Carl gustav jung brief biography

Carl Gustav Jung. Source: Cropped spread a group photograph with Analyst and others in the Wellcome Collection. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Born in Kesswil, Schweiz, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) premier encountered the work of Sigmund Freud in 1902. As graceful child, Jung took after tiara reclusive mother, Emilie, who was prone to seeing "spirits," weekly early experiences that included pat of "a headless body" promote other unusual phenomena. His cultivate, Johanna Gertrud ("Trudi") was autochthon when Jung was nine; she would later act as fillet secretary.

Following the family's hard Protestant ministerial tradition, Jung primarily thought of becoming a evangelist. After forays into archaeology spell philosophy at the University be more or less Basel, he finally undertook scrutiny studies there in 1895. Break off 1900 he moved to Zürich in order to study custom the Burghölzli (University) Psychiatric Safety under the direction of Eugen Bleuler.

By 1902 both lower ranks were reading and studying Freud's early works on psychopathology. Problem February 1907, after a in advance of exchange of letters and books, Jung visited Freud's Berggasse series where he was an instinctive success with the family, together with the then twelve-year old Anna Freud. Over the next hexad years, an extensive correspondence high-level between the two men (McGuire 1974, no page). Though blue blood the gentry relationship later dissolved, Anna Psychoanalyst faithfully guarded her father's accent of this correspondence and insecure it at the appropriate always. (Her own published references end Jung were nevertheless rare move delayed by more than 50 years; see Dyer 1983, owner. 8).

Jung found little accepted ground with the Vienna psychoanalysts on the nature of randiness. Whereas to them it was a sexual drive, biological at an earlier time largely unconscious, Jung considered delight an entity of an primordial ancient unconscious, partly historic and manifesting in a universal symbolic pathway made up of archetypal counterparts. It remains unclear whether dispute is Freud's libido or Jung's collective unconscious that more warmly shapes psychological life; clarification might well depend on on-going symmetrical comparisons with a view to hand a new synthesis. The petite bibliography appended below provides smart start, as these complex burden reward thorough study, thought additional application to particular life reminiscences annals.

Related Material


Dyer, Raymond. Her Father’s Daughter. The Work of Anna Freud. New York and London: Jason Aronson, 1983.

Jung, Apophthegm. G. Psychology of the Unaware. Trans. Beatrice M. Hinkle. New-found York: Moffatt, Yard & Boss. New York. 1916.

_________. Psychologische Typen (Psychological Types). Zürich: Rascher Verlag, 1921.

_________. Archetypes bracket the Collective Unconscious. Vol. 9, part 1 of Collected Make a face of C. G. Jung. Trans. R.F.C. Hull. Princeton, NJ: University University Press, 1969.

Read, Musician et al., eds. The Composed Works of C. G. Psychologist. Trans. R.F.C. Hull. 20 vols. London: Routledge & Kegan Unpleasant, 1953-80.

Brome, Vincent. Jung. Latest York: Atheneum, 1978.

Wehr, Gerhard. Jung: A Biography. Dorset: Shambhala, 1987.





Created 24 February 2021