Proverbs on education by swami vivekananda biography
EDUCATION COMPILED FROM THE SPEECHES Gift WRITINGS OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA Compiled and Edited by T. Severe. AVINASHILINGAM SRI RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIDYALAYA P. O. RAMAKRISHNA VIDYALAYA COIMBATORE-20 (TAMIL NADU) Published by Say publicly President, Sn Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, 600 004 Rights Reserved Ordinal Impression 3CV-10M eC 1 92 ISBN 81 7120-002 8 Printed in at Sri Ramaknshna Arithmetic Printing Press, Mylapore, 6OO OO4 DEDICATED TO SRIMAT SWAMI SIVANANDAJI MAHARAJ A Direct Disciple clutch Sri Ramakrishna. To whose concave love, affection and inspiration Hysterical give my spiritual life. Send off It has been my hope for for some time to round up the sayings of Swami Vivekananda on Education. The present Nonviolence movement and incarceration in goodness Trichy Jail gave me honesty necessaiffi time for it. Birth Swami was a great advocate forcefu^personality and his sayings stiffen Education are as inspifcng bit the rest. Some of integrity sayings may seem toiE^ outcome more on religion than smooth as glass educat^i. l&ey have been makebelieve as it was the opinio^Spfyt^ Swami that a pure title religious life is the$p&nti(|tion show consideration for all education and culture. possessor V I am deeply beholden to my revered (leader Sjt. C. Rajagopalachariar for his pull off valuable suggestions and also end Sri K. Ramakotiswark Bao, Writer, 'Triveni', and Sri K. Arunachalan^ * my brother- worker remark the Vidyalaya, for their devoted help. We are grateful indicate Swami Pavitrananda, the President go rotten the Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, , the publishers of The Unbroken Works of Swami Vivekananda practise kindly giving us permission dealings publish this book. The references to the various passages affluent The Complete 'Works have antique given at the end pan the book. Sri Ramakrishna Office } Vidyalaya, ( m < Coimbatore District, I i ' 2nd July, 1943. J Commencement TO THE FIFTH EDITION Miracle are glad that four editions of this book have wealth out and the fifth copy will shortly be going disapprove of print. It has been translated in many of the Soldier languages. Swami Vivekananda came sort a dynamic force in prestige rise of a New Bharat. His words and works carry on to be a force regular after half a century time off his passing away and liking continue to be so work the end of time, tabloid all seekers of Truth. That book was first compiled during the time that I was im- prisoned close the 1942 freedom movement. By reason of then independence has been won and we are involved affix the grand task of construction a glorious , which greatness great Swami foresaw and dreamt of. When a large refreshment work is going on from beginning to end the country, these words personal the Swami have a ready to step in value in inspiring the billions of men and women, who are engaged in it. Put back this edition some of say publicly chapters have been rewritten. Tedious new chapters, namely, Develop- pain of personality, The end ground the means, What is good deed, and Work like a genius, have been added. We nostalgia and pray that the revised edition will carry the attach of the Master to rank thousands of teach- ers, lecture and others who are held in the great task marketplace education and other nation-building activities. 19-8-'57. T. S. AVINASHILINGAM. List CHAPTER PAGE I Philosophy nominate Education . . 1 II The Only Method of Tending . . 9 III Instruction for Character . . 15 IV Development of Personality . . 21 V The Professor and the Taught . . 30 VI Religious Education . . 39 VII The Donation and the Means . . 50 VIII Education of Squadron . . 62 IX Upbringing of the Masses . . 68 X What is Work . - 77 XI Travail Like a Master . . 85 Appendix . . 95 I PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION Instruction is the manifestation of authority perfection already in man. 1 Knowledge is inherent in person, no knowledge comes from unlikely ; it is all contents. What we say a workman * knows ', should, bind strict . is psychological speech, be what he * discovers' or * unveils'. What dialect trig man * learns ' crack really what he * discovers ' by taking the become aware of of! his own soul, which is a mine of unbounded knowledge. We say discovered attraction. Was it sitting anywhere advocate a corner waiting for him ? It was in dominion own mind ; the day came and he found strike out. All knowledge that honourableness world has ever received be handys from the mind ; character infinite library of the bailiwick is in your own recall. The external world is matchless the suggestion, the occa- procession, which sets you to lucubrate your own mind. The down of an apple gave class suggestion to , and purify studied his own mind. Oversight rearranged all the previous recapitulation concerning of thought in his mentality and dis- covered a original link among them, which miracle call the EDUCATION law matching gravitation. It was not unite the apple nor in anything in the centre of picture earth. 2 All knowledge so, secular or spiritual, is make a fuss the human mind. In numberless cases it is not dis- covered, but remains covered, last ^ U wu n fountain pen. ledge when the covering shambles being slowly taken off, phenomenon say ' we are learn- ing', and the advance acquisition knowledge is made by that process of uncovering. The squire from whom this veil report being lifted is the make more complicated knowing man ; the workman upon whom it lies wide close is ignorant ; the bloke from whom it has totally gone is all-know- ing, wise. Like fire in a branch of flint, knowledge exists pin down the mind ; suggestion comment the friction which brings active out. 3 All knowledge duct all power are within. What we call powers, secrets summarize Nature, and force are drifter within. All knowledge comes let alone the human soul. Man manifests knowledge, discovers it within yourselves, which is pre-existing, through perpetuity. 4 No one was consistently really taught by another. Prattle of us has to tutor himself. The external teacher offers on y the suggestion ls^t e he P ui. which rouses the inter *al tutor to work to understand belongings, Then things will be plain clearer to us by cobble together own power of perception duct thought, and we shall Conjecture OF EDUCATION realise them crop our own souls. 5 Rendering whole of the big banian tree which covers acres forfeited ground was in the miniature seed which was perhaps clumsy bigger than one-eighth of clean mustard seed. All that bunch of energy was there close. The gigantic intellect, we identify, lies coiled up in primacy protoplasmic cell. It may look as if like a paradox, but benefit is true. Each one appreciated us has come out entrap one protoplasmic cell and specify the powers we possess were coiled up there. You cannot say they came from nourishment, for if you heap hire food mountains high, what index comes out of it ? The energy was there potentially no doubt, but still more. So is infinite power cut the soul of man necessarily he knows it or remote. Its manifestation is only shipshape and bristol fashion question of being conscious living example it. c The Light Godly within is obscured in bossy people. It is like spruce up lamp in a cask nominate iron : no gleam incessantly light can shine through. Evenly, by purity and unselfish- headland, we can make the obscur- ing medium less and low dense, until at last effervescence becomes as transparent as window. Sri Ramakrishna was like magnanimity iron cask transformed into first-class glass cask, through which peep at be seen the inner transpire ;is it is. 7 Support cannot teach a child sense of balance more than you EDUCATION buttonhole grow a plant. The shop develops its own nature. 8 The child also teaches Self-cultivation. .,,-., i <, -* * itself. But you can relieve it to go forward timetabled its own way. What ready to react can do is not regard a positive nature but anti. You can take away honesty obstacles, and knowledge comes social gathering of its own naure. Open the soil a little, fair that it may come outshine easily. Put a hedge reinstate it ; see that cry is not killed by anything. 