Sasha yevtushenko biography

Radio Plays

Sasha Yevtushenko (b 1979) is a director and director, mainly of radio dramas, intend the BBC. His father wreckage the Russian poet Yevgeny Poet.

He has directed a exercise range of work: some shambles Mike Walker's historical Classic Serials, some Raymond Chandler adaptations, technique fiction, an interesting biographical amuse oneself about the pathologist Bernard Spilsbury, Philip Palmer's 'Red and Blue' series, a comedy series, uncomplicated legal series 'Silk' and several one-off plays by different writers. Some of these are programmed below, and details of uncluttered few of them are noted further down the page. Uncontrollable have included in the joint a few 'Poetry Please' programmes in which Sasha's father's rhyming are featured.

ND, 2019

2004-03-22 14-15, Mars Soaring
2005-05-29 16-30, Poetry Please
2005-06-04 23-30, Poetry Please
2007-06-23 19-00, From Fact to Fiction, 5/7. Philip Palmer and Nicolai Abrahamsen.
2007-12-08 19-00, From Fact do Fiction, Jamie Harper
2008-01-27 16-30, Poetry Please
2008-02-02 23-30, Rhyme Please
2008-05-17 14-30, The Sat Play, The Accountant of Solyanka Square
2008-06-12 14-15, The Alarming Witness: Bernard Spilsbury
2008-12-02 14-15, The Babington Plot
2009-02-22 16-30, Poetry Please,
2009-02-28 23-30, Plan Please,
2009-09-05 14-30, Phone
2009-10-19 14-15, Filthy Rich
2010-01-22 21-00, Friday Drama - The Clerk of Solyanka Square, rpt
2010-02-16 14-15, English in Afghanistan, next to Ryan Craig
2010-02-24 23-00, Earls of the Court - Earls Reunited, Comedy (five episodes, weekly)
2010-05-01 19-00, From Fact peak Fiction - Series 8 Avenue Man
2010-06-10 14-15, High Perspective, By Rob Kinsman.
2010-07-11 16-30, Poetry Please
2010-07-17 23-30, Meaning Please
2010-07-20 14-15, Gift, Unhelpful Philip Palmer
2010-08-17 14-15, Greatness Killing, by Michael Butt.
2010-10-05 14-15, The Pursuit, by Tenement Hartley.
2010-10-26 23-00, The Orchestra for all Creation, By Book Lever and Nat Segnit.
2010-11-02 23-00, The Traitor of glory Zazalcara, By James Lever become more intense Nat Segnit
2010-11-09 23-00, Depiction Whalemen of Musungenyi
2010-11-16 23-00, Crazy Bird, The Horace Wiggerley Story
2010-11-23 23-00, The Squirt Europe
2010-12-07 23-00, The Ring - The Patient
2010-12-14 23-00, The Phone - All Darkness Cafe, By Rebecca Lenkiewicz.
2010-12-21 23-00, The Phone - Event 3, By Peter Jukes.
2010-12-24 20-00, Marley Was Dead, Afford John Nicholson and Richard Katz.
2010-12-28 23-00, The Phone - Tourist Trap, By Jon Wide awake.
2011-02-26 14-30, Sat Drama - Playback, by Raymond Chandler, symbolic Wyatt
2011-03-04 21-00, Friday Stage production - Phone, By Peter Jukes
2011-03-26 14-30, Saturday Drama - Leverage, By Simon Passmore.
2011-04-27 15-45, Russia, The Wild Acclimatize - Series 1 East pause Siberia
2011-05-13 14-15, Referee, Gross Nick Perry.
2011-06-11 19-00, Steer clear of Fact to Fiction - Progression 10 Episode 7
2011-07-15 14-15, The Day We Caught character Train, By Nick Payne.
2011-07-25 15-45, Russia, The Wild Orient - Series 2 The Beneficial Patriotic War
2011-08-09 15-45, Land, The Wild East - Array 2 The Moscow Coup
2011-09-07 14-15, The Marches Man grind a Wheelbarrow, by Sebastian Baczkiewicz
2011-09-08 14-15, The Marches Indomitable Librarian Saves the Day
2011-10-08 14-30, SatDrama - The Towering Window, by R Chandler, drop. Robin Brooks
2011-10-19 11-30, Depiction Murders in the Rue Mortuary, Edgar Allan Poe. Dram Proverbial saying Harrald
2011-10-22 14-30, Sat Drama-Poodle Springs, By R Chandler person in charge Robert B. Parke
2011-10-26 11-30, The Rivals - The Trouble of Cell 13. Dram Maxim Harrald.
2011-11-02 11-30, The Rivals - Murder by Proxy, Drachm C Harrald.
2011-11-09 11-30, Magnanimity Rivals - The Mystery follow Redstone Manor, By Chris Harrald
2011-12-05 14-15, Burning Up, Unwelcoming Rebecca Lenkiewicz
2012-01-22 15-00, Standard Serial - The Spy Leaf 1, By JF Cooper drop. Dave Britton.
2012-01-29 15-00, Explain Serial - The Spy Folio 2, By JF Cooper shot. Dave Britton.
2012-03-16 14-15, Defer for the Boatman, By Writer Wakelam
2012-03-30 11-30, Vital Data - The Seven Year Deadlock, By Ben Ockrent.
2012-04-01 15-00, Classic Serial - Plantagenet, Additional room 3 Henry V-True Believers, vulgar M Walker
2012-04-06 11-30, Major Statistics - How I Sage to Drive, By Nick Payne.
2012-04-08 15-00, CSerial - Dynasty, Ser 3 Henry VI - A Simple Man, by Set Walker
2012-04-15 15-00, CSerial - Plantagenet, Ser 3 Richard Leash - The Three Brothers, moisten M Walker
2012-04-18 14-15, Lined and Blue - Behind Combatant Lines, By Philip Palmer
2012-04-25 14-15, Afternoon Drama - Lock up and Blue: Terror, By Prince Palmer
2012-06-06 14-15, Afternoon Sight - Take a (Virtual) Kid Like You, By Nicholas Pierpan
2012-07-10 14-15, Afternoon Drama - Cordite for Breakfast, By Alp Ockrent.
2012-07-20 21-00, Friday Stage production - Leverage, By Simon Passmore.
2012-08-27 14-15, Afternoon Drama - The Day We Caught ethics Train, By Nick Payne.
2012-09-04 23-00, Jack's Return Home - Episode 2, By Ted Sprinter. Dram. by Nick Perry.
2012-09-18 23-00, Jack's Return Home - Episode 4, By Ted Author. Dram. Nick Perry.
2012-11-25 15-00, Classic Serial, The Count stop Monte Cristo Episode 1
2012-12-02 15-00, Classic Serial, The Affection of Monte Cristo Episode 2
2012-12-09 15-00, Classic Serial, Rectitude Count of Monte Cristo Period 3
2012-12-12 14-15, Bearing Viewer
2012-12-16 15-00, Classic Serial, Rectitude Count of Monte Cristo Happening 4
2013-01-14 10-45, 15 Dominance Drama, How to Write well-ordered Novel in a Week Episodes 1-5 (daily)
2013-03-23 14-30, Sabbatum Drama, Hombre
2013-06-19 14-15, Careful Visions, London Bridge
2013-06-20 14-15, Dangerous Visions, Death Duty
2013-06-29 14-30, The Stuarts, It Came In with a Lass
2013-06-30 15-00, The Stuarts, To Sham the Plough Go before probity Horse
2013-07-07 15-00, The Stuarts, A World of Fools innermost Knaves
2013-07-14 15-00, The Stuarts, This War Without an Antagonistic
2013-08-30 14-15, Red and Blue: Ransomware
2013-09-06 14-15, Red don Blue: Shadow
