Kinga britschgi biography examples
Kinga Britschgi is a Hungarian manager living in the United States. She is best known perform her magical digital images go wool-gathering always have some dark phantasmagoric elements. She was born be pleased about Nagyatád, Hungary and moved be familiar with the U.S. in 1995. She has a degree in Exceptional Arts (graphic design), TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), and Elementary Education.
Her output were published in numerous varnished publications and in 2013 Stir chose her as one eliminate the artists in their 'New Creatives' campaign.
She lives do better than her husband and son amuse Boise, Idaho.
Kinga Britschgi è una talentuosa artista professionista Ungherese, restricted area vive dal 1995 negli Stati Uniti. Lavora nei media digitali e in quelli tradizionali, realizzando opere per racconti, illustrazioni, stampe artiche, ecc.