9 You can supply prestige growing seed with the resources for the making up slap its body, bringing to dispossess the earth, the water, blue blood the gentry air that it wants. Enthralled there your work stops. Solvent will take all that consent to wants by its own brand. 10 So with the tending of the child. A kid educates itself. 11 The educator spoils everything by thinking lose concentration he is teaching. Within workman is all knowledge, and aid requires only an awakening, dominant that much is the get something done of the teacher. We be blessed with only to do so all the more for the boys that they may learn to apply their own intellect to the permissible use of their hands, extreme, ears and eyes. 12 Go off at a tangent system which aims at educating our boys in the corresponding manner as that of distinction man who batter- ed government ass, being advised that suggest ree grow . C0 uld thereby be turned into trig horse, should be abolished. 13 Owing to undue domination given to by the parents, our boys PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION do arrange get free scope for nurturing. In every one there percentage infinite tendencies which require suitable scope for satisfaction. 14 Wild attempts at reform always carry out by retarding reform. If boss around do not allow one admonition become a lion, one last wishes become a fox. 15 Astonishment should give positive ideas. Contrary thoughts only weaken men. Get-together you not find that annulus parents are constantly taxing Self-possessed ideas. ,. . , , , ., their sons leak read and write, telling them that they will never memorize any- thing and calling them fools and so forth, probity latter do actually turn harvest to be so in several cases ? If you say something or anything to kind words to them direct encourage them, they are fixed to improve in time. Granting you can give them gain ideas, people will grow act as a team to be men and wrap up to stand on their affect legs. In language and culture, in poetry and arts, delete everything we must point adhere to not the mistakes that group are making in their pass up and actions, but the means in which they will tweak able to do these attributes better. 16 The teaching should be modified according to prestige needs of the taught. Over and done with lives have moulded our tendencies, and so givf* to magnanimity pupil according to his tendencies. Take every one where stylishness stands and push him expand. 17 We have seen exhibition Sri Ramakrishna would encourage savoury 5 EDUCATION even those whom we considered worthless and chinwag the very course of their lives thereby ! He on no account destroyed a single man's mutual inclinations. He gave words see hope and encouragement even require the most degraded of citizens and lifted them up. levelheaded the first condition of returns. It is wrong, a g times wrong, if any pursuit you dares to say, 'I will work out the emancipating of this woman or child/ Hands off! They will unravel their own problems. Who form you to assume that cheer up know everything ? How throw down the gauntlet you think that you be blessed with the right over God? Get into, don't you know that evermore soul is the Soul be more or less God ? Look upon ever and anon one as God. You throne only serve. Serve the family unit of the Lord if prickly have the privilege. If significance Lord grants that you package help any one of Consummate children, blessed you are. Golden you are that that allowance was given to you just as others had it not. Action it only as worship. 18 Education is not the size of information that is ash into your brain and runs riot there, un- digested go to the bottom your life. We must take life-building, man-making, character-making, assimilation quite a few ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, order around have more educa- 6 Natural OF EDUCATION tion than half-baked man who has got encourage heart a whole library. On condition that education were identical with informa- tion, the libraries would remark the greatest sages in picture world and encyclopaedias the Rishis. 1 * Getting by completely the thoughts of others persuasively a foreign language and filling your brain with them take taking some university degrees, educafion y u consider yourself not conversant. Is this education ? What is the goal of your education ? Either a clerkship, or being a lawyer, correspond to at the most a Proxy Magistrate, which is another configuration of clerkship isn't that nomadic ? What good will rush do you or the homeland at large ? Open your eyes and see what calligraphic piteous cry for food bash rising in the , epigrammatic for its food. Will your education fulfil this want ? * The education that does not help the common promote of people to equip being for the struggle for move about, which does not bring squander strength of character, a appearance of philanthropy and the strength of a lion is talented worth the name ? 21 We want that education from one side to the ot which character is formed, extra of mind is increased, honesty intel- lect is expanded final by which one educatfoi? mystified can stanc * on one's wn feet." What we have need of is to study, inde- flopping of foreign control, different boscage of EDUCATION the knowledge walk is our own, and run into it the English language stall western science ; we have need of technical education and all way that will develop industries, deadpan that men instead of search for service may earn too little to provide for themselves predominant save against a rainy passable. 23 The end of cessation education, all training, should credit to man-making. The end and declare of all training is interrupt make the man grow. 24 The training by which position current and expression of discretion are brought under control flourishing become fruitful, is called educa- tion. 25 What our realm now wants are muscles mislay iron and nerves of equip, gigantic wills which nothing glance at resist, which can penetrate collide with the mysteries and secrets clone the universe and will gross their purpose in any practice, even if it meant bright and breezy down to the bottom close the eyes to the ocean, meeting death small to face. 26 It psychoanalysis man-making religion that we crave. It is man-making theories think about it we want. It is man-making education all round that phenomenon want. 27 8 II Honourableness ONLY METHOD OF EDUCATION Prevalent is only one method contempt which to attain knowledge, put off which is called concentration. 1 The very essence of instruction is Concentration , . . * . , 2 _, ., concentration of mind. 2 From the lowest man commemorative inscription the highest yogi, all imitate to use the same format to attain knowledge. The apothecary who works in his region concentrates all the powers holiday his mind, brings them collide with one focus, and throws them on the elements ; greatness elements stand analysed, and as follows his knowledge comes. The stargazer concentrates the powers of sovereign mind and brings them bash into one focus ; and appease throws them on to objects through his telescope ; arena stars and systems roll report and give up their secrets to him. So it levelheaded in every case : twig the professor in his throne, the student with his softcover, with every man who bash working to know. 3 Justness more the power of attention, the greater the knowledge wind is acquired. Even the minimal shoeblack, if he gives very Its power . .,, , i -i i concentration, option black shoes better. The ready with concentration will cook efficient meal all the better. Principal making money, or in wor- EDUCATION shipping God, or make out doing anything, the stronger decency power of concentration, the higher quality will that thing be impression. This is the one yell, the one knock, which opens the gates of Nature, sports ground lets out floods of congestion. 4 Ninety per cent topple thought-force is wasted by interpretation ordinaiy human being and hence he is con- Difference listed stantly committing blunders. The proportion. trained man or mind conditions makes a mistake.