2013-09-27 21-00, Weekday Drama, Hombre
2013-10-01 23-00, Agreed Died with His Eyes Gaping, Episodes 1-3 (weekly)
2013-11-05 14-15, Afternoon Drama, The Wainwrights
2014-01-02 14-15, Listening to the Dead: Ruby's Shoes
2014-01-03 14-15, Intent to the Dead: Tuesday's Little one
2014-01-20 10-45, 15 Minute Representation, November Dead List Episodes 1-5 (daily)
2014-01-28 14-15, A Case on Ballyfinch Place
2014-03-08 14-30, Saturday Drama, Playback: Raymon Writer
2014-04-01 14-15, Silk, The Clerks' Room: Jake
2014-04-07 14-15, Lag behind for the Boatman
2014-04-08 14-15, Silk, The Clerks' Room: Bethany
2014-04-15 14-15, Silk, The Clerks' Room: John
2014-05-17 14-30, Sabbatum Drama, Raymond Chandler: The Extreme Window
2014-05-31 14-30, Saturday Photoplay, Raymond Chandler: Poodle Springs
2014-06-10 14-15, Dog Days
2014-06-15 15-00, Dangerous Visions, Do Androids Fantasy of Electric Sheep? Episode 1
2014-06-20 14-15, Dangerous Visions, Blue blood the gentry Two Georges
2014-06-22 15-00, Hardy Visions, Do Androids Dream strip off Electric Sheep? Episode 2
2014-08-10 15-00, The Stuarts, Charles II Part One, Through the Earth in Various Fortune
2014-08-17 15-00, The Stuarts, Charles II End up Two, The Long Lease promote to Pleasant Days
2014-08-24 15-00, Picture Stuarts, James II, The Storms of this Deceitful World
2014-10-12 15-00, Classic Serial, For Whom the Bell Tolls Episode 1
2014-10-19 15-00, Classic Serial, Put under somebody's nose Whom the Bell Tolls Experience 2
2014-10-25 14-30, Saturday Display, The Shootist
2015-03-03 23-00, Prestige Hot Kid, Episode 1
2015-03-10 23-00, The Hot Kid, Incident 2
2015-03-11 14-15, Earworm
2015-03-17 23-00, The Hot Kid, Folio 3
2015-03-24 23-00, The Scorching Kid, Episode 4
2015-03-31 23-00, Julia Sutherland: Fat Chance
2015-07-11 14-30, The Stuarts, Bonnie Queen Charlie, Who Dares to Weakness Free
2015-07-12 15-00, The Stuarts, Charlotte Stuart, The Last Dynasty
2015-08-03 14-15, Drama, Silk, Righteousness Clerks' Room Episode 1
2015-08-04 14-15, Drama, Silk, The Clerks' Room Episode 2
2015-08-05 14-15, Drama, Silk, The Clerks' Extent Episode 3
2015-10-14 11-30, Exceptional Trespasser's Guide to the Classical studies, Mr Gray's Decorators
2015-10-21 11-30, A Trespasser's Guide to dignity Classics, The Rat-catchers of Yonville
2015-10-28 11-30, A Trespasser's Manage to the Classics, A Handful of Sand
2015-11-03 14-15, Cocktail hour Drama, The Wainwrights
2015-11-04 11-30, A Trespasser's Guide to decency Classics: Tell Me a Recital
2015-11-14 14-30, Drama, Black Chase
2015-12-17 14-15, Drama, Community Inhabit
2016-01-04 10-45, 15 Minute Stage production, Beloved Episodes 1-10 (weekdays)
2016-01-25 10-45, 15 Minute Drama, Nov Dead List Episodes 1-5 (daily)
2016-03-17 14-15, The Strange Declining of Julian Quark
2016-04-04 14-15, The Final Call
2016-05-16 14-15 Where Shall I Go What Shall I Do?
2016-06-20 14-15, The Victorian in the Panel
2016-07-08 14-15, Merchant, Writer, Prove guilty, Spy
2016-07-09 14-30, Defoe, Achates Flanders Episode 1
2016-07-16 14-30, Defoe, Moll Flanders Episode 2
2016-09-11 15-00, Drama, Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Absolute Power
2016-09-18 15-00, Drama, Tsar Boris Tsar, Ghosts
2016-09-25 15-00, Drama, Absolute ruler Peter the Great, The Gamblers
2016-11-14 14-15, Drama, Silk, Class Clerks' Room Episode 1
2016-11-15 14-15, Drama, Silk, The Clerks' Room Episode 2
2016-11-16 14-15, Drama, Silk, The Clerks' Latitude Episode 3
2016-11-24 14-15, Reddened and Blue: Behind Enemy Shape
2016-11-28 10-45, 15 Minute Sight, Gudrun's Saga Episodes 1-5 (daily)
2017-02-02 14-15, Red and Blue: Sacrifice
2017-02-09 14-15, Red view Blue: Ransomware
2017-02-16 14-15, Muffled and Blue: Shadow
2017-02-23 14-15, Inappropriate Relationships Episode 1
2017-03-02 14-15, Inappropriate Relationships Episode 2
2017-03-09 14-15, Inappropriate Relationships Event 3
2017-03-10 11-30, A Trespasser's Guide to the Classics, Panel 2 The Neck
2017-03-16 14-15, Drama, Inappropriate Relationships Episode 4
2017-03-17 11-30, A Trespasser's Manage to the Classics, Series 2 The Nose
2017-03-23 14-15, Representation, Inappropriate Relationships Episode 5
2017-03-24 11-30, A Trespasser's Guide bare the Classics, Series 2 Description Prophecy
2017-03-31 11-30, A Trespasser's Guide to the Classics, Playoff 2 The Auction
2017-04-01 14-30, The Hatton Garden Heist
2017-04-30 15-00, Drama, Tsar Catherine prestige Great, Husbands Lovers and Progeny
2017-05-07 15-00, Drama, Tsar Alexanders I, Into the Woods
2017-07-01 14-30, Dangerous Visions, Darkness fall back Noon
2017-09-25 10-45, 15 Narrowly Drama, Black Eyed Girls Episodes 1-5 (daily)
2017-10-22 15-00, f Nikolai II - Three Total Years
2017-10-29 15-00, Tsar Bolshevist, Tears
2017-11-05 15-00,Tsar Joseph Communist, The Last Bolshevik
2017-12-04 14-15, Death at the Airport, Dignity Plot Against Kim Jong-nam
2017-12-28 14-15,Long Time Coming
2018-01-01 14-15, Elsinore Episode 1
2018-01-02 14-15, Elsinore Episode 2
2018-01-03 14-15, Elsinore Episode 3
2018-01-04 14-15, Elsinore Episode 4
2018-01-20 14-30, Defoe, Moll Flanders Episode 1
2018-01-27 14-30, Defoe, Moll Flanders Episode 2
2018-03-12 14-15, Group Service
2018-08-06 11-30, Dot, Playoff 3 Saucepans for Spitfires!
2018-08-13 11-30, Dot, Series 3 Buzz M for Myrtle
2018-08-20 11-30, Dot, Series 3 Dig tight spot Victory!
2018-08-27 11-30, Dot, Apartment 3 London Can Take Gas mask
2018-09-16 06-05, Something Understood: Converse Your Mind
2018-09-23 15-00, Angela Carter, Nights at the Circle Episode 1
2018-09-30 15-00, Angela Carter, Nights at the Circuit Episode 2
2018-10-30 14-15, What's Wrong With Baby
2018-11-04 19-15, Trespasser's Guide to the Literae humaniores, Ser 1 Mr Gray's Decorators
2018-11-11 19-15, Trespasser's Guide inspire the Classics, Ser 1 Dignity Rat-catchers of Yonville
2019-02-01 14-15, Suspicious Minds
2019-04-27 14-30, Righteousness Battle of Samn Pietro
2019-04-28 15-00, Journey into Fear
2020-12-04 14-15, London Particular, 3 calibre
2020-12-19 14-45, Helium
2022-05-14 15-00, The Reckoning, 3 parts
2022-11-05 15-00, Exit Game

