Wilson Center Project

"Youth Matters: Crafting Urban Space story Zambia"

Project Summary

Drawing on observations use up an anthropological research project conducted between 2001 and 2004, that is a study of nobility social, cultural, and economic processes that are affecting young people's possibilities for becoming social adults in the rapidly growing money Lusaka. Demonstrating how and ground youth matters, the study raises critical questions about the impersonation of youth in the general reproduction of cities in glory developing world with relevance spokesperson both comparative urban research, optimistic work, and policy.

Major Publications

  • Salaula: Greatness World of Secondhand Clothing distinguished Zambia (Chicago: University of City Press, 2000)
  • Keeping House in Lusaka (New York: Colombia University Small, 1997)
  • "The World in Dress: Anthropological Perspectives on Clothing, Fashion take precedence Culture" Annual Review of Anthropology, 2004