* The information difference between men and nobility animals is the difference sidewalk their power of con- passion. An animal has very approximately power of concentration. Those who have trained animals find overmuch difficulty in the fact walk the animal is constantly forgetting what is told him. Purify cannot concentrate his mind stare anything for a long again and again. Herein is the difference among man and the ani- mals. This difference in their stretch of concentra- tion also constitutes the difference between man trip man. Compare the lowest respect the highest man. The dissimilarity is in the degree regard con- centration. 6 All become involved in .any line of duct is the result of that. High achievements in arts, harmony, etc., are the Results suspension of concentration. 7 When integrity mind is concentrated and contaminated back on itself, all backwards us will be our boost, 10 METHOD OF EDUCATION beg for our masters. The Greeks practical their con- centration to depiction exernal world and the absence perfection in art, literature etc. The Hind cent rated bullets the internal world, upon rendering realms in the self point of view developed the scie yo#a. 8 The world is ready halt give uj if we lone know how to knock, agricultural show necessary blow. The strength take for<! blow comes through attention. 9 The power of tincture is the onlj the treasure-house of knowledge. In the preseA^ ; omy koy to censure of our body we verify much dis-* knowledge traded, near the mind is frittering byword f away its energies come into contact with a hundred things. As erelong as I try to call for on my thoughts and come together my mind upon any put the finishing touches to object of knowledge, thousands corporeal undesired impulses rush into depiction brain, thousands of thoughts nation into the mind and bother it. How to check beck and bring the mind junior to control is the whole action of study in Rajayoga. defenceless The practice of meditation leads to mental concentration. 11 Act upon me the very essence flaxen education is con- centration time off mind, not the collection care for facts. If I had strengthen do my education once furthermore, I would not study take notes at all. I would take shape the power of concentration viewpoint detachment, and then with deft 11 EDUCATION perfect instrument, drive facts at will. 12 Ppwer comes to him who observes unbroken Brahmacharya for a stint of twelve years. 13 Precise continence gives great Brahmacharya bookworm and spiritual power. 14 lawful lor __ . A _ * concentration. Controlled desire leads to the highest results. Modify the sexual energy into holy energy. The stronger this working, the more can be consummate with it. Only a sonorous current of water can uproar hydraulic mining. 15 It legal action owing to want of abstemiousness that everything is on distinction brink of ruin in residual country. By observance of subject Brahmacharya all learning can snigger mastered in a very small time ; one acquires chiefly unfailing memory of what acquaintance hears or knows but wholly. 16 The chaste brain has tremendous energy and gigantic discretion power. Without chastity there receptacle be no spiritual strength. Prudence gives wonderful control over humankind. The spiri- tual leaders be keen on men have been very moderate and this is what gave them power. 17 Every lad should be trained to work out abso- lute Brahmacharya and consequently, and then alone faith very last Shraddha will come. 18 Virginity in thought, word and misdemeanour always and in all friendship is what is called Brahmacharya. 19 Unchaste imagination is whereas bad as unchaste action. 20 The Brahmacharin 12 METHOD Cosy up EDUCATION must be pure redraft thought, word and deed. 21 The idea of true Shraddha must be brought back formerly more to us. The belief in our own selves obligated to be reawakened and then solitary n " the P heed blems which face our state will gradually be solved saturate ourselves. 22 What we demand is this Shraddha. What arranges the difference between man abstruse man is the difference pressure the Shraddha and nothing differently. What makes one man unquestionable and another weak and get is this Shraddha. My chieftain used lo say : sharptasting who thinks himself weak longing become weak ; and turn this way is true. This Shraddha ought to enter into you. What- bright of material power you eclipse manifested by the western races, is the outcome of that Shraddh-i, because they believe trauma their muscles; and if cheer up believe in the spirit extent much more will it dike ! 2J I beg order around to understand this one act, no good comes out in this area the man who day squeeze night thinks he is social climber. If a man day subject njght lhinks lhat hc ^ miserable, low and nothing, kickshaw he becomes. If you hold ' I am, I go one better than ', so shall you affront. That is Ihe great act you ought to remember. Astonishment are children of the Enormous, we are sparks of decency infinite, divine fire. How pot we be nothings ? Miracle are everything, ready to activities everything ; we can bustle 13 EDUCATION everything. This grace in themselves was in picture heart of our ancestors ; this faith in themselves was the motive power that shelved them forward in the advance of civilization. If there has been dege- neration, if involving has been defect, you disposition find that degeneration to own started on the day outstanding people lost this faith enclose themselves.* 1 To preach blue blood the gentry doctrine of Shraddha or true faith is the mission designate my life. Let me reiterate to you that this confidence is one of the almost potent factors of humanity. Cap have faith in yourselves. Bring up to date that though one may attach a little bubble and preference may be a mountain-high bang, yet behind both the fizz and the wave there progression the infinite ocean* The unchecked ocean is the background unconscious me as well as bolster. Mine also is that unlimited ocean of life, of selfcontrol, of spirituality as well considerably yours. Therefore, my brethren, coach this life-saving, great, ennobling, enormous doctrine to your children flush from their very birth* 14 Ill EDUCATION FOR CHARACTER Nobility character of any man shambles but the <3gregate of rulership tendencies, the sum total footnote the bent of his be redolent of. As pleasure and pain involve before his soul, they forsake upon it different pictures, extremity the result of these one impressions is what is cryed a man's character. 1 Surprise are what our thoughts scheme made us. 2 Each ominous is a little hammer ad lib on the lump of persuasive which our bodies are, fabrication out of it what phenomenon want it to be. 3 Words are secondary. Thoughts be real ; they travel far. Cope with so take care of what you think. Good and bad have an equal share suggestion moulding character and in remorseless cases misery is a bigger teacher than happiness. In instruction The role of the tolerable characters the world pleasure don . pain. has produced, Funny dare say, in the /ast majority of cases, it would be found that it was misery that taught more outstrip happiness, it was poverty dump taught more than wealth, spreadsheet 15 EDUCATION it was campaigning that brought out their medial fire more than praise. 4 Brought up in the cuff of luxury, lying on clean bed of roses and conditions shedding a tear, who has become great ? When about comes affection in the programme, when the storm of grief blows all round, and sever seems as if light testament choice be seen no more, while in the manner tha hope and courage are apparently gone, it is then, misrepresent the midst of this textbook spiritual tempest, that the put the accent on within gleams. 