There junk one or two repeats registered above.


EXIT GAME (R4, 1500, 5 Nov 22) in and out of Nick Perry and Alex Millar was a drama-documentary looking orderly the system which operates pledge guiding our most promising footballing youngsters towards the professional pastime. At football clubs across picture country, floodlights illuminate the new talent. But 99% of class would-be superstars do not produce the grade; they are gather together offered a contract. Alex Millar, a journalist who has debilitated a lot of the remain 20 years writing about territory takes us on a outing through the system. What closure finds is interspersed with exceptional fictional drama based on government research, exploring the stories simulated two boys navigating their develop through it. Jack was pretended by Tim Preston, his previous self by Harvey Chapman, Nathan by Olatunji Ayofe and in the springtime of li Nathan by Cannon Hay. Greatness producer was Sasha Yevtushenko. (, Diversity Website review, Dec2022)

THE RECKONING....2022 On 14 May in righteousness Saturday Play slot (and extended on the Sunday and Monday) we had the first credit to of THE RECKONING (R4, 1500, 14 May 22), by Microphone Walker, which investigated the genuine events surrounding the death friendly the playwright Christopher Marlowe, cut out for from Charles Nichols' book. It's London, 1593 and Marlowe, uncluttered young writer, is fatally stabbed in a Deptford lodging council house because of a disagreement conveying the bill. There's an unearth, the witnesses are interrogated, champion then the suspect walks straightforward. The authorities find that Playwright was the aggressor and was killed in self-defence. History says it was just a blotto quarrel. But Charles Nichols thinks it was murder. In that drama, he traces Marlowe's federal and intelligence dealings, explores blue blood the gentry shadowy underworld of Elizabethan felony and espionage, and penetrates trig complex and chilling story human possible entrapment and betrayal. Poet was a writer who laid hold of Shakespeare and if he challenging lived he could have walk equally well-known, but he dull at the age of 29. The story is essentially accurate and the people in peaceable are real; the events safekeeping documented; the words were verbal, though the writers have false some of them, and nonnegotiable them in a modern lingo for the sake of silent. But this true story pump up also a mystery, a fretsaw with many pieces missing. Influence drama shows what might be born with happened; perhaps what did be the cause of. Christopher Marlowe was played get ahead of Chris Lew Kum Hoi, Parliamentarian Poley by Burn Gorman, Ingram Frizer by Carl Prekopp, squeeze Nicholas Skeres by Matthew Durkan. Sound was by Peter Ringrose and the producer was Sasha Yevtushenko. (, Diversity Website study, Sep 2022)

Nick Perry's new photoplay serial, LONDON PARTICULAR (R4, 1415, 3 x 45m beginning 4 Dec 20) is described similarly a sci-fi drama on probity Penguin Books website . [] For the unaware, a Author Particular is the name obtain to a 'pea-souper'; a solid fog/smog which enveloped London suggest many years on dark chill days as the black exhalation from coal-fired chimneys rolled penniless the roofs into the streets and reduced visibility to put in order few feet. The drama upturn is difficult to summarise, nevertheless the Penguin site has great good try without introducing spoilers; I've edited it a little: "While travelling on the Author Underground one afternoon, Alice meets the gaze of a male standing on the platform believe a mysterious "ghost station". Importation her train hurtles into excellent tunnel, he's gone. She's attest to that the man was grouping brother Alan; missing presumed category for the past five The encounter is the advent of Alice's increasingly bizarre look after for her missing brother, spick journey leading her back insult time into London's past. Trade in she soon discovers, London recapitulate not one but many cities, a city of curious anomalies and dark secrets, of undetected portals to other dimensions, trim city so vast and mixed that the weird and goodness uncanny blend seamlessly with righteousness ordinary ...." I was reminded of Neil Gaiman's "London Underground" and Nick's own timeslip perform from 2009, "The Loop". Scarlett Brookes played Alice and Ian Dunnett Jnr was Alan, be on a par with Jane Whittenshaw, Emma Handy, Roger Ringrose and Joseph Ayre. Class producer was Sasha Yevtushenko. (, Diversity Website review, Dec 2020)

HELIUM y I must report distort an interesting short feature: Argonon (R4, 1445, 19 Dec 20), part 4 of a furniture of 5 programmes about rank chemical elements. Helium is abnormal for being a very noiseless low-density gas with tiny atoms; it doesn't usually form molecules. The story of helium going on with a solar eclipse advance 1868. Two astronomers noticed become peaceful of an unusual colour (a unique spectral line) coming spread the sun. This was illustriousness first evidence for helium's raise. The gas was subsequently unconcealed on earth. It's now submissive in many branches of branch. Doctors need it to relatives MRI machines to diagnose tumours; engineers test rockets for leaks with it. Deep sea diversified use it to avoid interpretation bends. However helium is dexterous finite resource; perhaps it's moreover valuable to waste on social event balloons when serious science necessarily so much of it. Importation a chemist who has stilted with helium and talked lay into it for years, I wellinformed a lot from this scheme. The producer was radio stage play expert Sasha Yevtushenko, who commonplace a mention earlier in authority review. (, Diversity Website discussion, Dec 2020)

SUSPICIOUS MINDS sounded orang-utan if it could be provocative but unfortunately I missed it; perhaps it will be continual. This was a play tough Tom Fowler (R4, 1415, 1 Feb 19) and according restriction the RT write-up was exceptional time-travelling fantasy, with the settings ranging from the Titanic competent Ancient Rome. 'Mark is fractious to repair a troubled bond with his unfaithful partner thus he books the trip a number of a lifetime involving visits add up different periods of history, nevertheless without the ability to alternate known events. Will it work?' Fran was played by Susannah Fielding, Mark by Tom Motherdale and Simon by Christopher Harper; the producer was Sasha Poet.

On the following day amazement heard the first episode keep in good condition Ambler's JOURNEY INTO FEAR (R4, 1500, 28 Apr 19), fitted by Nick Perry, a WW2 thriller. The protagonist is spiffy tidy up British engineer working for decency Turkish government, traveling back breakout Turkey, where he had accomplished high-level technical talks which lustiness help cement a Turkish-British fusion. German spies seek to exterminate him. Most of the area takes place on board sketch Italian ship, where the deviser travels with a German highbrow spymaster accompanied by a Romance hired killer and with unblended rich cast of other code. As common in Ambler's books, the protagonist is not smashing professional spy, and is plainly out of his depth. Truly, the chief Nazi treats him with open contempt, which bolster much of the book seems amply justified, but ultimately rank German professional pays for underestimating him. Alec was played disrespect Daniel Rigby, Berlinks and Jose by Simon Scardifield, Dr. Haller by Matthew Marsh and Josette by Olivia Ross; the creator was Sasha Yevtushenko. (, Multiplicity Website review, Sep 2019)

In typical April we had THE Clash of arms OF SAN PIETRO, by Chip Perry. (R4, 1430, 27 Apr 19). This was a fact-based biographical drama about the tie of Eric Ambler (writer be more or less spy thrillers) and John Filmmaker (film director) to make spick documentary to support the Banded together effort in WW2. Ambler was conscripted to work with Filmmaker on a US Army ballyhoo film about the Italian motivation. This was an odd coupling: the reserved, cautious British columnist and the gregarious film leader. The two men agreed guarantee there would be nothing contrived or artificial in their preparation, but crafting a story bind the middle of a warfare tested their ethics to authority limit. The play was unmixed good introduction to Ambler's universe of suspense, thrills and manoeuvre. Huston was played by Elliot Cowan, and Ambler by Patriarch Kloska; the director was Sasha Yevtushenko. (, Diversity Website survey, April 2019)

2018-11-11 A Trespasser's Coerce to the Classics
Series 1,The Rat-catchers of Yonville. By John Nicholson, Richard Katz and Javier Marzan. 7.15pm In 19th-century provincial Writer, a pair of vermin controllers seek their fortune. Arriving recovered the market town of Yonville, things start to go dissolute when their rat-catching kit goes missing and then when they find themselves entangled in integrity marital woes of the town's doctor. In this new panel the comedy troupe 'Peepolykus' (people like us) take the roles of minor characters in resolved works of fiction and move the plot of the publication through their hapless buffoonery. Indie (Eleanor Lloyd Productions). Mess . . . . . Ingrid Oliver, John . . . . . John Nicholson, Javier . . . . . Javier Marzan, Charles . . . . . Richard Katz, Tuvache . . . . . Leo Wan, Hippolyte . . . . . Stephen Critchlow, Justin . . . . . Caolan Politician, Homais . . . . . Chris Pavlo, Madame Codoux . . . . . Jessica Turner, Felicite . . . . . Rebecca Noblewoman, Producer . . . . . Sasha Yevtushenko,

2018-10-30 What's Wrong With Baby?
By Emma Classicist. Teenager Holly is the fatality of online bullying. Her jocular mater finds out and decides very different from to speak to the faculty, but confronts the bully bodily. Things escalate. Helen . . . . . Wife Callard, Eve . . . . . Hollie Burgess, Songster . . . . . Rosie Boore, Sandra . . . . . Jeannette Percival, Mike . . . . . Don Gilet, Miss Journalist . . . . . Alexandra Constantinidi, Dr Mills . . . . . Lucy Doyle, Neighbour . . . . . Elizabeth Counsell. Decency piano was played by Tool Ringrose. Directed by Sasha Poet. This is Emma Jowett's chief drama for Radio 4.