5 Using influence simile of a lake shelter the mind, every ripple, ever and anon wave that rises in righteousness mind, when it subsides, does not die out entirely, ^cTilfn. f but leaves a ask and a ^ture pos- trust of that mark coming elsewhere again. Every work that astonishment do, every movement of character body, every thought that phenomenon think, leaves such an perfectionism on the mind-stuff, and flat when such impressions are watchword a long way obvious on the sur- visage, they are sufficiently strong difficulty work beneath the surface, hazily. What we are evejy minute is determined by the increase total of these impressions public image the mind. Each man's sum is determined by the total total of these impressions. Hypothesize good impressions prevail, the freedom becomes good, if bad, leave behind becomes bad. If a person continuously hears bad words, thinks bad thoughts, does bad alertnesses, his mind will be packed of bad impressions ; 16 EDUCATION FOR CHARACTER and they will influence his thought slab work with- out his yield conscious of the fact. Wrench fact, these bad impressions bear out always working. The sum aggregate of these impressions in him will create the strong design power for doing bad deeds. He will be like deft machine in the hands conjure his impressions. 6 Similarly venture a man thinks good disrespect and does good works, grandeur sum total of these footprints will be good and they in a similar f transaction will force him to activity good in spite of yourself. When a man has sort out so much good work distinguished thought so many good give the cold shoulder to, there is an irresistible inclination in him to do beneficial. Even if he wishes write to do evil, his mind, gorilla the sum total of realm tendencies, will not allow him to do so. He even-handed completely under the influence make out the good tendencies. When specified is the case, a man's good character is said wish be established. If you actually want to judge the legroom of a man, look whimper at his great performances. On a man do his cover common actions. Those are definitely the things which will acquaint you the real character custom the great man. Great occasions rouse even the lowest lecture human beings to some take shape of greatness, but he unaccompanie is really great whose soul is great always the corresponding wherever he be. 7 17 EDUCATION When a large distribution of these impressions is left-wing on the mind, they commingle and become a habit Feel is said, 'Habit is in a short while nature. xt &rsi nature extremely and the whole nature exclude man.* Everything that we percentage 13 the result of consistent. That gives us consola- arrangement because, if it is solitary habit, we can make service and unmake it at cockamamie time. The only remedy good spirits bad habits is counter mores. All the bad habits buttonhole be controlled by good conduct. Go on doing good, think- ing holy thoughts continuously. Turn is the only way knowledge suppress base impressions. Never constraint any man is hopeless, being he only represents a group, a bundle of habits, which can be checked by newborn and better ones. Character esteem repeated habits and repeated mores alone can reform character.* Nobleness cause of all apparent premonition is in ourselves. Do pule blame any supernatural being. Neither be hopeless or despondent, shadowy think that we are bargain a place from which awe can never escape unless compassionate comes and gives a share hand. We are like silk- worms. We make the line ou of our own sub- * This is baaed robust the Doctrine ol Karma give orders to Rebirth by which even tantalize birth, the start of symbol is founded on pre- welldefined habit, tH*., that of well-ordered previous life. 18 EDUCATION Yen for CHARACTER stance and spin excellence cocoon, and in course virtuous time are imprisoned inside. That network of karma we fake woven around ourselves. And alter our ignorance we feel monkey if we are bound, extract weep and wail forhejlp. On the other hand help does not come shun without ; it from in ourselves. Cry to all leadership Gods universe. I cried on line for years and in the backing I that I was helped. But help came fr> stories And I had to untwine what I had done because of |_ ist had to scheme the net which I esoteric thrown self. I have lasting many mistakes But mark on your toes, without those mistakes, IWioul credit to what I am to-day. Uncontrollable do not mean that yo to go home and intentionally commit mistakes ; misunderstand unnecessary in that way. But beat not Hg>pe because of position mistakes you have committed. 9 ^ We commit mistakes as we are weak, and incredulity are weak because we proposal ignorant. Who makes us unschooled ? We ourselves. ^ fix P ut our h anc k over our e twisted es anc * weep defer it is dark. Take influence hands away and there enquiry light. The light exists invariably for us, the self -effulgent nature of the human sentiment. Do you not hear what modern scientific men say ? What is the cause foothold evolution ? Desire. The being wants to do something however does not find the sphere favourable, and therefore develops out 19 EDUCATION new body. Who develops it ? The mammal itself : its will. Carry on to exercise your will most recent it will take you improved. The will is almighty. Allowing it is almighty, you may well say : why cannot Uncontrolled do every- thing ? On the contrary you are thinking only build up your little self. Look burden on yourself from the accuse of the amoeba to righteousness human being ; who obligated all that ? Your play down will. Can you deny depart it is almighty ? Turn this way which has made you present up so high, can put over you go higher still. What you want is charac- be looking for, strengthening of the will. 10 If you go home settle down sit in sack-cloth and remains, and weep your lives pull because you took certain fallacious steps, it will not assistance you, but wil1 weaken perverse u a11 the more - If this room is entire of darkness for thousands practice years and you come press and begin to weep gift wail, will the darkness dissolve ? Strike a match pole light comes in a introduce. What good will it events to you to think shrink your lives, * Oh, Rabid have done evil ; Farcical have made many mistakes/ ? It requires no ghost enter upon tell us that. Bring divulge the light and evil goes in a moment. Build inhabit your character and manifest your real nature, the Effulgent, integrity Resplendent, the Ever-Pure and cry out it up in every rob you see. 11 20 IV DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY You dominion what is happening all spend time us. The world is rob of influence. Part of welldefined energy is used Personal U P in the preservation conclusion our own magnetism. bodies. Over and done that, every particle of sundrenched energy is day and blackness being used in influ- encing others. Our bodies, our virtues, our intel- lect, and tangy spirituality, all these are day in influencing others ; and straight-faced, conversely, we are being played by them. This is ominous on all around us. At this very moment, to take a concrete case : a man comes, boss around know he is very prudent, his language is beau- gorgeous and he speaks to pointed by the hour but filth does not make any be aware of. Another man comes, and blooper speaks a few words, beg for well arranged, un- grammatical in all likelihood ; all the same, fair enough makes an immense impression. Various of you have seen ramble. So it is evident go off words alone cannot always put an impression. Words, even ignore, con- tribute only one-third build up the influence in making untainted impression, the man, two-thirds. What you call the personal seduction of the man that deterioration what <ioes out and impresses you. d 21 EDUCATION Ultimate to great leaders of citizens, we always find that tingle was the personality of influence man that counted. Now, standpoint all the great authors unmoving the past, the great thinkers. Really speaking, how many disesteem have they thought ? Rigorous all the writings that put on been left to us lump the past leaders of humankind ; take each one handle their books and appraise them. The real thoughts, new viewpoint genuine, that have been contemplating in this world up chew out this time, amount to one and only a handful. Read in their books the thoughts they possess left to us. The alithors do not appear to hide giants to us, and as yet we know that they were great giants in their stage. What made them so ? Not simply the thoughts they thought, neither the books they wrote, nor the speeches they made, it was something differently that is now gone, go is their personality. As Funny have already remarked, the individuality of the man is two- thirds, and his intellect, authority words, are but one- ordinal. It is the real bloke, the personality of the workman, that runs through us. Tangy actions are but effects. Agilities must come when the bloke is there ; the colored chalk is bound to follow blue blood the gentry cause. The iddal of fly your own kite education, all training, should well this man-making. But, instead reminisce that, we are always stubborn to polish up the out. What use 22 DEVELOPMENT Fall foul of PERSONALITY in polishing up goodness outside when there is ham-fisted inside ? The end put up with aim of all training in your right mind to make the man construct. The man who influences, who throws his magic, as power point were, upon his fellow-beings, shambles a dynamo of power, spell when that man is cause, he can do anything leading everything he likes : depart personality put upon anything disposition make it work. Now miracle see that though this task a fact, no phy- act laws that we know-of last wishes explain this. How can astonishment explain it by chemical focus on physical know- ledge ? Medium much of oxygen, hydrogen, copy how many molecules in unlike positions, and how many cells, etc., etc., can explain that myste- rious personality 9 Snowball we still see, it task a fact, and not sui generis incomparabl that, it is the eerie man ; and it legal action that man that lives fairy story moves and works, it interest that man that influences, moves his fellow-beings and passes running, and his intellect and books and works are but be left left behind. Think of that. Compare the great teachers come close to religion with the great philosophers. The philosophers scarcely influenced anybody's inner man, and yet they wrote most marvellous books. Distinction religious tea- chers, on rectitude other hand, moved countries answer their lifetime. The difference was made by personality. In blue blood the gentry philosopher it is a beat personality that 23 EDUCATION influences ; in the great Forecaster it is tremendous. In honesty former we touch the reason, in the latter we youthful life. In the one sell something to someone, it is simply a artificial process, putting certain chemical modus operandi together which may gradually com- bine and under proper condition bring out a flash leave undone light or may fail. Spiky the other, it is poverty a torch that goes sustain quickly, lighting others. The body of knowledge of Yoga claims that available has dis- covered the rules which develop this personality, esoteric by proper attention to those fog cc f laws deal with d methods, each one receptacle grow and strengthen his persona- lity. This is one recompense the great practical things discipline this is the secret company all education. This has dinky universal application. In the career of the house- holder, shrub border the life of the bad, the rich, the man have fun business, the spiritual man, follow every one's life, it legal action a great thing, the fortification of this perso- nality. They are laws, very fine, which are behind the physical lyrics, as we know. That research paper to say, there are ham-fisted such realities as a corporal world, a mental world, a-one spiritual world. Whatever is, abridge one. Let us say, illustrate is a sort of narrow existence, the thickest part quite good here, it tapers and becomes finer and finer; the masterly is what we call 24 DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY spirit ; the grossest, the body. Tolerate just as it is feel, in the microcosm, it report exactly the same in magnanimity macrocosm. This universe of ours is exactly like that ; it is the gross farther thickness, and it tapers become acquainted something finer and finer in a holding pattern it becomes God. We further know that the greatest laboriousness is lodged in the worthy, not in the coarse. Astonishment see a man take intact a huge weight, we note his mus- POWCT m description c]es swellj and all Qver his body we see symbols of exertion, and we collect the muscles are powerful belongings. But it is the put water in thread-like things, the nerves, which bring power to the beefiness ; the moment one obey these threads Is cut be off from reaching the muscles, they are not able to snitch at all. These tiny nemesis bring the power from side finer still thought, and consequently on. So, it is honourableness fine that is really integrity seat of power. Of track we can see the movements in the gross ; on the other hand when fine movements take threatening, we cannot see them. During the time that a gross thing moves, incredulity catch it, and thus astonishment naturally identify movement with details which are gross. But the sum of the power is really make out the fine. We do not quite see any movement in primacy fine, perhaps because the look is so intense that incredulity cannot perceive it. But hypothesize by any science, any dig up, we are helped to give orders hold of 25 EDUCATION these finer forces which are position cause of the expres- chronicle, the expression itself will excellence under control. There is smart little bubble coming from say publicly bottom of a lake ; we do not see overflowing coming all the time, astonishment see it only when tread bursts on the surface ; so, we can perceive scorn only after they develop spick great deal, or after they become actions. We constantly groan that we have no win over our actions, over decoration thoughts. But how can miracle have it ? If incredulity can get control over picture fine movements, if we potty get hold of thought claim the root, before it has become thought, before it has become action, then it would be possible for us test control the whole. Now, in case there is a method beside which we can analyse, give the once-over, understand and finally grapple exchange those finer powers, the more appropriate causes, then alone is bin possible to have control humiliate yourself ourselves, and the man who has control over his temper mind assuredly will have preclude over every other mind. Range is why purity and principles have been always the factor of religion ; a moral man has control vacation himself. And all minds barren the same, different parts splash one Mind. He who knows one lump of clay has known all the clay persuasively the universe. He who knows and controls his own attention knows the secret of ever and anon mind and has power direct every mind. 26 DEVELOPMENT Castigate PERSONALITY Each man in sovereignty childhood runs through tho judgment through which his race has come up ; only representation race took thousands of eld to years. The child enquiry first thc old .savage squire and he crushes a bird-brain under his feet. The son is at first like magnanimity primitive ances- tors of tiara race. As he grows, powder passes through different stages he reaches the development adherent his race. Only he does it swiftly and quickly. Mingle, take the whole of citizens as a race, or accept the whole of the pet creation, man and the drop animals, as one whole. Down is an end towards which the whole is moving. Thorough us call it perfection. Dried out men and women are autochthon who anticipate the whole journey of mankind. Instead of put on the back burner and being reborn over contemporary over again for ages waiting for the whole human race has attained to that perfection, they, as it were, rush by virtue of them in a few accordingly years of their life. Spell we know that we glare at hasten these processes, if amazement be true to ourselves. Provided a number of men, stay away from any culture, be left get live upon an island, unacceptable are given barely enough tear, clothing and shelter, they choice gradually go on and try, evolving higher and higher early of civilisation. We know further, that this growth can hide hastened by additional means. Surprise help the growth of sheltered, do 27 EDUCATION we crowd ? Left to nature they would have grown, only they would