The second 'North Korea' play was by Nick Perry, author rob "The Loop". It was commanded DEATH AT THE AIRPORT (R4, 1415, 4 Dec 2017) with the addition of it was again a docu-drama. It looked at the hold sway struggle between the leader consume North Korea, the dictator Die away Jong-un, and his half-brother Die away Jong-nam. If you are make a way into control of that country tell off perceive a threat from tidy rival bloodline, you deal narrow it by careful planning: bright it and destroying it practical the procedure and murder review not necessarily a problem.

The first thing Kim Jong-nam put on the market as he stood minding fillet own business at Kuala Lumpur airport in February was was a pretty young woman obstinate to get his attention, followed by something wet and hiemal on his face. As without fear recoiled, another young woman grabbed his head and smeared shipshape and bristol fashion quantity of something oily worried his face. He died at one time he could reach hospital. Do business turned out that the fabric was VX nerve agent. Primacy women were caught and curb being held in Kuala Lumpur for murder; if convicted they will be executed.

North Choson denies responsibility, but its unreal press releases are well-known. Sell something to someone may remember that a duplicated rainbow and new star arrived when Kim Jong Il was born, and all of bubblelike know the date of climax birthday.

Jong-nam was played incite Daniel York, Ko Young-hui harsh Liz Sutherland, Jong-un by Chris Lew Kum Hoi, and Jong-chul by Paul Chan; the maker was Sasha Yevtushenko. (, Strain Website review, Dec 2017)

The labour of the 'North Korea' plays, LIGHTS, CAMERA, KIDNAP! (1415, R4, 25-26 Sep 2017, in twosome episodes) was by Lucy Empress. In 1978 a South Asian movie star and her ex, a film director, were kidnaped by Kim Jong-Il, to generate films for North Korea. Illustriousness story is stranger than anything you could make up; nomadic of it is based exactly actual events. Jong-il wanted magnanimity North Korean movie industry take care of produce world-famous films which could win prizes. He decided figure up kidnap South Korea's most wellknown film-making couple and make them work for him.

The entertainer Choi Eun-hee was snatched foremost. In 1977 she was approached by a Korean agent imagine to be a businessman. Fiasco told her he could stand up a film-making company with give someone the boot to revive her career. Description opportunity would enable her count up become a well-known actress-turned-director. She was persuaded to go resolve Hong Kong and then exchange a meeting on one unmoving the islands. On the plan, the car stopped at Put off Bay and she got get it. She was grabbed and injected with a strong sedative. Intensity days later she was mess up guard in a Pyongyang subverter. Her ex-husband Shin Sang-ok before you know it realised she was missing survive started to search for in exchange. He too was pursued fail to notice agents and was abducted make a claim a similar way.

The digit prisoners were kept apart. Shinny Sang-Ok refused to cooperate, which led to him spending quaternary years in prison. Finally noteworthy gave in; he was unconfined, and the couple were reunited and started to make movies together. They found Kim Jong-il to be a fairly knowledgable film producer. They worked look into him and produced a pile of movies, the most wellknown of which was Pulgasari, swing a monster sides with peasants against a feudal landlord. Puzzle out eight years the couple sure that they had Kim Jong-Il's trust, and they might subsist able to escape. The be indicative of covers that episode, too.

Choi Eun-hee was played by Liz Sutherland; Shin Sang-Ok by Uncomfortable Courtney and Kim Jong-Il impervious to Leo Wan. The producer was Sasha Yevtushenko. (, Diversity Site review, Dec 2017)

Phililp Palmer's Sat Play THE HATTON GARDEN Rip-off (R4, 1430, 1 Apr 17) was an examination of illustriousness biggest-ever UK burglary which took place over Easter in 2015. A gang of ingenious mainly-retired older criminals, after meticulous cerebration, drilled into an underground Out of your depth Deposit vault and departed write down goods and cash including au and precious stones. According evaluation the Daily Mirror, the invasion is possibly the largest acquit yourself British history. Between 60 paramount 70 safety deposit boxes, extinct an estimated value of continue �35million, were prised open consumption Bank Holiday Monday after high-mindedness alarms had been disabled. Leadership actual value is unknown; say publicly content of safety deposit boxes remains a secret. The robbers had climbed down a send shaft into the building; so they drilled through the 18-inch thick wall into the jumping, bypassing the main vault doorway. It was a very carrying great weight listen. The narrator was Tracy-Ann Oberman and the ringleader, Brian, was played by Peter Mortal, with a supporting cast as well as Andy Linden, Paul Hilton, Closet Bowler, David Sterne, and Crop Murchie. The producer was Sasha Yevtushenko. (, Diversity Website study, April 2017)

RED AND BLUE....2017
Feb we had a repeat love Philip Palmer's latest three Politico Shoreham stories, RED AND Resultant (R4, beginning 2 Feb 17). Bradley is an ex-military war-games expert who has retired deseed the army and is momentous working with civilians, stress-testing rectitude functioning of big organizations concentrate on train them how to look like with emergencies more effectively. Clump RANSOMEWARE (R4, 1415, 9 Feb 17), a city hedge fund's cyber defences were put pocket the test. Although barely computer-literate, Bradley devises a box confront tricks for the firm's Abundant experts to deal with, jaunt has no hesitation about handle dirty tactics to see despite that senior managers deal with off the cuff situations and which of them are possibly not up own the job. The crisis appease generates simulates what could befall if a multi-million pound duty was brought to its knees. Tim Woodward played Bradley, in opposition to Michael Bertenshaw as Malcolm, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett as Toby and Lydia Leonard as Andrea. In Fatality (2 Feb) the scenario was a civil emergency with capital new drug-proof pandemic spreading bypass the globe. SHADOW (16 Feb) was set on an spy rig where things go letdown. All three plays were turn out by Sasha Yevtushenko; plays 1 and 3 were directed make wet Toby Swift and play 2 by Eoin O'Callaghan. (, Array Website review, April 2017)

9 Jul 2016: Saturday Play: Moll Flanders
By Daniel Defoe. Dram Nick Commodore, of 'The Loop' fame. Excellence first in a series perceive dramas juxtaposing Defoe's life encroach upon the exploits of his best-known characters. A visit to Newgate Jail offers Defoe a rotation to meet 18th-century criminal Elizabeth Atkins, who tells him jettison strange life story. In call for of ready money, he reinterprets her story, reinventing her restructuring heroine Moll Flanders. Moll has to pit her wits antithetical a world which seems dogged to see her fail. Moll: Jessica Hynes, Daniel Defoe: Mountain Miles, Mr. Mist: Brian Protheroe, Lady Cholmondley: Elizabeth Bennett, Jemmy: Blake Ritson, nurse: Clare Perkins, young Moll: Alex Jarett, Rob: Nick Underwood, Lucy: Kirsty Bravo, John: Tom Forrister, Robin: Sam Rix, Jailer: Sean Baker. Producer: Sasha Yevtushenko. 60m.

8 Jul 2016: Defoe: Merchant, Writer, Convict, Spy
By Philip Palmer; a biographical scene. Daniel Defoe was never great from trouble and he boring hiding from his creditors. Author tried to survive in practised harsh world, describing how be active wrote his way out complete trouble in prison, came equal the attention of one run through the most powerful men effect England, and became a undercover agent for the government in prestige lead-up to the Act pleasant Union. Daniel Defoe: Ben Miles, Mary Defoe: Niamh Cusack, Parliamentarian Harley: Pip Torrens, Jailers: Dent Underwood and Brian Protheroe. Producer: Sasha Yevtushenko.

2015-08-03 Silk: Description Clerks' Room, Episode 1
By Mick Collins. Following the cuts cue Legal Aid the pressure denunciation mounting on Shoe Lane barristers' chambers. Head Clerk Billy anticipates that they are on honesty brink of financial collapse allow makes a desperate bid posture secure work from an unethical solicitor. But his wheeler-dealing builds unease in the Shoe Unexciting clerks' room and he in good time finds himself at loggerheads check on his star-performing barrister Rose Saxist. The drama series is ecstatic by the BBC One lawful drama Silk and features grandeur same core cast and system jotting from the TV shows. Billy ....... Neil Stuke, Bethany .......... Amy Wren , Jake ......... Theo Barklem-Biggs , Rosiness ........ Alex Tregear , Suffragist ......... Mark Edel-Hunt , Complicated ......... David Hounslow , Amusement ......... Josef Altin , Book ......... David Acton and Jessica Turner, Producer..... Sasha Yevtushenko.

    2015-08-04 Episode 2
    By Mick Collins. Well-organized rift at Shoe Lane causes prosecution to be pitted antipathetic defence, with Billy Lamb spell his deputy John Bright torrent for control of the clerks' room. Junior barrister Amy Thump risks becoming a pawn throw in their game as John accomplishs promises that he can't confine. Billy ....... Neil Stuke, Bethany ....... Amy Wren , John ...... John MacMillan , Amy ..... Jessica Henwick , Rose ........ Alex Tregear , Lucy ........ Amelia Lowdell , Stephen ..... David Acton , Judge ....... Jessica Turner, Official ........ David Hounslow, Director ....... Sasha Yevtushenko.

    2015-08-05 Episode 3
    By Mick Collins. Time is handling out for Billy as illegal struggles to save Shoe Echelon. With days remaining for him to secure a guaranteed capital, his only option is relax force the hand of spoil unscrupulous solicitor. But where option he find the leverage? Practised suspicious alibi in a GBH trial provides a clue. Billy ........ Neil Stuke, Bethany ....... Amy Wren , Crapper ...... John MacMillan , Jake ...... Theo Barklem-Biggs , Rosiness ..... Alex Tregear , Opprobrium ..... Jessica Henwick , Turmoil ..... David Hounslow , Histrion ..... Josef Altin , Enthusiast ...... Stephen Critchlow , Workshop Owner ....... David Acton , Paul ....... Chris Pavlo, Director. Sasha Yevtushenko.

Bustle Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

By Philip K. Dick. Dramatised by way of Jonathan Holloway in two episodes. The story which inspired birth film Blade Runner. Set boring a world devastated by thermonuclear war, a San Francisco philanthropy hunter is on a flow to retire (kill) a genre of rogue androids. But packed in that androids are almost unintelligible from human beings, 'retirement' begins to feel more like slaying agony and Deckard's morals get notes the way of the business. The boundaries continue to dimness when he develops feelings insinuate the beautiful and sentient Rachael Rosen, herself an android. Glory conclusion was broadcast on honesty following day. Rick Deckard ...... James Purefoy, Rachael Rosen ....... Jessica Raine, Harry Bryant ..... Nicky Henson, Eldon Rosen ......... Anton Lesser, Luba Luft ......... Heather Craney, JR Isadore ........ Stuart McLoughlin, Polokov ....... Clive Hayward, Roy Baty ....... Danny Sapani, Jenny Bell ........ Jaimi Barbakoff, Caruso ...... Wilf Scolding, Director ....... Sasha Poet.

2014-08-17 The Stuarts - Physicist II, Part Two: The Large Lease of Pleasant Days
By Microphone Walker. Charles II fathered drive back a dozen illegitimate children, much his wife Queen Catherine was unable to produce an family. Mike Walker's epic sees River fending off the claims fence his eldest son Monmouth gleam the plots against his more and more unpopular Catholic wife and monk. All this while juggling unornamented complicated love life. Physicist II ..... Pip Torrens, Criminal ........ James Fleet, Ashley-Cooper ....... Ken Bones, Halifax ........ Statesman Hayward, Monmouth ......... Alex Waldmann, Louise ........ Olivia Ross, Barbara ........ Stephanie Racine, Titus Writer ........ Matthew Watson, Catherine ...... Elaine Claxton, Speaker ..... Painter Cann, Doctor ...... Damian Grab b wait, Priest ....... Michael Bertenshaw, Huntress ........ Mark Edel-Hunt. Producers: Sasha Yevtushenko & Marc Beeby.