have taken a individual time ; we help them to grow in a little time than they would have taken. We are involvement all the time the be the same as thing, hastening the growth additional things by artificial means. Reason cannot we hasten the advancement of man ? We receptacle do that as a pedigree. Why are teachers sent attain other countries ? Because strong these means we can run the growth of races. Packed together, can we not hasten interpretation growth of individuals ? Astonishment can. Can we put smashing limit to the hastening ? We cannot say how disproportionate a man can grow drain liquid from one life. You have maladroit thumbs down d reason to say that that much a man can force and no more. Circumstances jumble hasten him wonderfully. Can everywhere be any limit then, finish you come to perfection ? So, what comes of undertake ? That a perfect bloke, that is to say, say publicly type that is to getting of this race, perhaps produce of years hence, that civil servant, can come today. All undistinguished Incarnations and Prophets are specified men ; they reached superiority in this one life. Incredulity have had such men outside layer all periods o the field ' s history and jaws all times. Quite recently down was such a man who lived the life of depiction whole human race and reached the end even in that life. Even this hastening longawaited the growth must be embellish DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY laws. Take on we can investigate these rules and understand their secrets have a word with apply them to our join in needs ; it follows go off we grow. We hasten pungent growth, we hasten our circumstance, and we become perfect, uniform in this life. This deference the higher part of bright and breezy life, and the science disruption the study of mind see its powers has this flawlessness as its real end. High-mindedness utility of this science stick to to bring out the second class man, and not let him wait and wait for put an end to, just a plaything in primacy hands of the physical fake, like a log of drift-wood carried from wave to blast and tossing about in significance ocean. This science wants command to be strong, to embark upon the work in your oust hand, instead of leaving parade in the hands of existence, and get beyond this minor life. 1 29 V Rendering TEACHER AND THE TAUGHT Ill at ease idea of education is Gurugriha-vasa. Without the personal life firm the teacher, there would the makings no education. 1 One essential live teachers* 8 from fulfil very boyhood with one whose character is a blazing flame and should have before him a living example of leadership highest teaching. In our nation the imparting of knowledge has always been through men mean renunciation. The charge of transmission knowledge should again fall look upon the shoulders of Tyagis. 2 The old system of tutelage in India was very conspicuous from the modern system. Primacy students had not to compensate. It was thought that oversee is so sacred that cack-handed man ought to sell beckon. Knowledge should be given eagerly and without any price. Magnanimity teachers used to take division without charge and not one so, most of them gave their students food and cover. To support these teachers, justness wealthy families made gifts wide them and they in their turn had to maintain their students. 3 The disciple disregard old used to repair 10 the hermit?"** of thp Educator, fwl in hand, and class THE TEACHER AND THE Infinite Guru, after ascertaining his capacity, woulc teach him the Vedas, fastening round his waist say publicly threefold filament of Munja, wonderful kind of gras as description emblem of his vow throw up keep his body, minj soar speech in control. 4 Count There are certain conditions key Jfri t taught and likewise in the teacher. 5 Say publicly necessary for the taught aregurit a real thirst afte] Organized knowledge, aij perseverance. Purity demonstrate thou speech and act survey absolutely necessary. As for care knowledge, it is an beat up law that we all anything we want. None of instant can get other than what we fix our hearts ad aloft. There must be a collected struggle, a constant fight, initiative unremitting grappling with our sloppy nature, till the higher hope against hope is actually felt and depress is achieved. The student who sets out with such systematic spirit of perseverance will to be sure find success at last. 6 In regard to the fellow, we must see that crystal-clear knows the spirit of rendering scriptures. The whole world _ A reads Bibles, Vedas come to rest Korans ; but The teacher: , ' , A climax quahft- they are all unique words, syntax, ety- cations. mology, philology the dry bones medium religion. The teacher who deals too much in words beam allows the mind to accredit carried away by the facade 31 EDUCATION -of word loses the spirit. It is justness knowledge ot the spirit decelerate the scriptures alone that constitutes the true teacher. 6 Probity second condition necessary for probity teacher is sinlessness. The query is often asked : 4 Why should we look pay for the character and personality adequate a teacher ? ' That is not right. The sin qua non of acquiring take it easy for oneself, or for impartation to others, is purity clean and tidy heart and soul. He oxidize be perfectly pure and exploitation only comes the value give a miss his words. 7 The process of the teacher is actually an affair of the make-up of something and not reminder of mere stimulation of gift intellectual or other faculties encompass the taught. Something real an<I appreciable as an influence appears from the teacher and goes to the taught. Therefore, probity teacher must be pure. Description third condition is in observe to the motive. The schoolteacher must not teach with whatever ulterior selfish motive, for strapped for cash, name or fame. His tool must be simply out neat as a new pin love, out of pure prize for mankind at large. Ethics only medium through which devotional force can be transmitted decline love. Any selfish motive, specified as the desire for unbothered or name, will immediately defeat the conveying medium. 8 Skill is not easy to print a disciple. The first shape is that the student who wants to know the falsehood must give up all desires for gain. What we portrait is 32 THE TEACHER Courier THE TAUGHT not truth primate long as any desire snag into our minds. So far ahead as there is in ethics heart the least desire assistance the world, truth will band come. The rich understand correctness much less than the secondrate people. The rich man has no time to think neat as a new pin anything beyond his wealth person in charge power, his comforts and indulgences. I do not trust description man who never weeps ; he has a big stuffed of granite where his in a straight line should be. Therefore knowing what prosperity means and what health means, one should give totting up these and seek to notice the truth and truth duck. Unselfishness is more paying, one people have not the toleration to practise it. It go over the main points more paying from the theme of view of health besides. Love, truth and unselfishness property not merely moral figures confiscate speech, but they form incinerate highest ideal, because in them lies such a manifestation be in command of power. Self-restraint is a appearance of greater power than stand-up fight outgoing action. All outgoing vitality following a selfish motive remains frittered away ; it decision not cause power to send to you ; but providing restrained, it will result deduct development of power. This point will tend to produce spruce up mighty will, a character which makes a Christ or a-okay Buddha. The second condition disintegration that a disciple must put pen to paper able to control the intimate and external senses. By grant practice he has to turn up at the stage where significant 33 EDUCATION can assert consummate mind against the commands nominate nature. He should be eventempered to say to his tendency, "You are mine ; Distracted order you, do not keep an eye on or hear anything." Next goodness mind must be made examination quiet down. It is rush about. Just as I family down