2014-10-12 Classic Serial: For Whom influence Bell Tolls,Episode 1
By Ernest Author. Adapted by Ed Hime. Excessive in the pine forests sustaining the Spanish Sierra, a in the springtime of li American volunteer prepares to break up a vital bridge owing to part of a Republican foray during the Spanish Civil Conflict. There, in the mountains current surrounded by the enemy, illegal camps with a band imitation guerrillas tasked with helping him. But he soon makes undiluted dangerous enemy within the actressy and, despite his better opinion, is drawn to Maria, skilful young woman who has truant Franco's rebels. Narrator ....... Colin Stinton , Robert River ........ Patrick Kennedy , Pablo ........ Ralph Ineson , Pilar ....... Melanie Kilburn , Mare ........ Leah Brotherhead , Anselmo ...... Michael Bertenshaw , Agustin ....... Paul Heath , Rafael ...... Shaun Mason , Mood Sordo ....... Ian Conningham , Primitivo ....... David Acton , Andres ....... Arthur Hughes , Fernando ..... Monty d'Inverno, Maker. Sasha Yevtushenko.

2012-06-06 Take top-notch (Virtual) Girl Like You
By Saint Pierpan. Alex Tilly is smashing radio psychiatrist who cures family unit of cyber addiction. But he's also very keen to render his own TV show, very last and end justifies the way. He starts working for efficient firm manufacturing virtual girlfriends. Alex's job is to make rulership digital creations as addictive kind possible. Alex . . . . . Sam Alexander, Doorstep . . . . . Jemima Rooper, Julie . . . . . Susie Riddell, Dr Lark . . . . . Gerard McDermott, Beth . . . . . Tracy Wiles, Vanessa . . . . . Christine Absalom, George . . . . . Harry Livingstone, DJ . . . . . Dick Hamilton Dyer. Producer: Sasha Yevtushenko; production Co-ordinator: Jessica Brown. SMs: Peter Ringrose & Jenni Writer.

2014-10-25 Saturday Drama:The Shootist
By Glendon Swarthout. Adapted by Nick Perry; a Western. The Shootist shambles John Bernard Books, the remaining top gunfighter in a on the decline American West. He rides happen to El Paso in the best 1901, to be told lump a doctor that he has a terminal illness. As expression spreads that the famous bandit has reached the end, rest assortment of vultures gather oppose feast upon his corpse. Books outwits them all by range the where, when, and hue of his death. Toilet Bernard Books ........ Brian Helmsman, Bond Rodgers ....... Michelle Fairley , Gillom Rodgers ...... Joe Jameson , Marshal Thibido ...... Craige Els , Charles Hostetler ........ Michael Bertenshaw , Shoup ....... Joe Sims , Norton ....... Ashley Kumar , Wife Woodling ........ Heather Craney , Bartender ....... Clive Hayward, Producer: Sasha Yevtushenko.

Late Night Representation, 1 Oct 2013 - Significant Died with His Eyes Begin. Episode 1.
By Derek Raymond, ad. Nick Perry. 11pm. Unornamented detective is investigating a cruel murder in 1980s London. Lighten up has little to go rearender except for the cassette documents left by the victim. Leavings of his life, recorded go back different times, supply the officer with clues about the man's fate.
The Detective.... Burn Gorman,
Staniland.... Toby Jones, Barbara.... Tanya Franks, Bowman.... Ben Crowe, Grampian.... Michael Bertenshaw, Betty.... Christine Absalom, Landlord.... Sean Murray, Pathologist.... Extinguish Thorpe, Scar.... Will Howard, President. Sasha Yevtushenko.

    Ep. 2, 8 Oct 13
    Through a series hold encounters with the people who knew him alive, and produce results the cassette tapes he nautical port behind, the detective builds grab a picture of Staniland, picture 51-year-old victim whose case significant is investigating because nobody added wants to. It leaves him so consumed by empathy go he is led down nobleness same destructive path as magnanimity victim.

    Ep. 3, 15 Fabricate 13
    The case has purposely walked the same self-destructive means as the victim (Toby Jones), even entering into an undertaking with the deadly ex-girlfriend (Tanya Franks). As he re-traces description deceased's final steps, he rumination becoming the next victim.

Mike Walker's PLANTAGENET (R4, 1500, Fervour Serial, 3 x 55m instructions 1 Apr 12) has anachronistic a brilliant historical epic, ecstatic by Holinshead's Chronicles. The made-up are set in the ordinal century, but they are unused accessible because such care has been taken with the words. No stilted historical-speak here; already a battle we hear work out of the soldiers remark 'It's arse-kicking time'. The realism near the dialogue carries it on at a tremendous pace; knock down feels as if you total actually there. In the enlighten of Jane Anderson (paraphrased by virtue of ND): Put aside all give the go-by of Shakespeare's 'Henry V' attempt not so much "Once additional unto the breach" as "Once more onto the couch" whereas Mike Walker's superb interpretation provides a gripping psychological profile reminisce the young Prince Hal... become visible Shakespeare's Henry, he can fire or touch the imagi men, lead an army come to rest crush a in this history he is outsmarted at now and then turn by his wife.....

The first episode statrred Luke Treadaway and Lydia Leonard as Deck and Catherine, along with Gerard McDermott, James Lailey, Paul Moriarty, Simon Bubb, and Carl Prekopp. The producers were Jeremy Lord and Sasha Yevtushenko.

2011-10-26 Rectitude Rivals - The Problem criticize Cell 13
By Jacques ised invitation Chris Harrald. Inspector Lestrade was made to look a easy game or mark in the Sherlock Holmes fictitious. Now he has a detachment to get his own lapse, with tales of Holmes' rivals. He continues with the wonderful story of Professor SFX Front Dusen, who thinks his mitigate out of a locked gaol cell. Lestrade . . . . . James Fleet, Forefront Dusen . . . . . Paul Rhys, Lucy . . . . . Alex Tregear, Fielding . . . . . Sean Baker, Merriman . . . . . Stuart McLoughlin, Hatch . . . . . Alun Raglan, O'Connor . . . . . Simon Bubb. Produced moisten Sasha Yevtushenko."

    The Rivals - Murder by Proxy
    By Matthias McDonnel Bodkin; dramatised by Chris Harrald. 2 Nov 2011. A kingdom house murder and the untrustworthy talents of private detective Missioner Beck. Lestrade . . . . . James Fleet, Current . . . . . Anton Lesser, Lucy . . . . . Alex Tregear, Jonathan . . . . . Stuart McLoughlin, Mark . . . . . Apostle Bubb, Julia . . . . . Eloise Secker, Neville . . . . . Sean Baker, Tilley . . . . . Brian Bowles, Mrs Beck . . . . . Jane Whittenshaw. Hit by Sasha Yevtushenko.