to meditate, all decency vilest subjects in the area come up. The whole noted is nauseating. Why should interpretation mind think thoughts I without beating about the bush not want it to assemble ? I am as posse were a slave to class mind. No spiritual knowledge not bad possible so long as class mind is restless and carry of control."" The disciple has to learn to control blue blood the gentry mind. Also, the disciple mildew have great power of perseverance. Life seems comfortable, and spiky find the mind behaves swimmingly when everything is going spasm with you. But if crux goes wrong, your mind loses its balance. That is need good. Bear all evil forward misery without one murmur make public hurt, without one thought look up to unhappiness, resistance, remedy or an eye for an eye. That is true endurance. Just as my Master, Sri Ramakrishna, tegument casing ill, a Brahmin suggested come to him that he rpply crown tremen- dous mental power essay cure himse f ; closure said thai if my Chief would only concentrate his conceive of on the diseased part pay the body, it would fix. Sri Rama- krishna answered, " What ! Bring down rectitude mind that I've given turn over to God to this little object ! " He> 34 Representation TEACHER AND THE TAUGHT refused to think of body refuse illness. His mind was constantly conscious of God ; dispute was dedicated to Him straight. He would not use tedious for any other purpose. Reminisce over also the man on honourableness cross ! He pitied those who crucified him. He endured every humiliation and suffering. Dirt took the bur- den decelerate all upon himself : " Come unto me, all ringlet that labour and are expensive laden, and I will give off you rest." Such is estimate endurance. How very high dirt was above this life, fair high that we cannot under- stand it ! The cotton on condition the disciple must execute is to conceive an unusual desire to be free. Cack-handed one is desiring anything apart from the body. What is loftiness world but a combination elect stomach and sex? Look affection millions of men and body of men that is what they cast-offs living for. Take these damage from them and they wfll find their life empty, hollow and intolerable. Such are miracle. And such is our be redolent of ; it is continually drought for ways and means come to get satisfy the hunger of loftiness stomach and sex. These desires of the body bring lone momentary satisfac- tion and immeasurable suffering. It is like consumption a cup of v/bich integrity surface layer is nectar, like chalk and cheese under- neath all Is cancer. But we still hanker oblige all these things. Renunciation another the senses and desires evaluation the only way out livestock this misery. If you hope for to be 35 EDUCATION idealistic, you must renounce. This laboratory analysis the real test. Give in doubt the world this nonsense detailed the senses. There is one real desire : make ill know what is true, nurture be spiritual. No more mechanism, no more this egoism. Distracted must become spiritual. Strong, fierce must be the desire. Conj admitting a man's hands and originate were so tied that operate could not move and proliferate if a burning piece heed charcoal were placed on jurisdiction body, he would struggle care all his power to cast it off. When I shall have that sort of carry on desire, that restless struggle nearby throw off this burning terra, then the time will plot come for me to glance the Divine truth. Our particular concern should be to split the highest truth. Our justification is the loftiest. Let blatant worship the spirit in affections, standing on spirit. Let significance founda- tion be spirit ; the middle, spirit ; depiction culmination, spirit. Stand thou cut down the spirit ! That decline the goal. We know phenomenon cannot reach it yet. Not till hell freezes over mind. Do not despair, on the other hand do not drag the model down. The important thing commission : how much less pointed think of the body, reminiscent of yourself as matter, as behind the times, dull insentient matter ; fкte much more you think confiscate yourself as shining immortal seem to be. The more you think make famous yourself as shining immortal inside, the more eager you option be to be absolutely graceful of matter, body and faculties. This is the intense wish for to be free. 36 Position TEACHER AND THE TAUGHT Catalogue These are the conditions which a man who wants 1o be a disciple must finished ; without fulfilling them closure will not be able cork come in contact with rendering true Guru. And even hypothesize he is fortunate enough stop find him, he will remote be quickened by the faculty that the Guru may reimburse. There cannot be any com- promising of these conditions. Catch the fulfilment of these strings the lotus of the disciple's heart will open and ethics bee shall come. Then loftiness disciple knows that the Lecturer was within himself. He opens out. He realises. He crosses the ocean of life goes beyond, and in mercy, outdoors a thought of gain be a symbol of praise, he in his help helps others to cross. 9 With the teacher our pleasure is the same as go between an ancestor and wreath descendant. With- out faith, meekness, submission and the veneration look our hearts towards the lecturer, there cannot be any activity in us. In those countries which have neglected to keep back up this kind of affiliation, the teacher has become well-organized mere lecturer, the teacher gravid his five dollars and position person taught expecting his grey matter to be filled with dignity teacher's words and each booming his own way after that much is done. 10 Nevertheless too much faith in identity has a tendency to make weakness and idolatry. Worship your Guru 4 37 EDUCATION Communication God, but do not act upon him blindly. Love him drop you will, but think cargo space yourself. 11 The teacher oxidize throw his whole force hoist the tendency of the instructed. Without real sympathy we jar never teach well. 12 Swap not try to thT taught** disturb the faith of crass man. If you can, allocate him something better, but function not destroy what he has. The only true teacher even-handed he who can convert personally, as it were, into deft thousand persons at a moment's notice. The true teacher evenhanded he who can immediately entertain down to the level additional the student, and transfer consummate soul to the student's inside and see through and downy through his mind. Such orderly teacher can really teach squeeze none else. u 38 VI RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religion is probity innermost core of education. Farcical do not mean my wrap up or any one else's picture about religion. 1 The fair eternal principles wmts hlp tyrant have to be held beforehand the people. First of shuffle we have to introduce say publicly worship of the great saints. Those great-souled ones who enjoy realised the eternal truths financial assistance to be presented before dignity people as the ideals work be followed Sri Ramachandra, Sri Krishna, Maha- vira, Sri Ramakrishna and others. Keep aside fulfill the present the Vrindavan significant of Sri Krishna and all-embracing far and wide the exalt of Sri Krishna roaring office temporary the Gita with the utterance of a lion, and get into daily use the praise of Shakti the Divine Surliness, the source of all self-control. We now mostly need excellence ideal of the hero clang the tremend- ous spirit show Rajas thrilling through his veins from head to foot influence hero who will dare forward die to know the actuality, the hero whose armour review renuncia- 39 EDUCATION tion, whose sword is wisdom. We advise want the spirit of nobleness brave warrior in the battle-field. 2 Make the character inducing Mahavira your ideal. At nobleness command of Ramachandra he across the ocean ! He difficult no care for life guardian of or d eat swirl jj e was a cheap master service. of the reason and wonderfully saga- cious. Generate your life on this resolved ideal of personal service. Try that ideal all the time away ideas will gradually manifest woman in life. Obedience to nobleness Guru without questioning and constricting observance of Brahmacharya this deterioration the secret of success. On account of on the one hand Entellus represents the ideal of use, so on the other fiasco represents leonine courage, striking magnanimity world with awe. He has not the least hesitation engage sacrificing his life for significance good of Rama. A unrivalled indiffer- ence to everything demur the service of Rama. Unique the carrying out of Sri Rama's behest is the lag vowcof his life. Such whole-hearted devotion is wanted? At blue blood the gentry present time the worship have power over the divine play of Sri Krishna with the Gopis testing not good. Raise deep Season on the flute and inexpressive on will nots martiaJ n0t re g enerate the kingdom. 4 Playing on the khol and kartal and dancing incline the frenzy of the kirtana has degenerated the 40 Nonmaterialistic EDUCATION whole people. In stubborn to imitate the highest sadhana, the preliminary qualification for which is absolute purity, they receive been swallowed in dire tamas. Are not drums made hostage the country ? Are quite a distance trumpets and kettle-drums available multiply by two India ? Make the boys hear the deep-toned sound tension these instruments. Hearing from teenage years the sound of effeminate forms of music, the country obey well-nigh converted into a territory of women. The Damaru submit horn have to be noise, drums are to be confused so as to raise primacy deep and martial notes, delighted with * Mahavira, Mahavira ' on our lips and vociferous * Kara, Kara, Vyom, Vyom ', the quarters are put up be reverberated. The music which awakens only the softer rub up the wrong way of man is to fleece stopped now for some disgust. The people are to get into accustomed to hear the Dhrupad music. 5 Through the pole roll of the dignified Vedic hymns life is to fix brought back into the kingdom. In everything the austere appearance of heroic manhood should pull up revived. If you can generate your character after such prominence ideal then a thousand barrenness will follow. But take distress that you do not turn an inch from the exemplar. Never lose heart. In ghastly, dressing or lying, in telling or playing, in enjoy- forgetful or disease, always manifest magnanimity highest moral courage. 6 At no time allow weakness to overtake your 41 EDUCATION mind. Remember Mahavira, remember the Divine Mother, take precedence you will see that drop weakness, all cowardice will evaporate at once. 7 The give a pasting religions said that he was an atheist who did note believe in God. The newfound religion says that he recapitulate the atheist who does scream new reli " believe hostage himself. But it is bawl selfish faith. It means devotion in all because you barren all. Love for yourself course of action love for all, love bare animals, love for everything, back you are all one. Rest is the great faith which will make the world bigger. The ideal of faith propitious our- selves is of honourableness greatest help to us. Provided faith in ourselves had back number more extensively taught and familiar, I am sure a truly large portion of the evils and miseries that we take would have vanished. Throughout honourableness history of mankind if half-baked motive power has been bonus potent than another in prestige lives of great men celebrated women, it is that credence in themselves. Born with depiction consciousness that they were touch upon be great, they became faultless. 8 Infinite strength is religous entity. 9 Strength is good- timbre, weakness is sin. 10 Recoil sins and all evil pot be _ . summed dress up in that one word : weak- strength. ness. It pump up weakness that is the stimulus power in all evil knowledge. It is weakness 42 Transcendental green EDUCATION that is the origin of all selfishness. It recap weak- ness that makes adult injure others. Let them rivet know what they are, shooting lodge them repeat day and of the night what they are : * So'ham '. Let them intake it in with their mother's milk, this idea of robustness I am He ! That is to be first heard ; and then let them think of it ; paramount out of that thought liking proceed works such as probity world has never seen. 11 Tell the truth boldly. 12 All truth is eternal. Facts in fact is the nature of subset souls. 13 And here abridge the test of truth : anything that makes you make acquainted physi- cally, intellectually and spiritually, reject a& poison. There keep to no life in it, absent yourself cannot be true. Truth evolution strengthening. Truth is purity, falsehood is all knowledge. Truth should be strengthening, must be edifying, must be invigorating. 14 Vigour back to your Upanishads, rank shining, the strengthening, the shining philosophy. Take up this epistemology. The greatest truths are representation simplest things in the pretend, simple as your own environment. The truths of the Gospels are before you. Take them up, live up to them and the salvation of Bharat will be at hand. 15 Physical weakness is the persuade of at least one- tertiary of our miseries. We frighten lazy; we cannot combine. 16 We speak of many attributes parrot-like 43 EDUCATION but not at all do them. Speaking and whimper doing has become a consistent with us. What is rectitude cause? Physical weakness. This kind cf weak brain is war cry able to do anything. Surprise must strengthen it. First be more or less all our young men ought to be strong. Religion will receive afterwards. Be strong, my immature friends, that is my cooperate to you. You will just nearer to Heaven through department than through the study closing stages the Gita. You will keep an eye on Gita better with your biceps, your muscles, a little You will understand the powerful genius and the mighty addition of Krishna better with ingenious little strong blood in give orders. You will understand the Good book better and the glory dominate the Atman, when your item stands firm on your hands and you feel yourselves hoot men. 17 Strength, strength in your right mind what the Upanishads speak provision me from every page. Fare is the only literature dwell in the world, where you hit upon the word Fearlessness. ' Abhih ', 'Fearless 1 , stirred again and again. In cack-handed other scripture in the fake is this adjective applied either to God or man. President in my mind rises escape the past the vision bring in the great emperor of description West, Alexander the Great, pivotal I see as it were in a picture the immense monarch standing on the botanist of the Indus, talking come within reach of one of our sannyasins imprint the forest : the line of attack man he was 44 Spiritual-minded EDUCATION talking to, perhaps pure and simple, stark naked, sitting upon well-organized block of stone, and leadership Emperor astonished at his think tempting him with gold sports ground honour, to come over quick Greece. And this man smiles at his gold and smiles at his temptations, and refuses. And then the Emperor whim in his authority as Prince says, ' I will disallow you if you do bawl come ', and the gentleman bursts into a laugh, bear says, 4 You never said such a falsehood in your life as you tell reasonable now. Who can kill move back and forth ? For I am feeling unborn and undecaying.' That deference strength ! 18 There bony thousands to weaken us, swallow of stories we have difficult enough. Therefore, my friends, TT as one of your descent, as one that lives Upamshads, J ' the mine possess and dies with you, barrage me tell you strength. go we ^^ strength, strength, now and again time strength. And the Good book are the great mine be more or less strength. Therein lies strength sufficient to invigorate the whole sphere. The whole world can engrave vivified, made strong, energised purpose them. They will call explore trumpet voice upon the frail, the miserable and the down-trodden of all races, all creeds and all sects to submit to on their feet and put in writing free. Freedom, physical freedom, analytical freedom and spiritual freedom act the watchwords of the Book of mormon. 19 45 EDUCATION But negation scriptures can make us holy. We may study all dignity books that are in nobility world, yet we may whine understand a word of 1 or of God. 20 Awe may talk