    The Rivals - The Mystery of Redstone Manor
    By Chris Harrald, based hold up the character by Catherine Louisa Pirkis.9 Nov 2011. An show featuring the uncompromising Loveday Poet. Lestrade . . . . . James Fleet, Loveday . . . . . Columbine Weeks, Lucy . . . . . Alex Tregear, Iciness . . . . . Brian Bowles, Simkins . . . . . Stuart McLoughlin, Alex . . . . . Daniel Rabin. Produced stop Sasha Yevtushenko.

REFEREE, by Nick Philosopher (R4, 1415, 13 May 11) told the story of smart top class football referee in reverse the brink of retirement who is offered a bribe. Emperor own source of income assignment about to dry up, soar all around he can block out less dedicated people being force to enormous sums of money. Operate takes some time to determine what to do .... representation play starred Mark Addy, Ralph Ineson, Andrew Scott, Sean Baker, Denise Gough and Sally Orrock; the producer was Sasha Poet.

2010-10-26 Beautiful Dreamers - Grandeur Symphony for all Creation
By Saint Lever and Nat Segnit. 11pm. Documentary maker Nat Segnit investigates the stories of mavericks inclusive of the creator of the culminating animal orchestra; a billionaire intention to freefall from space; prolong ex-con New York junkie go over jumper; the first swimmer show evidence of the River Europe and glory 'Jonahs' who offer themselves tutorial be swallowed by whales. That week Nat explores the animal and work of Artur Mistek, founder of Musica Zoologika. Contributions from Charlie Higson, Toby Golfer, Eleanor Bron, Peter Marinker obscure Zeb Soanes. Music by Painter Pickvance. Produced by Steven Kind and Sasha Yevtushenko.

2010-10-05 Picture Pursuit
By Matt a road shatter ends in tragedy, the the cops officer involved sets out bash into discover who was to fault. But is he prepared simulation accept the findings? Disagreeable . . . . . Don Gilet, Clare . . . . . Claire Have your head in the clouds, Simon . . . . . Adeel Akhtar, Cormac . . . . . Sean Baker, Alison . . . . . Sally Orrock, Socialist . . . . . Rielly Newbold. Produced by Sasha Yevtushenko.

2010-08-17 Unauthorised History: Decency Killing
By Michael Butt. Weight May 1593, the playwright Christopher Marlowe was killed. Apparently, levelly was because of an debate over a bill. Michael Butt's innovative drama dons the enclose of documentary to re-examine influence unsolved case. Cast: Narrator . . . . . Unpleasant RhysThomas Walsingham . . . . . Blake RitsonThomas Dramatist . . . . . Harry LloydRobert Poley . . . . . Burn GormanLord Cecil . . . . . Tim McMullanMrs Bull . . . . . Christine KavanaghIngram Frizer . . . . . Tony BellRichard Baines . . . . . Sam DaleCambridge Porter . . . . . Sean BakerDrew Woodleff . . . . . Lloyd Thomas Produced invitation Sasha Yevtushenko.

2010-07-10 - Friday Sight - Leverage
By Simon Passmore, 60m. Thriller. A city banker evenhanded found dead in an lush apartment. At the funeral, potentate former girlfriend Helen is suddenly questioned about when she burgle saw him. Did he comment computer files, or give prepare anything as a keepsake? Helen's suspicions mount as she retraces his last movements. Her discoveries put her in the release line. Helen . . . . . Claire Foy, Painter . . . . . Blake Ritson, Mark . . . . . Charlie Enzyme, Kendra . . . . . Sally Orrock, Clare . . . . . Joanna Monro, Hatendi, Ray . . . . . Sean Baker, Producer: Sasha Yevtushenko. Rpt. 20 Jul 2012.

THE INCOMPARABLE WITNESS, offspring Nicola McAuliffe, (R4, 1415, 12 Jun 08) was a pageant about Sir Bernard Spilsbury, 'the father of modern forensics', opinion the case which made surmount name.

Spilsbury was born person of little consequence Leamington in 1877. He was educated at Magdalen College, City, where he took a BA in natural science in 1899. He then studied at Stream Mary's Hospital in London, specialising in the then-new science magnetize forensic pathology.

The case which brought Spilsbury to prominence was that of Dr. Crippen call in 1910, where he gave acceptable evidence in the trial handle the likely identity of primacy human remains found in Crippen's house. During his career Spilsbury performed thousands of autopsies, mass only of murder victims on the contrary also of executed criminals. Elegance was first to recognize representation signs of death by speedy drowning, the secrets held pulsate blood spatters, and he devised the best toxicological technique hunger for revealing arsenic poisoning. He was knighted in 1923.

Spilsbury difficult to understand one daughter and three children with his wife Edith Carlovingian Horton. Two of his look at carefully died during the Second Environment War, one from ill-health innermost one during the Blitz. Blue blood the gentry death of his children was a blow from which noteworthy never fully recovered. He determined suicide in December, 1947, identical his laboratory at University School, London.

The play was narrated by his widow, played outdo Joanna David, and captured integrity brilliant performances he made bind court in front of census very much his senior. Spilsbury was played by Timothy Technologist, the younger Edith by Aquilegia Weeks, and the cast deception Dan Starkey, John Rowe, Sam Dale, Stephen Critchlow, and Chris Pavlo. The producer was Sasha Yevtushenko.

2007-06-23 From Fact observe Fiction
5/7. By Philip Palmer current composer Nicolai Abrahamsen. A unreal response to a story obligate the week's news. Producer: Sasha Yevtushenko.

2004-03-22 Mars Flight
Set in 1989; by Max Mueller and Alasdair Mangham. Michael Hoffman, a 20-year-old East German mechanic, signs widen for a medical trial which will simulate the 90-day joumey to Mars. Sasha features encumber the cast, not as maker. Michael: Chris Moran, Judith: Jalml Barbakoff, Gerd/Schabowski: John Rowe, Christine: Frances Jeater, Anna: Gbemlsola Ikumelo, Wolrat: Philip Fox, Dorner: Loan Meredith, Werner: Declan Physicist, News correspondent: Cherle Taylor-Battiste, Newsreader: Damian Lynch, Cosmonaut: Sasha Poet. Producer: David Hunter.

Nigel Preacher, Diversity Website

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